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September 01 1911/2011

Montrose - The Montrose House will undergo a change of proprietorship when S. B. Stark, who has conducted it for the past few years, retires, and is succeeded by Willis Bradshaw, of Nichols, NY. Mr. Bradshaw comes with the recommend of being an extraordinarily good hotel man and has until recently conducted a hotel at Nichols, but recently this town "went dry," and Mr. Bradshaw then decided to close up the one hotel in that town.

Hallstead - A small Hallstead boy suffered an ugly throat wound when a dog returned a bite for kindness. On Friday afternoon, while playing with a strange dog, in the yard, at the home of Mrs. Grogan, the dog turned suddenly, without any warning, and bit her little boy in the throat, making an ugly wound. The wound was cauterized and dressed by Dr. Merrell. The dog was captured and will be confined for a number of weeks in order to ascertain whether or not it has the rabies.

Harford - On Saturday, August 26, John Deans gave a trap shoot to his children and a few friends near Tingley Lake. About 20 participated in the shooting and various scores were made, Mr. Deans' son, Robert, being among the best. Mr. Deans and family are held in high esteem by the people of this vicinity and their coming to Pinewood each year is looked forward to with pleasure by all.

Middletown Center - Harry and Alfred Jones are putting in a new saw-mill and expect to commence sawing in a few days.

Bigsbee Pond (or Bixbee), border of Rush/Middletown Twp. - The Friendsville ball team crossed bats with the North Branch team one day last week. The score was 8-25 in favor of North Branch.

Apolacon - Willie Mears left Monday for Kansas, where he expects to join his brother and sister. ALSO Albert Singer has purchased a new road wagon; all the girls will be smiling at him now. ALSO Fred Crimmins, wife and three children, of Fort Worth, Texas, have been spending the last two weeks with Mrs. Crimmins.

Bennett's Corners, Springville Twp. - A little girl, called Alma Louise, came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Carlton recently, and will spend the rest of her life there. Accept our congratulations.

Brooklyn - A dynamite demonstration was given on the farm of W. S. Giles, in this place, Friday afternoon, which proved interesting and instructive to the farmers in this vicinity. ALSO Work has commenced on the foundation for the new school building.

Nicholson - The Lackawanna Railroad Company is planning to build a concrete viaduct over the Tunkhannock creek, which it is said will eclipse the Starrucca viaduct, which has been the pride of several generations in this section. The viaduct at Nicholson will be 2,700 ft long and 235 ft. above the creek. The piers will be 240 feet from center to center. This will be the largest viaduct in the United States. It will take a large force of men between three and four years to construct it.

Alford - Joseph H. Page died at his late home, Oct. 20, after an illness of four weeks, aged 77 yrs. He was a well known railroad builder and contractor and had figured in many of the big railway developments. Mr. Page built a section of the Laurel line between Scranton and Rocky Glenn and also had charge of the building of some of the D.L. & W. lines. He was a man of large physique and commanding presence. Born in Massachusetts, he spent some time when young in the State of Vermont, but came to Brooklyn in 1849 and has since resided in the township. The four brothers, Frank, Joseph, Plumb, and W. R. Page, were all connected with large contracts in building the D.L.&W. railroad, and were well known by the management of that road as reliable and capable men. Joseph H., especially, was called upon by the officials to superintend many a difficult undertaking. Thirty years there lived on adjoining farms, near Alford, three men of splendid physical and mental powers, viz. Joseph Oakley, W. R. Page and J. H. Page, all engaged in contract work for the pubic, and while they worked separately, they were always classed together, as successful in whatever they undertook. All now lie in the Evergreen Cemetery, and there is no one to fill their places.

South Ararat - Last Thursday, while Mrs. Geo. Wells was visiting Mrs. Henry Davis, some "light fingered person" entered her home and stole her son, Basil's bank, which was said to contain about $15.00

Williams' Pond, Bridgewater Twp. - Our school has begun, with Miss Jennie Houghton as teacher.

Heart Lake - The greatest social event of the season was a private dance and euchre given by the cottagers of camp "As You Like It." The pavilion was beautifully decorated with ferns, evergreens and sweet peas. Punch was served and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. Among the features of the evening were recitations by Mr. Lage and songs by the quartette--Messrs. Finn, Lage, Russell and Paul Sprout. Music was furnished by Mr. Joe Rosenfeld, of Montrose.

South Gibson - The Brundage reunion, held at Frank Forsythe's, Aug. 19, was largely attended. Relatives were present from Syracuse, Tunkhannock, Wayne county, New Milford, West Lenox, Lenoxville, South Gibson and Harford. Conspicuous among the company was Dr. A. T. Brundage, of Harford, aged over 90 years, who enjoyed the pleasures of the day as much as the rest. The tables were spread in the barn and were loaded with good things, and everybody had a good time. It will be a bright spot on memory's page for many years to come.

Forest City - Pitching for the Independents against Carbondale on the local grounds, Sunday, Joe Miskell almost gained the distinction of twirling a no-hit game. For 8 innings, the opposing batsmen were helpless. Then, in the 9th, Kilpatrick raised a short fly that fell safe. The score was 5 to 0 in favor of Forest City.

Elkdale - School opened here on Monday with Olin Mitten, of Royal, as teacher.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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