Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 11 1912/2012
Montrose - Dogs, streets, sewers, swine and street lights were discussed at the borough council Monday evening. The matter of untaxed dogs was brought up. The councilmen agreed that as it was the library which received the revenue from dog taxes, it was their duty to see that assessors let no dog escape and that they must be tagged. A street light was approved on Bank street and among other, one near the stockyards on High street. Some of the lights were reported as being so low that they are a menace and a nuisance to people driving wagons loaded high with hay, barrels, etc. The past summer many complaints were made because individuals kept a family pig, to the annoyance of the neighbors. The borough ordinance is strict in this respect—no pigs being permitted to be kept within 200 feet of any dwelling house. With this ordinance rigidly enforced, it means that a pig’s chance is small to live within the town’s precincts. Sidewalk grades were established and the sewer committee was directed to proceed with the work of completing the sewer lines on Chenango street, near John Hefferan’s residence. ALSO A band of gypsies arrived in town yesterday afternoon and attracted considerable attention. There were four large covered wagons out of which streamed a myriad of neglected looking “kids”, who filled the doorways of the business places. It is said these four wagons are part of a band with fifty wagons which left Owego a few days ago, but which got separated in some way. They are trying to find their companions.
Brooklyn - Bert West, of Montrose, who is employed on C. A. Rozell’s farm here, had a narrow escape from loss of life, limb or internal injury on Wednesday, when he fell from a tree while picking apples. Fortunately for Bert he did not break any ribs, but he broke a perfectly sound basket. ALSO Miss Hattie McMillan has returned from a ten days’ vacation with the Misses Smith, in Lenox. She was a country school ma’am in Lenox township when the old red schoolhouse was helping to make the youths of the country “progressive.”
Forest City - Considerable interest attaches itself to the marriage of Halsey Myers and Minnie Lee, both of Lanesboro, which occurred at Forest City on Sept.18, Justice P F. Morrison performing the ceremony. The bride was cleared from the charge of the murder of her husband [by arsenic poisoning] in the county courts last spring.
Hopbottom - Our high school reports an enrollment of 150 pupils. ALSO Henry McCoy has sold his family horse to parties from the valley.
Elk Lake - Miss Mary E. Young is the oldest person in this community. She passed her 90th birthday Oct. 9. Miss Young is in good health and is able to walk to her neighbors without assistance.
Dimock - A lad named Elwood Taylor, who has been living at the home of A. P. Smith in Dimock township for seven years, ran away on Sept. 8th, and nothing has been heard from him since. It is supposed by some that he joined Sparks’ circus, but if he failed in that he may be working on a farm along the Susquehanna river in Wyoming county.
East Ararat - A surprise party was held of Philip Lyman on Monday, Sept. 30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patton. There were 28 neighbors and friends present. As a token of their regard for Mr. Lyman, they left a sum of $16.25, which will be very acceptable to him, as he has been confined to his bed for over two months with rheumatism. His many friends hope for his speedy recover.
New Milford - On account of the whooping cough, about 50 pupils are not allowed to attend school.
Griffis Hill, Jessup Twp. - Dr. Fry, of Rush, visited the school Friday and took the children for an auto ride after school.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna, on the main line of the Erie, boasts of having the oldest stone and brick railway station in the United States. Just west of this station is a space for relics connected with the history of the Erie. An old “Atlantic & Great Western” broad gauge passenger coach, in service in the early 1860’s, occupies the position of honor. In those days railways believed in having breadth to their operations. The track alone gauged 6 ft., so it can be imagined what the entire width of a coach would be. Near the coach is a small old time Erie caboose No. 4259, which has the distinction of having traveled the farthest north of any railway equipment in the world. Perry took it north with him in his trip of ‘99 as temporary headquarters and succeeded in getting it as far as Erah, 70 degrees north. A third relic which is an object of much curiosity to passing tourists is an old pair of broad--gauge car wheels with inside journals which were recently fished out of the Delaware River. They were located a considerable distance down an embankment from the tracks and had without doubt been connected with a wreck in the early history of the Erie. [This article appeared in The Railroad Reporter in 1912].
Susquehanna/Great Bend - We are informed that it is likely there will be nothing done toward building the road between Great Bend and Susquehanna this year, but that arrangements will be made for taking up the matter of construction very early in the spring. There is considerable of a fight as to which side of the river the proposed road will be built, as Oakland wants it on her side of the river and Susquehanna is equally insistent that it will be built on her side.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - Bertha Wells rings her large bell at 12 o’clock, telling us the hour for dinner every day. Now we have another notice; Hankerson’s new steam saw mill whistle blows at precisely 12 o’clock daily.
South Auburn - The ladies of this place met in the Grange Hall recently for the purpose of quilting a couple of quilts which they presented to Mrs. Leon Chamluvier, whose home was destroyed by fire last spring.
Birchardville - Some of the most influential citizens of this place are to petition court to have the lower end of the Middle Branch changed to Center street.
News Brief - Much interest is manifested in the world’s series of ball games between the New York Giants and the Boston Americans. It is now even up, each having won a game. The “peerless Christy” Mathewson should have won Wednesday’s game hands down, but rank errors by Shortstop Fletcher resulted in a tie.
Compiled By: Betty Smith