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October 25 1912/2012

Bridgewater Twp. - Peter J. Welch, a foreman in the Endicott Johnson Shoe factory, is dead and his wife and three others are slightly injured as the result of an automobile accident on the Montrose and Alford division of the Lackawanna railroad Sunday morning at about 10 o’clock. They were on their way to visit friends along the Heart Lake road, when their car was struck by a fast moving train on the branch road. The railroad and highway run through a small neck of woods and emerge at a different angle and within 100 yards of each other and the highway then takes a sharp turn and crosses the railroad track. The engine struck the right side of the car, tossing it to one side of the track and wrecking it. The passengers were hurled out, landing several about 20 feet away. The train was backed up to the scene and the injured people carried to Alford where they were transferred to the Binghamton train which arrived in that city about eleven o’clock. Misses Jessie Pritchard and Daisy Dean, teachers in Montrose H.S., accompanied the injured to Binghamton, alleviating the sufferings of the victims. Mr. Welch suffered a crushed leg and amputation was deemed necessary. He was unable to survive the shock and died at six o’clock. Engineer Frank Tingley, passengers state, had blown the whistle and rung the bell at the crossing, giving all possible warning. Being a down grade at this point and there being quite a cut, it is possible that the engine running with little noise was not seen until too late.

Susquehanna - Being the mother of five children and the wife of a respectable citizen saved Mrs. Emma Dolan from going to jail for sending obscene postcards and letters to nearly 100 persons in and around Susquehanna. Mrs. Dolan, who is stout, not unattractive, and probably 45 years old, pleaded nolle contendre to the charge before Judge Witmer in the Federal court this morning. Joseph O’Brien, Esq. appeared with District Attorney Ferguson, of Susquehanna County, to put in a plea of mercy for the woman and court was so disposed when Mrs. Dolan stubbornly resisted any effort to make her repent, for which she came near getting a stiff jail sentence.

Forest City - Ten carloads of grapes have been received at the Erie station and probably half as many more will arrive before the close of the season. They were received from Buffalo and Dunkirk, NY and are mostly manufactured into wine. ALSO The Sugar Bowl was sold by Constable Decker on execution against the proprietors, Gus Conomikes and Gus Pappas and Co. Oliver Coyle, the auctioneer, got good prices. Pappas left town unceremoniously two weeks ago and his partner has been going it alone since that time.

South Montrose - Ross Griffis and family left Friday for their new home in Oklahoma.

Brooklyn - Terry and Stephens are installing heat, gas lights and plumbing fixtures in C. E. Uptegrove’s new house, which will be ready for occupancy about Nov. 1.

Clifford - Last Wednesday evening W. J. Wells invited some friends to an old time husking bee. About 140 bushels of corn were husked and a lunch consisting of “old-time pumpkin pie,” cake and coffee was served by the good wife. ALSO Wallace McAlla has purchased the house and lot of S. E. Finn and will take possession soon. Mr. Finn has not fully decided as to where he will go.

Springville - The marriage of Mrs. Josie Sumner to a gentleman from Montana is announced.

Harford - Another library of books came last week from the Free Library Association of Montrose to the Sunday school of the Congregational church. These books have many readers.

Prospect Hill, Jessup Twp. - Harry Palmer lost a valuable cow this week from eating apples.

Auburn Twp. - On Wednesday last George L. Ming, aged about 62 years, met with a horrible accident while gathering chestnuts. He fell from a tree, breaking one leg and an arm, also his lung was punctured by two ribs. He lived but a few hours after the accident. George was a life-long resident on the Wm. H. Ming farm. The largest congregation ever seen at the Jersey Hill church attended the funeral and the Retta choir sang. He leaves one son, Frank of Transue, two sisters, Miss Sarah Ming and Mrs. S. D. Lowe of Rush, and a brother in the far west. ALSO At Auburn Center, a good many attended the funeral of James Lott on Saturday at Shannon Hill. Mr. Lott was a victim of consumption and leaves a wife and six children.

Alford - J. J. Ryan, of Montrose, was in town last week with his men installing steam heat in the residence of Ralph L. Case.

Jackson - C. F. Whitney, one of Susquehanna county’s largest apple growers, expects to pick over 2,000 bushels of choice apples this fall.

Montrose - Have you seen the beautifully gowned lady in D. L. Robinove’s display window? She is the first one to appear in town and her beauty will win admiration.

Gibson - The annual meeting of the Gibson Public Library association will be held Tuesday evening, Nov. 12. ALSO Since Oct. 7 four new graves have been made in our beautiful cemetery—Mrs. Ruby Justice, aged 23 years; then the oldest resident of our place, Joshua Burrows, past 90 years; John Craft, nearly 90; Oscar Shepherdson, 66 years, thus showing that the young may die, the old must. Ernest Shepherdson and wife, Frank Shepherdson and Will Craft, all of Illinois, arrived in town for their fathers’ funerals.

West Lenox - On Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brundage, celebrated their tin wedding [anniversaries] at the home of the former. About 30 of their friends met with them and a generous supply of tin was given both couples.

News Brief - The high cost of living in the anthracite mine regions isn’t in it with the “high tension of living” in those parts. The other night when Patrick Larkin, of Carbondale, was peacefully sleeping in his domicile, he heard a rumbling in the cellar. He knew it wasn’t the cat purring, but he was surprised on investigating to find that the bottom of the cellar had fallen out and the furnace and all the family edibles had slipped into the mines. It was hoped to keep the house above ground by holding it up with telegraph poles.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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