Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 18 1903/2003
Lanesboro - Buckley Brothers' store was entered by burglars Tuesday night. Among the goods stolen were thirty pairs of shoes, twelve or fifteen hundred cigars, pocket knives, razors, etc., valued at about $200.
Hallstead - School opened Monday morning without a principal in charge. Prof. Cornelius Manning, who was elected principal after Prof. Pease resigned, did not go to them because he has a position at Old Forge, in Lackawanna county, where he receives much larger pay than he would had he accepted the Hallstead school. Thus the situation becomes more complicated and is a bad state of affairs viewed from any standpoint.
Dundaff - Six burglars entered Hill's store, about 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning, and escaped with a large amount of money from the cash drawer. Mr. Decker, the proprietor of a nearby hotel, heard the sound of breaking glass as the burglars smashed a window to gain entrance. He hastily summoned a number of citizens and armed with shot-guns they went to the store. The man on guard warned those inside and the burglars exchanged about 40 shots with the citizens. By this time the town was aroused and a large party secured horses and followed the men, who jumped in a wagon and lashed their horses into a mad gallop [and] started toward Scranton. The pursued and pursuers passed through Carbondale shortly after 2 o'clock. The burglars left a number of tools and a quantity of dynamite in Hill's store.
Gibson - The descendants of Wright and Moses Chamberlin, pioneer settlers of Gibson Township, held their first united union at the pleasant home of Whitney Chamberlin, in Harford Township, on August 20th. After dinner a prayer was offered by the presiding president, the report of the Secretary and several interesting letters from absent relatives were read, also a letter written by William Chamberlin, son of Moses Chamberlin Sr., of Gibson, in the year 1839, while on his way as Missionary to the Cherokee nation, which fully described the mode of travel at that time from New York to St. Louis; the average rate, with a horse, being 30 miles a day. The letter was folded to form its own envelope and the postage was marked as 25 cents.
New Milford - Beginning Sept. 21, the following merchants will close their stores every evening except Saturday evening, pay night in the tannery and on the railroad, at 8 o'clock-John Hand, Benjamin Bros., C. N. Wood, J. C. McConnell, Sam Moss, F. G. Inderlied, E. W. Boyle, J. A. Werner, Mrs. F. T. Austin, F. T. Austin, New Milford Hardware Co., Mrs. Gillespie, H. D. Albee. During the holidays, the early closing hours will not be observed.
Susquehanna - The Susquehanna ball club is anxious to play the Montrose club at Great Bend, with an outside umpire, with [the] same teams that played at Montrose, Sept. 9, for a purse of from $100 to $300.
Brooklyn - James Bookstaver was drowned in Acre Pond, Lenox Twp., Friday night last. It is believed he lost his balance while trying to anchor his boat. The boat was found drifting about at 10 p.m. by a fishing party. The lantern was burning in the boat and everything indicated he had not begun fishing when the accident occurred. His body was found Saturday morning. Mr. Bookstaver leaves a widow and seven children to mourn his loss.
Upsonville - While picking blackberries on the hill above Shields' quarry, Mrs. E. J. Lindsey saw four black snakes. In stepping on the edge of a large brush pile to reach a bush of fine berries, four large blacksnakes raised up out of the brush pile and showed signs of flight. They were large and between four and five feet long. Mrs. L. tarried long enough to be sure what they were and then hastily left the field.
Heart Lake - Therman Griffing is preparing to build a boarding house.
Fairdale - Earl Sherwood, aged 12, disappeared from the home of Christopher Shelp, in June. He is supposed to be in the company of another boy. His mother, Mrs. F. M. Sherwood, of Hydro, Oklahoma, is very anxious to learn of his whereabouts. AND At Fair Hill, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Lewis and two children, of Gold Bar, Washington, were present at the Lewis and Ross family reunion on Thursday last at the residence of F. A. Lewis. They will spend a month or six weeks in this state before returning home. Mr. Lewis is engaged in lumbering, having in his employ nearly 100 men. Mr. Lewis has been in Washington about 17 years and thinks it pays for people to go west.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are visiting relatives here; John McCahill and sister, Miss Minnie, of New York, visited friends here; John O'Brien is teaching school in Jackson Valley. AND Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Mrs. Joseph Delaney, Samuel and Frank McCormick, of Binghamton, and Sister Mary Philemeno, of Troy, were called home last week by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. John McCormick.
Montrose - If the people of Susquehanna County could have had the privilege of selecting what they considered the finest day in the year for the [agricultural] fair, they perhaps could not have chosen a better day than Wednesday, Sept. 16, the one on which the annual exhibition took place. Between 9 and 10 o'clock the well known Gibson band arrived and with its enlivening airs, thronged streets and moving herds of cattle, sheep, etc., the town presented its usual pleasing fair day aspect. At 11 o'clock the Cycle Whirling Bretons gave a public performance below the rocks, which was witnessed by a large crowd of spectators and as the fearless riders sped around the almost perpendicular course, there were numerous expressions of surprise at their daring to perform this exciting and seemingly impossible feat. During the noon hour many enjoyed themselves in partaking dinner with their friends and relatives on the famous rocks or under the beautiful shade trees. The exhibition hall commanded the greatest attention showing grain, fruit, vegetables, canned goods, pastry, ornamental needlework, fancy work, paintings, school work and many others. The "baby show" awarded prizes [name of baby or one of its parents] for the handsomest baby not over one year old. It went to Samuel Bennett, of Glenwood; second to Mrs. Ida Schmidt, of Fairdale. Between 1 and 2 years, Arthur Hayes, of Silver Lake; second Isaac Terry (one of pair of twins) of Rush. Largest and fattest baby, awarded to Mrs. Perry Besteder, of Tiffany. Between 5 and 6,000 people were in attendance, S. A. Pettis, age 92 years, being the oldest.
Compiled By: Betty Smith