Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 13 1900/2000
Glenwood - On October 8, Hon. Galusha A. Grow celebrated the 50th anniversary of his election to congress. His period of active participation in the public life of his country exceeds that of any other living American and the half century it spans includes the most eventful time in the history of the world. Yet through it all Mr. Grow has passed without a blemish upon his reputation or sign of wear or tear. [Galusha Grow is best known as the author of the Homestead Act and was elected speaker of the House of Representatives in 1861].
Hopbottom - There is quite a strife between the operators of the two creameries to see which will get the most milk, but the new creamery, the Scranton Dairy Co., is several cans ahead. Contractors are figuring for an ice house and an addition to be built on the new creamery, as the present building is inadequate for the handling of the large quantity of milk received.
Hallstead - John Coddington, one of Hallstead's popular business men, will take unto himself a wife in the near future. The choice is Miss Mame Grogan, an estimable young lady.
Kingsley - The acid factory of Porter and Bayless is completed and work has commenced there. Work is progressing rapidly on the new steam mill of Slocum Bros. W. H. Wilmarth and son are the builders.
Susquehanna - A few prominent citizens are against the sewerage project because their grandparents knew nothing about sewerage--and yet lived. AND: Governor Theodore Roosevelt will be in Susquehanna for 40 minutes on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 27th. It will be the occasion of a big rally and mass meeting.
Brooklyn - An entertainment entitled "An Evening in Japan" will be given in the Methodist church Wednesday evening, Oct. 24, by a returned Missionary and two Japanese ladies. Admission 10 and 20 cents.
Lathrop Twp. - Franklin Lord, of Lathrop township, a veteran of the civil war, passed away from the scenes of this life Oct. 6, 1900, at the age of 66 years, 4 months and 16 days. He had been afflicted for a number of years with a sort of palsy, gradually increasing as he neared the end. The funeral was attended from his late home, Oct. 8, at 2:00 p.m., services conducted by Rev. Dr. Sage.
Welsh Hill [Clifford Twp.] - Miss Lizzie Moses of the Jenkins School, Will Moses of the Gelatt School of Gibson, Miss Bertha Owens of the Marsh school, Miss Irene Morgan of the Colo school, and Miss Mary E. Richards and F. A. Davis are in attendance at the teacher's institute now in session at Montrose.
Springville - Lehigh Valley adjusters were here recently adjusting losses on cattle belonging to Mark Scott and E. H. Sherman, that were killed on the Montrose Railway.
Harford - Masquerade and box social Wednesday evening Oct. 24 in Odd Fellows' hall under the auspices of Harford band. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and have a good time.
Auburn Center - School report for the month ending Oct. 1st: Those receiving a percentage of 90 or above were: Euphrasia Stevens 97, Cleon Stevens 90, Fred Lee 90, Frank Ming 98, Ethel White 95 1/4, Claire Reynolds 92 1/2. Those receiving 100 per cent in Spelling: Euphrasia Stevens, Letha Bennett, Frank Ming, Ethel White, Claire Reynolds, Mary Dean. Those not absent during month: Carrie Lee, Letha Bennett. Those absent only one day: Luvia Thornton, Ethel White, Catherine Harrison. Number of pupils 20. Alpha M. Howard, teacher.
Lenox - In an item in the Nicholson Examiner some smart scribe came down quite heavy on the matter of cost in educating the children of this township, claiming that our school had but two scholars now. As far as that goes, it is fact, but the scribe failed to give the reasons for it. The school has been vacant the last two years, and the appropriation has gone to Hopbottom, taking that amount of money from town. Now there are scholars enough to have quite a good sized school but a few of the parties that have children to send belong to the ring and prefer to send their children somewhere else and have tried every way to break up the school, in so doing. Now then, if they succeed in what they have undertaken, then the town of Lenoxville will be under the necessity of hiring a man and team to take these same scholars to Hopbottom at an expense of not less than two dollars per day and most of these same scholars live in sight of the school house. They have a teacher that stands at the head of the class to look after the school, but Mr. Editor, it is a clear case of Ring Rule or would be Rule or Ruin. It's too bad to let such petty jealousies enter the brain, but it is like the boy who was riding horse back and crying. A man asked what he was crying about. He said, "I am cold." "Get off and walk," the man replied. "It is a borrowed horse and I will ride him if I freeze." Now these same men will send their children miles to school and lose a half day each time, rather than have them sent to school at home, free of charge, for no other reason than to get the appropriation over to Hopbottom. Come now, be fair and keep this money in Lenox. Don't send it out of the town because some one else wants you to. Those living nearest the school should be the most interested in keeping up the good reputation of our schools.
Montrose - Billings & Ryan are wiring the Court House and jail at Tunkhannock for electric lights.
NEWS BRIEF - "Another Fool Trick"- It is said that agents are operating in this vicinity with electric belts. The belts are sold for $3 each. If the day is warm when the belt is worn a burning sensation is felt and the wearer gets an idea that he is receiving a current of electricity. The burning is caused by some dry mustard which has been placed in the belt under a piece of gauze. The agents operate only in the country and small villages.
Compiled By: Betty Smith