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September 04 1908/2008

Clifford - Our town was kept pretty busy last week on account of the Oregon Medicine Co's show. In the different contests the 25ct. contest was won by master Stephens. The driving nails contest was won by Mrs. Leander Lee, the bread and milk contest was won by John Bell, although called a tie. The most popular lady contest was won by Mrs. Aldrich, our Clifford stage driver's wife.

Thompson - Our people are praying for rain, the long drought affecting the water supply very materially.

Apolacon - Stephen Purtle, together with a force of men, are engaged in getting out stone for abutments for the new bridge at Bear Swamp.

Watrous Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - The "kid wagon" comes down as far as Lyman Black's now-a-days, and takes a load to Montrose to school.

Springville - The drouth is very severe in this section. One man has to pasture his horse on the church lot. AND A. L. Avery is installing a water supply in his home.

Dundaff - The ladies of the Episcopal Church held an ice cream social at the Dundaff Rink, Wednesday evening.

Montrose - John R. Pierson has purchased a high-wheeled automobile and is learning to pilot it. [It was reported last week, in error, that John's daughters had purchased it.] AND We had forgotten that summer is nearly a thing of the past, until Restaurateur Lyons dropped in to tell us that the oyster season would be in full swing commencing next Wednesday. Mr. Lyons is renowned for having the best there is in this line, and his new advertisement today will tell you further of the oyster and the months with the R's.

Little Meadows - Prof. M. L. Allyn has traded his farm here for a house at Dryden, N.Y. He does not expect to occupy it, but is likely to locate in Montrose.

Auburn - School begins today. The "kid wagon" is again gathering up the children and conveying them to the Auburn High School. AND A pleasant surprise was sprung upon their many friends by Mr. Fay A. Wilcox and Miss D. Etta Sterling, of Silvara, when they drove to Tunkhannock during the shades of night and took a train for Shickshinny, Pa., where they were married by Rev. A. R. Fisk, pastor of the M. P. Church, Aug. 26. The groom is the only son of Harmon Wilcox, who lives on the old homestead, where the young couple expect to reside at present. The bride is one of the most estimable of Bradford's fair daughters.

Brookdale - We feel like boasting a little of our oldest resident and one of our most highly respected ones. Mrs. Harriet Allen, to whom we refer, is nearly 90 and has spent the greater part of her life in this place and is now making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Jud Tingley. Regardless of her age, she is able to read, write and sew as well as she did at 21.

Forest City - Following the slow times of the past few months Forest City is in line for a boom. The erection of the new breaker at New Buffalo is now nearly completed and when in operation it will employ upwards of 100 men. It is said that this company has secured the coal at Richmondale and if this is true, with their other holdings, they will have a tract that will keep them going for many years. The Williams tract just north of the borough is to be opened up this year. Moffitt Brothers, of Dunmore, who now control a colliery at that place, have secured the lease of this tract and for the past two weeks G. E. Maxey has been superintending the prospecting for an opening. It is probable the breaker will be erected before winter and will give employment to 50 or more men. The Forest City Stone company, which is opening the quarry on the Williams tract, promises that as soon as the switch from the Erie tracks is installed machinery will be placed and we will see an era of industrial activity at that place which will add very much to the business of the borough. Lastly, the new $60,000 washery, which the Hillside company has been building at the Forest City colliery, is now nearing completion and the breaker which has been undergoing extensive repairs will soon be ready to resume operation. With the opening of the fall coal trade the big colliery will again be ready to digest its full share of dusky diamonds.

Herrick Center - Stewart Fletcher is at Deposit, N. Y., where he has entered "Prince M., Jr.," and "Billy S. C.," in the big races at that place. Since the opening of the Uniondale race track, several years ago, a number of speedy horses have been developed and horsemen predict these two will show up well.

South Gibson - Carl VanAtter is the proud possessor of an automobile, the first one owned by any of our citizens. Mr. VanAtter is the foreman at the creamery here.

Rush - S. B. McCain is laying a lead pipe from his well on the old school house lot to his residence, which will give him access to running water.

Susquehanna - Tramps are again busy between Susquehanna and Carbondale. Ger your gun ready.

Friendsville - Mrs. Sibylla T. Morris died September 1, 1908, widow of the late John Cox Morris, Captain, Co. H. 143d Penn'a Volunteers, in the 83d year of her age. Six days prior to her death, the men of Co. H gathered at Birchardville for their 15th reunion. Twelve of the original company were present: O. A. Baldwin, Myron Bradshaw, M. B. Perigo, C. L. Lincoln, A. S. Horton, W. H. Deuel, M. D. Baldwin, James Strange, Jeremiah B. Reagan, Stanley B. Warner, Asa Warner, Wm. B. Southwell, of Akron, O.

Harford - Harford is in a deep shadow of grief because from our community has suddenly been taken our beloved Ruth. The death of Mrs. Edward E. Jones, wife of Susquehanna county's Representative, occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jackson, in Scranton, on Monday. The loving, cheerful spirit which she showed in the community was characteristic in her home, and there is an ache in our hearts for the sorrow-stricken husband, the bereaved father and mother, the brothers, and the dear little motherless babe.

News Brief: Count Zeppelin, whose mammoth air ship has broken all records in Germany, is a G. A. R. veteran, and served through the American civil war as a cavalry officer in the army of the Mississippi.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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