Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
September 22 1893/1993
Middletown - Mr. Otis Ross, of Middletown, was born Oct 31, 1804 and has been a lifelong Democrat, also has taken the Democrat for 69 years this fall without a skip, and is feeling quite jovial and smart for a man that has seen 89 years. Mr. Ross says he has lived to see 6 generations on his father's side and 6 on his mother's side. He was favored with 8 new front natural double teeth last summer. "Shake hands Mr. Mills, of Dimock, you have taken the paper for a long time also, but not as long as I have, but I congratulate you on slicking to a good paper, when you know what it is," are his sentiments.
New Milford - Two stray horses are advertised in this paper—one being "gone," and the other "found." And thereby hangs a tale. Wm. Gunn, living this side of New Milford, found his nice 4-year-old horse gone Monday morning. Same morning there came to the Mulford place, some three miles this side, a poor stick of a horse. Now you can't always tell about these things, but it is suspicioned that somebody coming along that road helped themselves to Mr. Gunn's horse leaving the old one loose in its place; that the latter followed on as far as the Mulford farm, where found, and that somebody is ahead a good horse.
Great Bend - Well, here it goes, and if any of our con temporaries want to question our truthfulness, come up here and get your proof. In Charles Emerson's garden there is a cucumber, which measures three feet and ten inches in length by actual measurement. How is that for a cucumber? [Great Bend Plaindealer]. That's pretty good for a cucumber—yam. [Democrat].
St. Joseph - Several bridges on the Choconut creek were swept away, besides cellars flooded, and several farmers had to remove their horses from the stables for safety. It was nothing to see cornstalks and pumpkins floating down the flood.
Auburn - We are glad to learn that J.M. France is gradually improving. He has been taking a new medicine, called Vitacore. One day last week he arose at half past six, and filed four saws, and was out in the back yard part of the day. He partook freely of chicken pie for dinner, and did not retire until half past seven at night.
West Auburn - Last Saturday night as John VanScoten was going from the post office to A.F. Lacey's store, he made a mistake and walked off in the pond instead of walking on the bridge. Street lamps would come very acceptable in this little town.
Hallstead - Wednesday was a great day for Hallstead. It was Firemen's day; the town looked gay. The public building and private residences were tastefully trimmed with flags and bunting. The booming cannon rent the air occasionally, and the music by the band was filled with inspiration. The parade through the principal streets was pleasing to every body. The people were so highly delighted with the magnificent appearance of the procession, that hereafter the boys will receive more attention than heretofore.
Montrose - The work of laying the brick on the Sayre building on Public Avenue, and the Barney building on Church Street, was commenced Tuesday afternoon. There are at present some half dozen masons at work on the latter building, which will be finished up in short order. The brick came from Scranton.
Harford - Violets, buttercups and dandelions in bloom; these rains made them think spring had come.
West Lenox and Hop Bottom - A surprise for Mr. Josiah Whitney on Saturday, the 16th, it being his 70th birthday. The old man was surprised enough. Friends from Lenox, Glenwood, Greenfield. A good time was enjoyed by all. Singing and speaking was well rendered by all. A history of the family was read by Mrs. Hattie Rynearson, which ought to be published, as it was a very interesting account of a pioneer's life, of the aged parents that have gone to their long home.
Compiled By: Betty Smith