Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 20 1901/2001
Herrick Centre - The 9th semi-annual meeting of the Susquehanna County Teachers' Association was held here Sept. 20th and 21st. errick CHHerrick Among the presentations were: Martha D. Peck spoke on Physical Culture and urged its adoption in the school. Miss Anna Doran followed with a paper on How It Should Be Done. She recommended gymnasiums and plenty of walking in the open air. J.V. Delaney spoke of the Duties of Parents and said they should train the children at home and visit the school. B.W. Pease spoke on The Future of the Rural School. He said the tendency was to centralize and systematize the work and that the future would see more township high schools.
Fairdale - One day last week Bert Very's spirited horse was out in the pasture, near the house, and walked upon the back porch. The timbers being rotten, it broke through and fell about 8 ft. into the cellar. Mrs. V. ran down to Fairdale, about a quarter of a mile distance, and soon there was plenty of help on the ground, but how to get the horse out of the cellar was the question. Mr. Very, having been sent for, arrived in the meantime. It was proposed to back the animal up the stone steps, but that would not work, so after some difficulty it was turned around and making three or four springs came out on solid ground, to the joy of all.
Harford - The selling of the personal property at Harford Orphan School is going on daily, to be followed by a public sale in the near future. AND aside from the strictly agricultural and social features at the Harford Fair, the great attraction was the game of football between the elevens of the Scranton High School and the School of the Lackawanna. The players were fortunate in not being seriously injured until just before the close of the game. Peter Grimes, of the School of the Lackawanna, in tackling the ball was thrown across the line and struck headfirst against a tree. It was seen at once that Grimes was seriously injured and the game was suspended. It was some minutes before Grimes was restored to consciousness, and he seemed to be suffering greatly. The physician thought Grimes would come out all right.
Little Meadows - Among the most enterprising businessmen in Susquehanna County are Frank Palmer and his son, George, manufacturers of flour, feed, lumber & c., with mills at Little Meadows, Birchardville and Apalachin.
Lenoxville - Again one of Gibson's thrifty young men crosses the township borders and takes from Lenox one of her fair daughters. They hied themselves away to see the Pan American as a spice of romance and there at the parsonage of F. S. Rowland, pastor of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, on Tuesday, Sept. 3d, at 8 p.m., were by him united in holy bonds of wedlock. The contracting parties were Miss Bird M. Harding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Harding, of Lenox, and William H. Davall, of South Gibson.
Heart Lake - They have finished loading ice from the big ice house. From 8 to 10 men have been engaged there since May.
Lynn - Mr. Smales, our cartman and mail carrier from this place to the station, is the right man for the occupation and accommodating in this line. People can ride in his stage in perfect safety, as it is a slow train.
Susquehanna - On Wednesday last Dr. S. Birdsall, of Susquehanna, read a paper on "Some Practical Points in the Treatment of Typhoid Fever," before the Pennsylvania Sate Medical Society at Philadelphia. AND The Susquehanna [base] ball club is the only undefeated ball club in the State of Pennsylvania.
Hallstead - William A. Gruslin, of Hallstead, who has numerous friends in this place, is playing a slide trombone in the "Si Stebbins' Company" band.
Montrose - Among the friends from out of town who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Brewster Booth, age 37, youngest daughter of A. J. Brewster, in this place last week were Mr. W. B. Parker, of Boston, assistant editor of the Atlantic Monthly, and Miss Elizabeth Hitchcock, of the Nurses' Settlement, 265 Henry St., New York, who had been an intimate friend of Mrs. Booth since she first went to New York. [From Healing At Home: Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1893-1993: "By 1890, the lower east side of Manhattan had the densest population in the world with 1,000 residents per acre. Much of this population had arrived recently in the United States via Ellis Island. Immigrants came to the lower east side because it was there that they found others from their homelands who spoke the same language and ate the same foods. They also found numerous sweat shops that offered jobs to new arrivals, though wages were pitiful. The low wages that plagued the lives of these immigrants made sickness when it happened all the more devastating. Ninety percent of the sick were sick at home. In 1893, Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster stepped into the lower east side for the first time. Confronted by the poor health and wretched living conditions in the area, the young nurses determined to bring nursing services directly into the homes of those who most needed them...their vision became reality with the founding of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York].
Rush - From the number of young people in this place who are attending graded schools and academies away from home, it would appear that Rush would be an excellent place for the location of an academy. It is the center of a large contributory neighborhood and the young people are of that enterprising sort which demands something beyond the facilities for education offered by the ordinary country school. It would pay the citizens' of Rush to agitate the matter of an academy or at least of a high school. The following names occur to us of those attending school away from here: Miss Anna Nurss at Camptown; Welton Kinney, Glen Haight and Miss Linnie Granger at Montrose, Miss Mabel McCain and her brother, Earl, at Factoryville.
Jackson Valley - There was a large barn-raising at T. H. Conboy's on Saturday afternoon.
Lynn - The Willing Workers of the Presbyterian church spent Thursday afternoon with Grandmother Avery. Mrs. Avery is in her 92d year and still enjoys good health.
Oakley - Mr. Rought had all his chickens stolen by some miscreant who added insult to the injury by painting "24" on the front door with black carriage paint.
Compiled By: Betty Smith