Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 28 1910/2010
Great Bend - Hallstead and Great Bend are becoming popular with city visitors. Daniel Sutliff has purchased the Messick place near Great Bend on the Susquehanna road. Mr. Sutliff became interested in the place when making a visit here. The farm has a river view which for picturesqness is beyond description. Other wealthy families in New York City are said to be considering either building or buying summer homes. They become interested in the place through Dr. [Frederick] Brush. ALSO The Great Bend Water company announces to their patrons that they can no longer furnish water from the lake and are pumping river water into the mains. Hence they advise boiling all water used for drinking purposes.
Auburn Centre - Supervisor Treible has built a substantial bridge over the Cool Creek near James Keogh's. ALSO The prohibition meeting at the Jersey Hill church was not greeted with a very full house on account of bad weather.
Thompson - Word came this afternoon of the death of Miss Margaret Crandall, at Uniondale. She had lived in Thompson for a year or two and for some months she was the efficient dining room girl at the Jefferson House. While here she became engaged to a Thompson young man and when he was taken sick she came to his bedside and helped the nurse care for him for a time. She went from here to her brother's for a rest and was prostrated soon with fever, resulting in her death. Sad indeed.
Brooklyn - Willis Lee, of Washington, D. C., spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. C. Lee. Mr. Lee has a very responsible position in the Geological Department in Washington, and the past summer he has had charge of a party in the Rocky Mountains.
Middletown - Patrick Degnan, very recently, had a valuable yearling shot by a hunter; also a cow poisoned. He has posted his farm now.
Forest City - The Hillside [Coal] Company is building a new brick supply house, 22 x 60 feet, on the switch in their yard at the Forest City breaker. The company will also erect a new building for the Hillside Fire Company.
East Kingsley - Haven Lewis is calling on his many friends in this vicinity in the interest of the sulky steel plow.
Hop Bottom - Miss L. Georgianna Tingley was financially engaged at her farm in West Lenox, recently, where she has been making extensive repairs in the way of fencing the farm, roofing a large cow barn and building a fine large silo. Messrs. W. H. Gow and W. Patterson, of Harford, were the builders. She has also had the basement floor concreted in the cow barn on her farm in Harford.
New Milford - Landlord Walker, of the Walker House, has been adding more improvements to that already well equipped hotel. The kitchen has been supplied with two large ranges in place of the old one and a new steam heating plant has been installed. Mr. Walker has been constantly adding new and modern improvements since he took possession and now has one of the most complete hotels in the county. ALSO The long cherished hope for electric lights is soon to be realized for New Milford. The New Milford Advertiser says that the plant is progressing rapidly and the current will be turned on very soon.
Hallstead - The people of Hallstead raised $2,500 quickly to secure a cut glass factory which promises to employ from seventy to one hundred men. Six thousand dollars in cash is to be raised by the people and it is said that Mrs. Lusk and son, Franklin, have donated a valuable piece of property for same.
Springville - D. Clarence Gibboney, the noted reformer and brilliant orator, of Philadelphia, will speak along the lines of Civic Reform at the Methodist church, Sunday morning, October 30 at 10:30 a.m.
Silver Lake - W. G. Hayes, a former Silver Lake boy, but now engaged in the carpenter and building trade in Binghamton, was calling on old friends here and at Montrose, the forepart of the week.
Montrose - "Dare Devil Dan," which will be the attraction at the Opera House on Thursday, Nov. 3, is what Chicago critics term a play of the people because it caters to all classes. If you want pathos and laughter, Mr. Mannis' new offering is the play to see. One of the large bounding joys of the production is ten new up-to-date song hits. ALSO The people of Montrose were shocked and saddened Monday noon when the news flew around town that Miss Anna Looker Nash had expired, suddenly, at her home on South Main Street, the direct trouble being heart failure. Miss Nash was 26 years of age and was one of the highly esteemed young ladies of Montrose. She was the trusted stenographer and accountant at Titsworth & Sons Insurance office for the past four years. She is survived by her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nash (he being a florist), two sisters, Edith, at home and Mrs. Fannie Palmer, Oneonta, N. Y. and one brother, Earl.
Elk Lake - E. E. Stevens, one of the county's most successful merchants, and a most genial gentleman, was at the County Seat yesterday, and was passing out good cigars to his friends. Mr. Stevens has very recently taken unto him a wife, and is receiving hearty Congratulations on all sides, to which is added those of the Democrat.
News Briefs - More and more farmers every day are posting their farms, and the hunter's field is constantly getting more restricted. Many farmers have had stock injured by hunters and others say that promiscuous shooting even endangers the members of their own families. Then there is the vicious hunter who will leave gates open or throw a rail off from a fence and never know or care whether it is put up, and through these exploits farmers also have fruit, chestnuts and other things stolen and as he pays the taxes and has his own living to make, it is his right to post his farm, if he chooses. Of course, there are a great many very gentlemanly hunters who only go out for pure, manly sport and are exceedingly careful to do no damage to one's property--but then there are others who are not. ALSO The Philadelphia Athletics are champions of the world, and their victory is mainly due to the good management of Connie Mack. They won the title by defeating the Cubs, champions of the National League, four games out of five. The fourth game, which was a ten inning affair, the Cubs, led by their pitcher "King" Cole, and assisted by "Three Fingered Brown," managed to squeeze a victory to their credit by the score of 4 to 3.
Compiled By: Betty Smith