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September 08 1899/1999

Welsh Hill [Clifford Twp.] - There is some talk of getting up a petition to change the name of our post-office from Welsh Hill to Idyl Wilde. This certainly ought to meet the approval of all, for the lake called by this name is well known and no confusion would result from making the change suggested.

Great Bend - Some of our young people started on a pleasure ride with a nice vehicle and a spirited span of steeds. The horses became frightened soon after leaving, ran across the flat and over the bridge which spans the river between the two boroughs, and through the streets of Hallstead, until stopped near the Depot. The occupants of the carriage were as badly frightened as the horses but all escaped without injury. Very soon two officers, whose duty it is to preserve order and protect the lives and property of their city, appeared in our borough in search of the man who held the ribbons, armed with the authority to arrest him for fast driving on the bridge and through the town. While they were searching for him, he went to Hallstead, to settle all damages with the Squire. The vigilant officers of Hallstead, supposed the driver had been drinking, but when it was learned that the company were all sober and honored citizens, and that it all came through the fright of the horses, apologies were exchanged and the matter was dropped.

Herrick Centre - Miss Margaret E. Bowell will commence a seven months' term at the Herrick School, Tuesday, Miss Bessie Walker will commence the Lyon St. school, Tuesday.

Susquehanna - The public schools have opened with a large attendance and splendid outlook. Prof. Twilley is in charge, assisted in the work of education by an efficient corps of teachers. Mrs. Mooney, organist and vocalist in St. John's church, is the instructor in music. AND - Reports from Susquehanna are to the effect that the Street Fair was a fine success. On Monday afternoon Edgar D. Plew, of Thomson and Miss Laura C. Hyne, of Orson, Wayne county, were publicly married on a platform on Main Street. Rev. George M. Leach, the venerable Oakland clergyman, performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by a vast crowd. The bride received a large number of useful and fancy gifts from Susquehanna and Binghamton merchants. The happy couple shook hands with hundreds of people.

Forest Lake - William Birdsall has been in Towanda this week. It was his first visit since 1864. He was an old friend of the late Ahira Wickham and D. C. Dayton. Mr. Birdsall is a Civil War veteran, having belonged to the 22d New York cavalry.

Dimock - It was rumored the first of the week that the milk station at Dimock ceased to do business and that the man who runs it (a man living in Brooklyn, NY) is behind some two months in his payments to the farmers for their milk--some $1800 in all. A hard loss.

Heart Lake - The people who made up Jonas Long's Sons' excursion party, were delighted with Heart Lake. The Scranton Tribune says - "It required ten cars to carry the party of jolly excursionists, who returned to the city soon after 8 o'clock last evening, tired but very much pleased with the day they had spent at Heart Lake."

Uniondale - Most of our farmers are having their grain threshed by steam and the whistle of the threshing machine engine, added to that from the locomotives of two railroads, gives us plenty of music.

Forest City - Preparations are being made to build our new high school.

Ararat - Myron Avery and family will vacate the farm and move to Susquehanna in the near future. We understand that Myron will work in Bryden's mill.

South Montrose - The school here opened on Monday with Lila Brooks as teacher, and the Tewksbury school, with Jennie Wells as teacher.

Springville - Carl Churchill is doing well as a fever patient can; his sister and brother, Mrs. Irwin Luce, of Wilkes-barre, and Frank Churchill, of Scranton, and with his mother and Doctor Lathrop in attendance, we hope he will gain fast. He was to have begun teaching Sept. 4th, at Little Meadows, but we understand they will kindly wait a few weeks for him to recover.

East Rush - Paul Miller started Saturday for St. Joseph, Missouri, where he expects to pass the remainder of his days, with two nieces.

Harford Fair - Improvements are being made on the grounds and buildings. A first-class balloon ascension and parachute drop is assured. The society spares no expense in getting a first-class man to do this work. The Granger's exhibit will be finer and all Granges are invited to compete for the liberal premiums offered.

Reunion - A triple family reunion including the Truesdells, Warners and Marshes, was held Aug. 31 at Ross Park, Binghamton, about 60 persons being present. the gathering was the 23d annual recurrence of the reunion. The three families, before settling in Susquehanna county, were neighbors in a farming district in Connecticut prior to 1811. Henry A. Truesdell, of Hallstead, was elected president, Geo. B. Warner, of Binghamton, vice president, and Mrs. Geo. A. Adams, of Hallstead, secretary and treasurer. R. B. Truesdell, of Binghamton, Rev. Dr. Hayes and others spoke interestingly.

Montrose - People intending to exhibit anything at the Susquehanna County Fair, which occurs at Montrose on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19 and 20, should remember that under a new rule all entries must be made by the close of the first day, Tuesday. This will give the judges time to do their work more carefully.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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