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September 12 1913/2013

Lathrop Twp. - Evelyn Wells, one of the New York opera singers, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. T. J. Wells. She is one of the sweetest singers of her troop, or is so complemented by the papers. She starts in about two weeks on a trip to Cuba. Burmuda Islands and South America.

South Ararat - The campers have all left at Fiddle Lake and things look rather lonely as the cottages have all been occupied most all summer and some from Carbondale came very early this season. ALSO: At East Ararat, Mrs. Eva Stone, of Binghamton, held the Avery reunion at the home of her brother, Clark Avery, at Ararat Summit, Saturday. Over 100 relatives and friends were present and a good time was enjoyed by all.

Montrose - At a meeting at the Library building, Friday afternoon, a temporary organization of the Women’s Suffrage Association was effected, Mrs. Barry Searle being selected as temporary chairman.

Thompson - Our school opened Sept 2nd with Prof. Burleigh, of Thompson, principal; Miss I.(?) Appleman, of Mehoopany, intermediate, and Miss Nellie Aldrich, of Thompson, primary teacher.

Little Meadows - Thomas Fitzmartin has purchased the hotel at Apalachin, owned by Mr. Donovan. They expect to move this week. ALSO: Esmond B. Beardsley visited in Montrose on Saturday. He was on his way to his position as superintendent of schools at Montgomery, Pa.

Hopbottom - The greatest ball game of the season, the married men and single men of Hop Bottom, will play on the ball grounds, Friday afternoon, at 3:30, Sept. 12th. Don’t forget the date. Some of the star players of the married men are: Postmaster Chas. Miller, Tom Murray, Prof. Tiffany, M. W. Stephens, Glenn Roberts, etc. Don’t forget to take along with you some of the “Tingley’s Famous Cough Drops.” They will help you to look pleasant.

Harford - Mrs. H. G. Richardson and daughter, Pauline, attended the meeting of the North Harford Book club at Mrs. Arthur Tingley’s.

Herrick Center - School opened Tuesday, Sept. 2, with the following teachers, all of whom have been with us for several years: Principal, Charles J. Savige, of Brooklyn; Miss Susie Hathaway, of Thompson; Miss Edyth Smith, of Uniondale. Over 100 pupils are enrolled and the number in the high school is considerably larger than usual.

Elk Lake - Attorney and Mrs. D. C. Harrington have closed Happy Retreat cottage and returned to Scranton. Mrs. Max Lamke and daughter, Madeline, who have been sojourning at Clear View cottage, have returned to their home in Binghamton.

Forest City - A Chalmers auto, with a California pendant on the windshield, attracted attention on Main Street, Tuesday. The car was owned by L. B. Thomas, formerly of Uniondale, and as its travel-stained appearance indicated, had just made the journey from the Pacific coast, a distance of 3620 miles, from San Francisco to Forest City. The journey was made in 33 days without mishap, excepting tire trouble. New tires were put on the rear wheels at Salt Lake City and on the front at Chicago and 240 gallons of gasoline were consumed on the trip. Accompanying Thomas were his wife and son and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas. The family will probably reside in Binghamton.

Brushville, Oakland Twp. - The 18th annual reunion of the descendants of Ard and Jonathan Brush was held here on Thursday, Aug. 28, and at the dinner hour 82 people were registered. Officers for ensuing year—Pres. John Hall; vice pres., Grant Brush; sec. Mrs. W. E. Chidester; treas., Mrs. U. G. Brush. There was a short program of recitations by the little ones. The reunion will be held next year at Riverside Park, Lanesboro, last Tuesday in August.

Susquehanna - An orchestra pit has been installed in the Hogan opera house.

Auburn - E. T. Smith threshed 11 acres of oats that yielded over 700 bushels, a yield of 64 bushels per acre, and on land that has been in cultivation over a century. ALSO: In West Auburn, Allen Jayne is very busy these days gathering apples and shipping them to Philadelphia to be placed in cold storage. ALSO: Charles Overfield, oldest son of C. N. Overfield, who lives in the far West, has taken unto himself a wife.

Heart Lake - Heart Lake Resort has closed for the season, and Nature regrets the departure of the visitors who made merry in the cottages and tents during the summer. Proprietor Mack, who returns for the fall and winter to devote his attention to the Subway Lunch in Montrose, feels greatly pleased at the result of the season of 1913 at the lake. ALSO: Josephus Orangeblossom White, who has been employed here, has returned to Montrose this week, as the season closes.

Birchardville - The 20th annual reunion of Co. H, 143d Regiment, Penna. Volunteers, will be held at the hall here, Sept. 17, 1913. All comrades, their wives, sons and daughters, and honorary members are cordially invited. The Ladies’ Aid will serve dinner. Asa Warner, Sec.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - F. W. Taylor and wife attended the 15th reunion of Bat. H, 1st Pa. Light Artillery, at Lynn, last Wednesday, and report a fine time. Ninety partook of the fine dinner which the ladies provided. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Frank Greenwood and Mrs. Dean Baker for entertaining the old vets and others.

S. Montrose - While running a fodder cutter Monday last at Claude Snell’s, Thomas Rowe had one of his hands cut off.

News Brief - On Monday morning at 2:20 o’clock, a heavy charge of dynamite was set off on the steps leading to the hotel of Buffalino Bros., in Pittston. The entire front of the hotel was blown out, but no one was killed. The affair is wrapt in mystery.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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