Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
September 10 1915/2015
Rush – The Rush High school is progressing with Clark James as principal. There are 100 pupils.
Montrose – It is reported that the Scranton and Binghamton trolley company is negotiating for the purchase of a lot at Harrington’s mills, on which the saw mill is situated, with the intention of erecting a station there. The terminal probably will be located nearer the center of the town, the station at the mills being for freight shipments primarily. The foreigners who have been doing the grading in East Bridgewater have been hard to hold as the larger wages offered in ammunition plants are attracting them. ALSO “Art” Huffsmith, of the Democrat, looked nifty as a “Tommy Atkins” [slang for a common soldier in the British army] as he marched away to Susquehanna Monday morning in his new uniform. “Art” says he never had a better time since that memorable day at Richmond Hill, when he pitched for the Montrose Tigers, and nineteen hits were made in one inning off his delivery.
West Auburn – Lawrence Dexter has opened a barber shop in the house formerly occupied by Daniel Younker, where he may be found on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Friendsville/Carmalt Lake – A former Susquehanna county teacher, Sister M. Rosina, has been appointed superioress of St. Paul’s School, at Green Ridge, which is connected with the parish of which Rev. Dr. Winters, a native of Friendsville, is now the pastor. Sister Rosina was Miss Mary Byrne of Carmalt Lake, and is a writer of charming verse. A volume of poems from her pen, “Lakeside Idyls,” is in our public library. [Now in the Historical Society]
South Montrose – A public sale of household goods will be made by Mrs. Arminda Curtis, one half mile below this place on the Dimock road, known as the Wright Chamberlin place, on Sept. 11th, at one o’clock sharp. Chairs, tables, beds, etc., will be sold, with Imon Very as auctioneer.
Lathrop Twp. – The schools of Lathrop township opened Monday morning with the following teachers: Pine Grove, Agnes Decker; Deckertown, Hazel Johnson; Lakeside, Lillian Perry; West Valley, Gladys Rose; Maple Grove, Vina Quailey; Hillsdale, Lowell Smith.
West Bridgewater – Homer Lake had the misfortune to lose a fine Holstein cow that he bought at Sidney, N. Y., paying $400 for it. The cow’s death was caused by swallowing nails.
Forest Lake – Our genial postmistress, Miss F. P. Carr, has returned home after a vacation at Atlantic City and New York. The postoffice was well cared for by Mrs. Ruth Fessenden during her absence.
Springville – Good Luck oleomargarine, 23 cents a pound at Brown & Reynolds’. ALSO Candidates for the various offices gave the “glad hand” to everybody the past week. ALSO The Merchants Telephone Co. has the new line to Auburn Corners completed and is installing telephones.
New Milford – It may be of interest to Susquehanna County people to know that the statue, “The School Boy” which will grace the new $1,000,000 auditorium at Oakland, Cal. was posed for by Bruce McCollum, son of E. F. McCollum and namesake of the late J. Brewster McCollum. This young man was selected from the University High School, of that place, as exemplifying the typical 12 year school boy with perfect development. Mr. McCollum, his father, was a son of Peter and Harriet McCollum, who for many years resided here.
Liberty Twp. – Julius Wilbur, a respected farmer of Rhiney Creek, was so severely injured by a bull Saturday night that he died later. He is survived by his wife, three daughters, Edith, Ada and Lucy, and one son, Ernest. The funeral was held at his late home on Tuesday.
Alford - The first excursion over the Lackawanna cut-off passed here Sept. 5th, consisting of Contractor Gahagan, of New Milford, his employees and friends. The train was made up of Engine No. 2, three gondolas and caboose. Cars were well filled with a jolly party. Decorations were American flags and banners bearing the contractor’s name. The train went to Nicholson bridge and return.
S. Ararat – Uncle John Hudson and granddaughter, Elva Wademan, are in Scranton, attending the Veterans’ Convention. He is one of the boys of ’65.
Great Bend – The machinery for the new glove factory is nearly all in place, and it is expected that Great Bend’s new industry will be in running order in a few days.
Hopbottom – On account of the serious illness of a neighbor, the Methodist church bell may not be rung at the usual hour, but all regular services of the church will be held as formerly. Don’t wait for the bell, come early.
Thompson – School opened Monday, Aug. 30th, with a large enrollment. Prof. R. C. Dayton, of Birchardville, Principal; Miss Gertrude Southworth, of Franklin Forks, Ass’t Principal; Miss Mary Abrams, of Tioga, NY, Intermediate and Miss Nellie Aldrich, of Thompson, Primary. Thirty-seven students are enrolled in High School.
Forest City – The marriage of Anthony Slikta and Veronika Kersevage, of this place, has been announced.
Oakley, Harford Twp. – Gertrude and Elsie Tingley, of Harford, spent Friday with their sister, Mrs. A. Pickering. Miss Elsie went to New York City, Tuesday, to complete her training as a nurse in a New York hospital.
Susquehanna County Reads will feature the book, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, along with many adventures for readers to be announced soon. In the year 1897 Susquehanna County had its own murder mystery with the death of Jackson Pepper. The following appeared in the October 25, 1897 “100 Years Ago” column: “A. J. Pepper, a well to do farmer, living near Rush township, died yesterday afternoon from the effects of a most brutal and murderous assault committed upon him the night before. Pepper is a bachelor, 75 [he was 69] years of age, and lived with his step-mother, a woman five years his senior, upon the Wyalusing creek road in a rather lonely place. Tuesday noon he left the house and went to the barn, which stands some distance from and partially out of sight of the house, to husk corn. When he did not come to supper at the accustomed time his step-mother thought it was strange and after waiting nearly an hour she went to the barn to look for him and was horrified to find his badly bruised body lying upon the floor with his hands and feet securely tied. Physicians were called, but it was impossible to do anything for the injured man. The only motive that could be suggested for the crime was for the purpose of robbery, as Pepper was supposed to have considerable money about the house, and it was suggested that the murderers intended, after killing him, to go to the house and ransack it, but that they became frightened before they could carry out their designs. Coroner Taylor and District Attorney Ainey were early at the scene of the crime, but as yet no tangible clue to the murder or murderers has been obtained.” In the following weeks, details of the murder, apprehension of suspects and the trial, taken from newspaper articles, will appear in this column. Look for the announcement of the Reads on the Library’s web site and brochures, available at the main library, the three branches and the Pratt Library in New Milford.
Compiled By: Betty Smith