Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 27 1922/2022
Susquehanna/Forest City – Both candidates for governor have covered the Forest City to Susquehanna trail. One went through clouds of dust, the other plowed through mud. Candidate McSparran and party was brought from Susquehanna to Forest City by Harry Ryan who found the road so bad that he decided to return home by way of Carbondale, Scranton, the Lackawanna trail to Great Bend and up the river road to Susquehanna, notwithstanding the detour to Carbondale was pictured to him as a terrible five mile stretch of road. He went three times the distance to get a better road. Susquehanna county’s two largest municipalities should be connected by an improved road. The local businesses requires it. Interstate traffic would be expedited by it. Studded by innumerable lakes and beautiful hills and dales this section needs only good roads to take the lead as a summer resort section. More important better roads are needed for the daily business of this section. ALSO On Saturday an Erie crew brought 86 cars of coal from Forest City to Susquehanna on one train. An ordinary freight engine with the regular pusher to Ararat handled the long train. ANOTHER ALSO This vicinity was given material evidence of the proximity of winter Tuesday morning with the first autumnal flaky harbingers of the coming winter. It began snowing about half past six o’clock and continued to spin the white flakes for about three hours. The snowfall was accompanied by a genuine cold snap, the thermometer marking 32 degrees. The earliest snow fall recorded in this vicinity occurred on October 11, 1905 and the heaviest on October 30, 1917.
Carbondale/Clifford – Work on the Carbondale-Clifford concrete road is being held up owing to a squabble over right of way and a demand for damages by two property owners at the bottom of Finch hill. The County Commissioners threaten to abandon the work there and spend the money in another part of Lackawanna county, terming the demand for damages as a “hold-up.”
Franklin Twp. – At a meeting of the board of directors of the Montrose Gas, Oil & Coal Co., held last week, it was decided that the time has come to put into active operation the comprehensive plans for the full development of the natural gas field now known to exist in Susquehanna County. In a short time bituminous coal may be had in sufficient quantity to warrant contract for several wells, and drilling contracts may be had at a lower figure than obtained a year ago.
Uniondale – New stained glass windows have just been placed in the Presbyterian church by Paddock & Sons of Wilkes-Barre. Two of the windows were donated, one by the Westminster Guild and one as a memorial to the late Wm. Tinker.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake – Last Saturday, while Silas Jagger was gone to the creamery, some men from New York state came and began cutting timber and they kept at it and with the help of one of the neighbors they had cut and skidded enough for twenty cords of stove wood.
Kingsley – A masquerade box social will be held in the Universalist church, the evening of Oct. 28th. 25 cents admission to all ladies who do not bring a box. A prize will be given to the one wearing the prettiest costume and one to the most grotesque. Come and see the gloomy family.
Dimock – J. M. Calby, one of the county’s very popular builders, was calling on County Seat friends. Although steadily employed on the Louden Hill Farm, he is taking a few weeks to tidy up work on his farm. “Jim” made many friends during the years he was in Montrose and is always cordially welcomed here.
Montrose – Although rumors have been persistent that D. J. Donovan had sold the Tarbell House (now the County Seat Hotel), the deal had not been made yesterday, though Mr. Donovan has given an option, said to be $55,000 on the property.
Heart Lake – The Mountain Ice Co. has finished loading ice for the season and Supt. Aldrich and men are busy on repair work making ready to harvest ice in season.
Lathrop – Byron Williams dropped dead while helping Norman Oakley fill silo, Oct. 19th. He was an unmarried man and lived alone since the death of his father some years ago. He was highly regarded and a kind and obliging neighbor. He will be greatly missed by all.
Fairdale – There will be a masquerade social at the Grange Hall, Monday evening, Oct. 30.
Franklin Forks – Mr. and Mr. Robert Caterson and son, Donald, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coy, Sunday. ALSO Some of the school children at the Baker school are entertaining the chicken pox.
Jackson – In a recent issue of the Montrose Republican the Jackson correspondent of that paper says not to say anything to Jackson folks about chicken pie. This probably applied to the recent church supper. It was a very unkind and seemingly untrue thing to say, in view of the fact that the supper was considered one of the best by nearly everyone present. The church people have enough difficulty in raising funds for the church, without having such statements applied to their suppers through the public prints.
Upper Lake, New Milford – Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wellman are the proud parents of a boy, born Oct. 21, Guy Eugene. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wellman celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Fifty friends were present and they received many lovely presents and a purse of silver.
Why “Pot-Luck” – When a man offers a spur-of-the-moment invitation to “come home with me and take “pot-luck,” he is understood as meaning that no special preparation has been made for the guest, but that the repast will be whatever chances to be in the house. But there was a time when “pot-luck” was actually dished out of a pot, and when the guest took his chance of getting either a good meal or a very slim one. In the old days—and the practice is still in force in some parts of Europe—nothing came amiss to the family cooking-pot suspended from the pot-hook in the center of the fireplace. Everything edible was thrown into it, and, to keep the pot boiling the fire was seldom, if ever, allowed to go out. When meal time came persons fished for themselves and whatever they happened to find was their “pot-luck.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith