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September 07 1906/2006

Bridgewater Twp. - The most disastrous wreck that has ever taken place on the Montrose branch of the Lackawanna occurred on the down trip Wednesday evening. The accident happened at A. L. Millard's crossing, just below Tiffany station, and while Engineer Spence had a very narrow escape from death, none of the passengers or trainmen were injured. The engine, which after being derailed, was ditched and thrown over on its side and was so badly damaged that it had to be towed to Scranton by the wrecking crew and must undergo extensive repairs. It appears that a temporary crossing had been made over the track on the Millard farm, which was really the cause of the disaster. It was made by laying planks alongside the rails so that a wagon, when heavily loaded, might be drawn over it. The supposition is that in passing over the track late in the day, the wagon wheels dislodged a plank and shoved it upon one of the rails, where it lay un-noticed. When struck, the wheels left the rails and bounded along the ties for perhaps a 100 ft. The train was going about 40 miles an hour and after it tore along for the distance mentioned, the driving wheels jumped the track and the engine plunged to the right, striking a stone wall and toppling over on its side. Luckily only a box car followed the engine, the coaches remaining on the rails. Few of the passengers realized the extent of the accident, until informed or themselves witnessing the damage wrought, although the sudden stopping of the train, as the engine was reversed, jolted the occupants of the cars considerably.

Rushville - J. S. Hillis and daughters started Wednesday evening for their new home in Seattle. They were passengers on the L & M train derailed below Tiffany station and consequently delayed in pursuing their journey across the continent.

Lawton - The Lawton Fair yesterday drew a big crowd, it being estimated there were present 4,000 people. It was an ideal fair day and all attending were well satisfied.

Jackson - Joe Callahan, of Susquehanna, caught in Butler Lake what was perhaps the largest pike or pickerel ever caught in an inland lake in the county. It weighed twelve and one half pounds.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Our school was to have opened on Tuesday last, but for some unknown cause it did not, perhaps the Lawton fair. AND Friendsville was expected down to play a game of ball on Sunday last, but failed to come.

Franklin - S. D. Turrell has sold the D. O. Turrell house to Owen Tiffany, who will remove it to Steam Hollow and rebuilt it.

Lenox - Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Rose welcomed to their home, on Saturday evening, Sept. 1, their 10th child, a daughter.

Montrose - Brown & Fassett, the millers, offer three prizes for loaves of bread baked from their Pure White flour and exhibited at the county fair. The first prize will be a barrel of flour, the second a half barrel and the third a quarter barrel. Susquehanna county has some good bread bakers and here is a chance to exert their skill to profitable purpose if they win.

Harford - The determination of the Harrisburg authorities to stop gambling at fairs does not apply to Harford, as we never have tolerated it.

Brackney - J. C. Mahoney reported frost along the creek flats.

Binghamton - Rev. Dr. R. A. Torrey, the world-renowned evangelist, and Chas. M. Alexander, the famous singer, who have been conducting such wonderful revivals in this country the past year, are to have charge of a great evangelistic conference in Binghamton, Oct. 8-9-10. The conference is to be held in the West Presbyterian church and will probably be one of the most notable religious gatherings ever held in that city, and preparations will be made accordingly.

Harford - The students of the Harford Graded School, with the teachers of 1880-96, held a reunion recently at Tyler's Lake, as guests of Supt. and Mrs. Stearns. It was delightful to those who had gathered from near and far to have a social time and look into each other's faces once more. The teachers present were, Prof. Thatcher; County Supt. Stearns; Arta Sweet, of Denver, Col.; Miss Katharine Quinlan and Mrs. J. M. Clark. It being a very hot day they were treated to ice cream and lemonade.

Thompson - Miss Mildred Barnes, daughter of S. D. Barnes and a graduate of the State Normal School, at Mansfield, began her first term of teaching in the Herrick Center school, and her many friends expect she will be a success in this effort as she has been in her former endeavors.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - The summer boarders have about all gone, also the campers, for another year.

Forest City - Plans are underway for a co-operative grocery store to be opened in the Kennedy Building on South Main street, under the auspices of local union men. J. L. Morgan will manage the venture.

Borden's Contract Day: The Borden's Condensed Milk Co. will contract for their supply of milk for the next six months, on Wednesday, Sept. 12. The contract books will be opened at 7 a.m. and close at 4 unless the quantity desired be procured at an earlier hour. The company is prepared to handle a larger quantity of milk this fall than ever before, on account of better shipping facilities. It is hoped that a large number of new dairymen will sell to the company this fall as their prices usually exceed any other prices in the country.

News Briefs: Now that the schools are reopening, it is well for every scholar to read the following: The average educated man gets $1000 per year. He works forty years, making a total of $40,000 in a lifetime. The average day laborer gets $1.50 per day, 300 days in the year, or $450 per year. In ten years he earns $4500 or $18,000 in a lifetime. The difference between $40,000 and $18,000 or $22,000 equals the value of an education in dollars. To acquire 12 years of school of 180 days each, or a total of 2160 days, divide $22,000, value of an education, by 2160, number of days required in getting it, and we find each day of school is worth a little more than $10 to the pupil. AND Chestnutting time is not far distant. The frosts will give the signal to gather them.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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