Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 14 1904/2004
Rush - Daniel Oakes was selling onions through Auburn Twp last week at 80 cents a bushel. He has a truck patch of three acres. We asked him how much he realized from it. Now for the benefit of your readers I will give it just as he told your correspondent. 300 bu. of onions at 80 cents a bu., 238 bu. of potatoes, 500 heads of sorted cabbage, 27 bu. peas sold for $27, and 6 1/2 bu. of buckwheat. It is quite evident that a man with a very small capital can become as prosperous and more so, than those with their hundreds of acres.
Auburn - Last week Will Donlin let a fellow take his horse to drive to South Montrose and not returning at the time he said he would, Will went for him and found him at Brooklyn, at which place he had gotten in some trouble by doing a little forgery which detained him, so Will got his horse all right, and sent the man to board with Sheriff Brush.
Silver Lake - Clarence W. Hill and Caroline Meeker applied for a marriage license.
Montrose - E. Tracy Sweet, formerly of Montrose, who has been news editor of the Scranton Tribune for several years, has been appointed managing editor of the paper. AND - Daniel Sommerlott, an employee of the cut glass factory met with quite a painful accident of his right hand while at work on Monday afternoon. He had put on a pair of heavy rubber gloves, which are used by the workmen in dipping the cut glass articles in the acid vat, and did not notice a very small hole in the thumb of the glove, sufficiently large enough for the powerful acid to work its way through to the flesh. Help was summoned and when the glove was removed his thumb was found to be badly eaten, and the pain was intense. At last reports the injured member is slowly recovering and fortunately it will not necessitate amputation. (Daniel, formerly of Germany, married Matilda Galdas, in Philadelphia, on Wednesday, October 5th. They immediately went to housekeeping in a suite of rooms in the Maxey & Bissell block on Church St.)
Brooklyn - It is estimated that the loss sustained by the burning of the Brooklyn condensery amounts to about $24,000, on which there was an insurance of $17,500. There is considerable indignation felt by the citizens of that town owing to the charge a Scranton newspaper made in stating that the conflagration was a result growing from a grievance between the patrons and the owners. There is a strong probability that the plant will be rebuilt, even though the company lately operating it fails to do so, as many of the most influential citizens are taking up the matter. AND In Alford, J. M. Decker has put in a new hydraulic cider press, of entirely new movement.
Lathrop Twp. - The report comes from Lathrop that what has every appearance of being human footsteps have been found impressed in the rock at Dale's stone quarry, that place. The footsteps were 20 feet under the surface, nearly the entire covering being rock. The prehistoric man had very large feet, which probably explains why some of the people of that place have such good-sized pedal extremities.
Susquehanna - A. J. Ryan has returned from Mt. Clemons, Michigan, Mineral Springs, after a sojourn of several weeks, very much benefited in health. His son, Harry, is also much improved and will remain there some time longer. AND "A Funny Side of Life" was the attraction in Hogan Opera house last Saturday evening.
Springville - F. W. Weiss has sold his grocery and meat business to Fred Risley and will move away in the spring or before. He is away on business now. AND Stephen Tuttle has purchased a brand new hearse.
East Dimock - We are informed that Homer Smith, son of W. C. Smith, of Parkvale, and teacher of the Main School, had the misfortune Saturday, while in Montrose at the planning mill, to get some of his fingers cut off.
Friendsville - A 12-year-old boy of Martin Clarey's met with quite a serious accident while chestnuting. The lad in some way lost his balance and fell from the tree, breaking both arms, dislocating one shoulder and spraining a wrist. He is under the treatment of Dr. E. L. Handrick, and at this writing is comfortable.
Lenoxville - Anyone wishing a new hat will do well to call on our milliner, Mrs. B. E. Clarkson.
Jackson - Last Friday night the ladies of the M. E. Church served a pie social in Robert's Hall. The young people decorated the hall with fall leaves and pumpkin lanterns.
Hallstead/Great Bend - Work on the bridge between Hallstead and Great Bend is now in progress and the span will probably be completed in a couple of weeks. The bridge is closed to traffic and boatmen are kept busy ferrying passengers between the towns.
County Teachers Institute Entertainment and Notes: Starting Monday evening, the Dunbar Company Male Quartette and Bell Ringers will entertain. During the remainder of the week, Dr. Frank Dixon, will deliver a lecture, The Threat of Socialism." The Cleveland Ladies' Orchestra will perform and Dr. John Merritt Driver will lecture. A social dance will be given at Village Hall, next Thursday evening, Oct 20th, the last night that the teachers attending the institute will be in town. The orchestra engaged for the occasion has a repertoire containing many new pieces which they say will "make a hit." (Spectators admitted to gallery, 10 cents.) The lady teachers have a treat in store when they visit the store of Jessie B. James on South Main Street. They will find that Dame Fashion has never dealt more kindly with femininity than this season, in giving them beautiful creations in stylish millinery. They will find a line of trimmed and untrimmed hats and an expert New York trimmer to incorporate stylishly and becomingly the many things in feathers, flowers, ribbons and the hundred and one other necessary adjuncts, all contributing to millinery. She also has corsets, girdles, hosiery, toboggans, tam o'shanters and black underskirts.
Compiled By: Betty Smith