Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 18 1914/2014
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – Alford was the scene of a possibly fatal accident when Glenn Richardson, son of A. W. Richardson, of Heart Lake, fell down a 50 foot embankment with horse and carriage and was badly injured. His horse was killed outright and the carriage demolished. No one witnessed the accident but he was seen a few minutes before it occurred walking his horse along the road and not driving rapidly, and was then only a short distance from the place where the disaster occurred. There is a sharp turn in the road at this point, caused by the Lackawanna railroad’s new cut-off, which necessitated changing the course of the road. The plunge over the embankment might have been caused by the sudden fright of the animal. Glenn had one arm broken in two places, a leg dislocated and was severely gashed under the lower jaw. He also had internal hemorrhages, apparently, and internal injuries are also feared. He is well known in this community and has made many friends by his kindly ways. About three months ago he was married to Miss Mary Decker, daughter of J. M. Decker, a well-known Alford merchant. The distressing accident has awakened wide sympathy among all who are acquainted with the family and a clinging hope that he will recover, his age, 22 years, being much in his favor. [Glenn did recover and lived until 1978 and his wife, Nellie, until 1979. Both are buried in the New Milford Cemetery.]
Montrose – “War Prices on Whiskers!!!” We notice in yesterday’s Democrat the barbers here will advance prices all along the line Oct. 1, on account of the war over in Europe. Now, what’s the war in Europe got to do with whiskers in Montrose? Pray tell us! Nobody from here has gone to have hostile bullets whistling through his whiskers. The old prices were high enough, and we raise a strong voice against the increase. We believe there will be an increase in the sale of safety razors soon. Montrose is a good place now for a reasonable priced barber to locate. Pro Bono Publico. ALSO Judging from the swelling tides of applause accorded Mr. Hillis, at the Colonial, Wednesday evening, when he gave a good sound talk on how to behave in a theatre, it is quite evident the audience gloried in his spunk. It is about the only remedy to be applied, however, and had the desired effect of quieting the person whose interruptions were so obnoxious to the assembly, and very annoying to the players. A gentle tap from a cop’s club, or a leading out into the open, are two other ways with which to deal with disturbers in a pubic hall.
Heart Lake – Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stark, who have conducted the Heart Lake boarding house for the past two years, have gone to Baldwinsville, NY, where they will manage the Empire State House.
Hallstead – The will of Jane E. Krum, late of this place, bequeaths to daughter, Hattie E. Decker, all of her real estate and personal property. To each of daughters, Mrs. Ellen Albright, Mrs. Clara Banker, Mrs. Sarah Trowbridge, Mrs. Frank Waterman, Mrs. Rosa Whited and Mrs. Kittle Miller, $5 each. Mrs. Decker made executor.
Stevens Point – Our school opened with Miss Gillin as teacher. The Mountain school started with Mrs. Nolan as teacher.
Lawton – Mrs. Fred Jones won six cans of Campbell’s Liquid Stove Polish, offered by Geo. C. Campbell & Sons, of Hallstead, in a peanut guessing contest at the Lawton Fair.
Little Meadows – Miss Lyda Bergin, of Montrose, left for the home of her parent here, on Sunday. It is stated that Miss Bergin will teach school in that vicinity this fall and winter.
Gibson – Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Estabrook of Nebraska, who for the past few weeks have been visiting relatives and friends at Brushville, are now visiting relatives in and around Gibson.
Susquehanna – Miss Frances Sabin left Monday for Saratoga Springs, where she will be a student in the Skidmore School of Art. She was accompanied by her father.
Harford – Dr. Hooven made the remark the other day, at the Harford Fair, that only six years ago there was one solitary automobile at the Harford Fair and it attracted much attention. This year there were three to four hundred autos on the grounds each day.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. – Miss Josephine Lane gave a reception to some of her most intimate friends Thursday evening, Sept. 10, in honor of her guest, Miss Daw, of Binghamton, at her lovely home here. There were quite a number present and pictures were taken of those present by flashlight.
Forest City – There is a necessity for great care on the part of both pedestrians and autoists to prevent serious accidents on Main street in this borough. Already there have been several narrow escapes. The street is narrow and since the brick has been put down it is quite natural to step off the pave and cross in any part of the block. Automobiles should be run along the street under control but we regret to say that a few drivers seem to see how fast they can go. The burgess informs us, however, that means will be taken to make the reckless ones pay for their actions. Meanwhile, however, pedestrians should use caution in crossing the street and children should be warned not to play on the pavement. ALSO More than 5000 spectators witnessed the first aid contests of the Pennsylvania Coal company at Valley View park on Saturday. Twelve teams of six men each took part in the contest. Ewen breaker, of South Pittston, won the first place. Forest City and the Gray slope, of Vandling, were contestants. In the one-man contest Delbert Burdick, of Forest City, won a prize.
Ararat Twp. – A marriage performed by Kleber Shaffer took place at the home of John Shay, September 11, at 8 o’clock, when his sister, Miss Helen, a well-known young lady of Ararat, was united in marriage to Stanton Reed, after which an elaborate dinner was served. The evening was spent with much music and dancing. About 30 people of Ararat present. The couple was unattended and will reside on the Rogers’ homestead. Their many friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Reed a long and happy life.
Choconut Valley – Most of the city people who have been spending some time in this Valley have returned to their homes.
Franklin Forks – The Stockholm reunion was held at C. A. Palmer’s, Saturday. About sixty were present, coming in a goat carat, ox cart, wagons, motorcycles and automobiles.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – J. R. Titman, R. L. Avery, C. W. Lee and G. M. Lake motored to the Syracuse Fair on the former’s Maxwell car using on an average but one gallon of gasoline to 35 miles. How is that for the famous Maxwell?
Compiled By: Betty Smith