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October 14 1921/2021

Little Meadows – James Hickey had the misfortune to damage his car so badly that it had to be taken to Binghamton for repair. Hence, our bus line between Little Meadows and Binghamton is cut off for a while. ALSO Gerritt P. Rogers, of Binghamton, was in town recently selling shares in the Silver Fox Fur Company, of Broome County, NY.

Fair Hill – The Taylor Hollow school will hold a social in the hall on Friday evening, October 21. Ladies will please bring sandwiches and cake. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the evening.

Harford – George Tompkins is building a wagon shop on the lot adjacent to the blacksmith shop on North Main street.

Uniondale – Burns Lyons, stock dealer, who was brutally assaulted and robbed of a large sum of money, while doing his chores at his farm on Monday last, died in Emergency hospital, Carbondale, on Thursday morning. Mr. Lyons sustained a triple fracture of the skull and never regained consciousness. The body was removed to Shiffler morgue and prepared for burial and Friday night taken to his late home on Church street. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 pm., Rev. T. J. Vaughn officiating. The pallbearers were J. N. Cable, John Boulter, Earl Payne, Olin Yale, J. N. Corey and D. B. Gibson. Interment in Uniondale Cemetery.

Brooklyn – Leonard Shadduck and Harry McKinney, who were severely injured when their car left the road and overturned on the state road, just south of Brooklyn village, last Wednesday, are rapidly recovering. Both are now about and able to follow accustomed pursuits. Shadduck, McKinney and Roy Snover, who were out for a spin on the State road, were hitting it up at a lively clip when a tire exploded and the car lost control and overturned. Shadduck almost lost an ear and McKinney received severe bruises to the head. Both were found unconscious in the road. Snover jumped and escaped injury.

Bennett’s Corners, Auburn Twp – Our school is closed this week on account of the institute at Montrose. The teachers from here in attendance are Mrs. Winifred Howard, Irwin Cogswell and Richard Davis.

Lawsville – Saturday evening, Oct. 15th, a Box Social will be held in the Grange Hall. Each lady bring lunch for two. The “Grange ladies” are each to bring a cake, which will be sold at auction. A good auctioneer will be on hand. Everybody come and have a good time.

Montrose – During the current week the people of Montrose have been daily electrified by the dare-devil stunt flying of Pilot William Fisher. Time and again he has caused the hair to stand erect on many a local head. The climax came Wednesday afternoon, however, when everyone swore the plane grazed the court house flag pole, the cupola on the roof of the Hotel Donovan, and the top of many other buildings. And they were right. Pilot Fisher stated Wednesday night that he was not more than 17 inches above the Hotel Donovan roof, and that one side of his machine was considerably below the top of the cupola. If we could believe the following story, however, we daresay it would be the feature flying stunt of all time. Otis Cook, it seems, had quite a ride with Mr. Fisher on Tuesday afternoon, and felt greatly indebted to his friend for it. Wednesday afternoon Mr. Cook and his able associate, “Bert” Shay, were repainting the court house tower. As Fisher flew by Mr. Cook claims to have handed him a glass of water, and that to repay this kindness Fisher took the paint brush from Mr. Cook’s hand and touched up a few places on the flagpole which Mr. Cook was having difficulty in reaching.

Ararat – The Ararat Male Quartet went to Thompson Sunday and sang several selections at the Sunday school service. ALSO Nathan Smith has had his well stoned up and has a bountiful supply of fine water. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Baldwin have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stalker and Mrs. Mary Sartell. Friday the 7th, was Mrs. Baldwin’s 85thbirthday. Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Harris spent the day with her. Mrs. Stalker served a fine dinner and the day was very enjoyable. Mr. Baldwin, who is in his 89th year, spent most of the day husking corn. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin are perhaps the oldest residents of Ararat and are much loved and respected.

Gibson – The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burlingame was buried in the cemetery here last Friday. ALSO Ralph Stoddard and Carol Sweet, of the Binghamton High School, spent the week-end at their respective homes here.

East Rush – The first snow of the season fell Sunday, Oct. 9th, at this place. It makes one think of what has become of his summer’s wages. ALSO L. A. Pierson and sons, Fred and Lloyd, went fox hunting one day last week, but came home without any. ALSO Chas Squires and two gentlemen from Montrose started for New York Friday to attend the world series of base ball game on Saturday. They were going by motor, so when Charles returns we will get the news, “hot off the bat.”

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Township – The first frost of the season came Sunday morning, when the thermometer was down to 28 degrees.

County Jail – For five days during the early part of September the Susquehanna County jail was without a prisoner, a very unusual state of affairs, and was commented on by county papers as an occurrence, which had not been known in twenty years. In six weeks from that time the jail contained nine prisoners.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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