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October 13 1893/1993

Susquehanna - A big crowd of people assembled at the Erie depot at 11 o'clock this morning, to gaze on Slugger Corbett, who was on board the Carbondale flyer, en route for Binghamton. [This was the prizefighter "Gentleman Jim" Corbett, who had been in Carbondale. The "flyer" was the facetiously named Jefferson Division local train.]

Montrose - L.P. Knoll, Jr., left on Thursday for Toronto, Canada, where he will spend the winter pursuing his studies in the Veterinary College at that place. Mr. Knoll expects to finish the course this winter. AND There are at present four hundred and fifteen pupils in attendance at the Montrose Graded School, one hundred and ten of this number being in the High School. The school was never in a more flourishing condition. AND Prof. Cogswell desires that teachers will bring with them to the institute next week the singing book used last year.

Gibson - Henry Woodward has rented Chandler's cider mill. As Henry is a member of the M.E. Church he will make nothing but sweet cider..

Thompson - Mr. Vernon Gellatt returned home last week from California, where he has been for the past five years. AND The receipts for the dime social at the Baptist parsonage was $3.15.

Birchardville - Mrs. Emma Boyd having rented and taken possession of the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Wakeley, intends to work at dressmaking. She is a very worthy lady and it is hoped by her many friends that she may get the patronage she so well deserves and have good success in her undertaking.

Lynn - The sound of the threshing machine can be heard daily in these parts. AND C.H. Sherman has rented his farm to his son Fred, but he seems to be working about as hard, and most of the time, as in times past. Mr. Sherman has always been a hard workingman, and one of our best farmers, as well as a good Democrat.

Nicholson - The candy factory at Nicholson has been closed and the machinery will be shipped back to New York.

Herrick Centre - Mrs. Holford of Peckville, on Tuesday of last week, underwent a dangerous surgical operation for the removal of a tumor. She came here where the operation was performed by Surgeon A.L. Craft, of Herrick Centre, assisted by Dr. Miles, of Starrucca. Beside this, within the last six weeks Dr. Craft has set four broken arms, one broken leg, a dislocated ankle and a dislocated shoulder, and all are doing well.

Susquehanna County - An attempt was made at Scranton Thursday last to steal the Montrose mail pouch which reaches that city at 8:30 p.m. It was taken from a mail cart and afterward found in a shed. The driver was arrested on suspicion. AND The amendment to the Pennsylvania marriage laws went into effect October 2. It is said that under the new arrangement parties obtaining a marriage license in any county in the State can legally make use of it in any other county, provided, of course, that the other obligations are promptly and legally fulfilled. AND Binghamton sportsmen are fast cleaning our forests of partridges. One day last week they took twenty-two and on Monday they bagged about the same number. If the law does not protect our game from these foreigners who come in and make a wholesale slaughter business of killing it off, people who own property should post their land and forbid them hunting. A law prohibiting the taking of game birds out side the county or State would be about the proper thing.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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