Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 24 1913/2013
East Lynn, Springville Twp. - Lawless chestnut hunters are quite frequently seen on the hills these days. Some people take the privilege of prowling other people’s property for such things without permission.
Clifford - The ladies of the M. E. church will serve a ten cent supper in Finn’s Hall on Friday evening. Don’t think because it’s cheap it isn’t all right. These Clifford ladies are a generous set.
Brooklyn - Philip Burbank died Oct 22, 1913, at his home, from lockjaw, following a slight wound received in his hand ten days ago. While he was removing shingles from a roof, a long sliver penetrated his hand between the thumb and index finger. He paid little attention to the wound until Saturday, when he was taken with symptoms of tetanus. When Dr. T. O. Williams was called Sunday morning the case was so far advanced that there was no chance for recovery. Mr. Burbank was 48 years of age and had resided most of his life here. He was a prominent contractor, trustee of the Methodist church, an Odd Fellow and had a wagon shop. He is survived by a widow, a daughter and two sons.
Kingsley - A masquerade social will be held at Aqua Inn on the evening of Oct. 31, under auspices of the M. E. Aid society. Oysters will be served. Prizes will be given for the handsomest costume, also for the most grotesque.
Gibson - Buick agent, Ralph G. Tiffany has sold Mr. Taylor, of East Mountain, a large six cylinder automobile for spring delivery. Mr. Tiffany says his customer was very wise to place his order now, as the auto has become so popular that the output will be oversold.
South Ararat - The box social which was held at the school house, Friday night, was a complete success. Proceeds to purchase a flag for the school.
Fair Hill - N. M. Seely and friend, Mr. Fish, were out for a drive the other day, stopping at the mill. The horse became frightened at the steam and ran away. Being a fast horse it soon reached the barn with little damage to wagon and harness. Two tired men reached home later in the day.
Lenoxville - Mrs. Irvin Ross met with a very serious accident, on Friday, while driving from the VanEtten chapel. Her horse became frightened and ran away, throwing her out and injuring her seriously. Dr. Fike dressed the injuries, but she is still in a very serious condition. ALSO: In West Lenox the telephone service is just the same as no service at all. Our exchange we cannot call at all and the other only about half the time. Patrons get tired of such service after a month or two, with nothing being done to make it any better.
Harford - Melvin Tingley, who has been confined to the house with rheumatism for the past five or six weeks, is slowly improving. Mr. Tingley’s old gray horse, which had been a faithful friend to the family for the past thirty years, died Sunday.
Gelatt - While hauling feed for Barnes & Son last week, Jesse Denney stepped on the brake beam of his wagon to get on, when the horses started and he fell to the ground. The wheel passed over one leg above the knee, smashing the bone. There was thirty hundred [pounds] of feed on the wagon. Dr. Cole set the bone and Mr. Denney is doing as well as could be expected. He is at the home of Riley Shay.
Susquehanna - On Friday morning a daring robbery took place, it being the work, evidently, of two unknown men, thought to be members of the “Canavan Island gang.” A plate glass show window in T. F. Todd’s hardware store was broken, two revolvers and a tray of jewelry being taken. Leo Botnick’s store was also visited and a window smashed, but it is believed a railroad man returning home from work scared them away.
Foster/Brooklyn - Engineer Gilmore of the Scranton & Binghamton trolley line is authority for the statement that workmen on the new line are now building road within two miles of Foster [Hop Bottom]. After Foster is passed, Brooklyn will be the objective point, and then on to Montrose. It is hoped to reach this place Jan. 1, but if they reach here by April 1, they will have made good progress. Rumor says the company intends to have 200 men at work, and, with improved machinery, will result in rapid progress.
Montrose - The collecting of “A Mile of Dimes” for the benefit of St. Mary’s church, started on Monday last, and is meeting with success. The scheme is in connection with the Supper--Social to be held on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 26th, at Colonial Hall. To each family of the parish 5 strips of paper have been given, each strip of paper containing places for 15 ten cent pieces. The friends of each family will be asked to help fill up the strips of paper, to be handed in Thanksgiving Eve. Selected from the Sunday School there are 5 leaders in the race, namely—Ella Oliver, Mary Meehan, Agnes Dolan, Lena Kane and Mary Casey. The leaders are to get as many votes as they can, and every dime contributed gives the donor the right to cast a vote (10 cents each) for his favorite leader, the winner to receive a gold watch.
Forest Lake - A year ago there were about 40 Washington party men here who voted for Roosevelt and today the same ones are all going to vote for Wm. H. Foster for prothonotary. It has been the custom for many years that each incumbent should have two terms, and we will vote for Mr. Foster on general principles and let the Washington party candidate come up when his turn comes and not try to butt in when there isn’t a ghost of a show for him, only to help run in a Democrat. Let every voter who was ever a Republican go to the polls and cast his ballot for Foster and Lyons. The writer was a Washington party man last fall, but he sees that he was in [the] wrong
New Milford - Chief of Police O. F. Miller was called to the freight yard, to look after a man who was discovered in a freight car in an unconscious condition. Mr. Miller, not being able to bring the man to, Dr. Kaufer was called. The man was well dressed and apparently from New York city, having in his possession a letter from his wife dated from that city, asking him to return to his family in which there was an illness. When Dr. Kaufer reached the car the man had disappeared down the track.
Forest City - The production of the extravaganza, “A Trip to the Moon,” which was to have been given soon in Carbondale, by local talent, has been put off till some day in January. The postponement was necessary through the action of a state inspector in condemning the Grand Opera house. A number of Forest City young ladies were to have taken part in the choruses.
Compiled By: Betty Smith