Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 04 1903/2003
Susquehanna - The Erie freight business is immense and its motive power is taxed to the utmost. AND All of the labor organizations in Susquehanna will parade on Labor Day, Sept. 7th.
Forest Lake - Marian Booth is teaching the school at Forest Lake Centre; Ruth Fessenden at Forest Lake; and Nellie Jagger, at the Warner School.
Lawton - The Rush School board met at Hotel Haire Saturday last. Among the business transacted by the board was the closing of the Keach Hill school and hiring the board of its one pupil, Lee Walker, at Eugene McCarthy's for the present term, where he will attend the Snyder School. Schools in this vicinity opened Monday. Christie Curran is teaching at Rushboro; Archie W. Pickett at Rush; Anna McGovern at Logan; and Leila Hardic at the school in this place. Rushville is without a teacher.
Springville - The Lott brothers went fishing over to Schooley Pond one day last week and caught 460 bullheads. AND C. S. Gates, a former resident, after an absence of 19 years in Nebraska, is visiting relatives here.
Hopbottom - Lester Kinney, on his return home from Scranton, Tuesday evening, Aug. 25, on No. 5 [train], went to the hotel barn and hitched up his blind horse and started home in the dark. The horse took the side track of the bridge, which was not wide enough to let the wagon pass. Consequently one wheel ran up on the iron railing and threw Mr. Kinney 15 feet into the water, besides upsetting the buggy and horse. Assistance soon came and they were rescued without any serious damage being done.
Montrose - "Doc," the faithful old horse owned by Mrs. Susannah Webb, is dead, he having expired on Wednesday, August 26, 1903. We consider his death worthy of mention, as this noble animal possessed all the characteristics which are required to make a good, kind, equine friend. AND Montrose vanquished the Carbondale Crescents here Tuesday by a score of 6-1. Yesterday our boys in turn were defeated at Owego, the score being 5-3. Of course, Owego didn't have a Cornell catcher, or a Yale and Princeton player, or Delahanty, of Binghamton, and an umpire that was cross-eyed-but the time for kicking is past. Carey pitched a good game and the team gave him good support. They hope to retrieve their ill fortune in next Wednesday's game. The Athletics will play at the Knights of the Maccabees clambake Monday, with the Susquehanna nine-a game in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Jackson - W. W. Pope has been granted a patent upon an improvement in ladders.
Ararat - During the absence of Mr. and Mrs. John Beaumont, from their home the 22nd, thieves broke into their home and stole about $100 worth of articles including a gold watch, silverware, table linen and other things.
New Milford - Rufus Rought, of Hopbottom, while working with the section gang near the Lackawanna station at New Milford, on Thursday of last week, was struck on the head by the pilot beam of a locomotive and painfully injured. His head was cut and he was rendered unconscious. Dr. Merrell, of Hallstead, ordered his removal to his home, where he is recovering. Mr. Rought, who is a man past middle life, was married three weeks ago to a woman who had been married twice before and both of whose husbands were killed by the [railroad] cars.
Harford - T. E. Richardson will have a chicken and pigeon shoot at the Harford Fair ground, Saturday, September 5th.
Hallstead - The school board of Hallstead is tied up over the election of a principal, Prof. B. W. Pease, who was elected principal of the Damascus, Wayne county high school-declined the place and wishes to retain his place as the head of the Hallstead school. He has three members of the board on his side and they refuse to recede from their position and they hope, with Mr. Pease, that the other three who are standing out against him will acquiesce to their wishes. It is a doubtful proposition, however, and the chances of Hallstead having a school until the court is appealed to is even more doubtful. For the good of the school it would be a real nice thing for Mr. Pease to gracefully adjust the troublesome matter by stepping down and out. The people's interests are entitled to consideration.
Reunion of the 141st Regiment - At the annual reunion at Monroeton, Bradford County, on Wednesday of last week, 91 members were present and Lawton, this county, was named as the next meeting place, one of the companies having been largely recruited from that town. The officers elected were: Judge D. W. Searle, Montrose; President, G. W. Kilmer, of Monroeton, and D. J. Sweet, of Towanda, vice presidents; W. T. Horton, of Towanda, treasurer; Rev. David Craft, of Angelica, N.Y., secretary. The regiment in its original make up consisted of 38 commissioned officers, 911 rank and file, recruits 87, total 1,036; killed and died of wounds, 167; died of sickness, 82; transferred to other regiments, 214; living at close of war, 775; now living, 410; of the original ten captains three are living-Tyler, Beardsley and Davies. Of the members of the regiment, one had been lieutenant governor, two represented the national government abroad, three judges, one a member of congress, six members of the state legislature, one first assistant secretary of the interior, besides many others holding high county offices, while the professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, etc., are well represented. In both military and civil life they have a record of which they well may be proud. [Some of the better-known battles the 141st fought were: Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor and Petersburg.]
News Briefs - The Grow welcome committee gave the $118.48 surplus, after the bills were paid, to the South Gibson and Harford bands and to the Forest City and Lawsville drum corps, which organizations gave their services gratis; except the sum of $18, which is to be used in printing an official report of the day's proceedings. AND The Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone company will build a line from Lenoxville to Nicholson via Fleetville. AND The 57th Annual exhibit of the Susquehanna County Agricultural Society will be held at Montrose the 15th and 16th of September. The Cycle Whirling Bretons will give their sensational act the last day of the fair in full view of all of the people. These people are from Washington, D.C. and are the only riders who do this seemingly impossible feat of carrying a full grown person on their shoulders while riding the whirl at full speed. Don't fail to see them Sept. 16th.
Compiled By: Betty Smith