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October 05 1906/2006

Susquehanna - Susquehanna is booming now and no one idle. That is cheering news for once. The new hardware plant employs about fifty hands on construction, and pay as high as $2 per day for laborers, and the work on the round house is doing the same, and if a party wants a small job done around town, it is most impossible to get a man to do it. Let the good work go on.

Silver Lake - Many in this locality find their potatoes not worth digging and potatoes are selling here at 80 cents a bushel and hard to get at any price, while they are only bringing 35 cents in Binghamton.

East Rush - Miss Sarah M. Bedell has gone to Morris county, NJ, where she takes up a position as teacher.

Auburn High School Notes - The Auburn twp. High School opened its third week of work Oct. 1, with an attendance of 91, distributed as follows: 28 in the primary room; 25 in the intermediate, and 38 in the high school. Sept 29, the neighbors from near and far gathered to move the old school building and do the grading around the new building. A good lot of work was accomplished and the rest is to be done Oct. 6. Anyone having a second hand organ, in good condition, for sale, will confer a favor by writing to F. H. Taylor, giving description and price as an organ is wanted for the school.

South Gibson - Wedding bells have been ringing here of late. Mr. Smith, of Uniondale, and Miss Fay Bartholomew, of this place, were recently married in Binghamton, N.Y. On Sept. 25, Homer Ressiguie, of this place, and Miss Hazel Bennett, of Lenoxville, were married at the M.E. parsonage in Gibson, by Rev. George Beers. These young people all start out on the sea of matrimony with the best wishes of hosts of friends.

Springville - Eugene States, former principal of the Springville High School, entered Yale University on Sept. 27, as a student in the Department of Medicine.

Montrose - J. A. VanFleet, of Marshall, Minn., who is visiting his sister, Mrs. Herbert Blanding, in New Milford, for a few weeks, called on friends in Montrose this week. Mr. VanFleet was for a number of years employed as a printer in the office of the Montrose Spectator and on the Susquehanna Register, edited by the late J. W. Chapman. He went west nearly 40 years ago, making his first home in the primitive sod cabin, so common at that period. Although 84 years of age he appears to be not over 65, this being even more remarkable when it is known that 30 years ago he sustained a fall from a carriage, which nearly dislocated his neck. He was months recovering from the accident, which left him in a condition necessitating his retirement from the printing business. Mr. VanFleet is a most agreeable man, taking a lively interest in current happenings and present day advancements, while it is also a pleasure to listen to his recountings of the town's earlier days, during the Searle stage coaching period, and of the many incidents connected with those whom we now regard as pioneer residents. This is his third trip east during his 40 years' absence, and he is passing the time enjoyably visiting relatives, friends and scenes associated with his younger days.

Elkdale - Two of our townsmen, Mr. T. J. Owens and Mr. David Bowen, received their Naturalization Papers last week from Scranton.

Lawsville - Mrs. Phoebe A. Law, of Ithaca, N.Y., but who was for many years a resident of this place, died at Ithaca, Sept. 6th, aged 87 years.

Brooklyn - While out hunting early Monday morning, E.F. Ely, Brooklyn's popular merchant, was accidentally shot by George Benjamin of New Milford, with whom he was out gunning. Sixteen shot entered his side and hand, but fortunately struck no vital organs and after having the wounds dressed, was able to be about the store. A close call.

New Milford - The Mahon Orchestra will give a dance at New Milford Town Hall, the evening of Oct. 11. AND The following young people are attending the East Stroudsburg State Normal school: Miss Lucia VanCott, Lawrence and Ellery Aldrich, and Herbert Hand.

Jackson - E. S. Stack has 10 Chester white sows, which recently gave birth to 126 squealers. The little ones are ready for adoption, at $1.50 each.

East Great Bend - A bee tree was found and cut on Henry Hendrickson's farm, which afforded about 200 pounds of honey. Henry thinks that amount of sweetness will fix his pancakes until summer comes.

Meshoppen - Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pneuman celebrated their golden wedding on Monday, Sept. 17--Fifty years ago that date Mr. Pneuman and Miss Harriet Overfield were married at Springville by the late Rev. George Langdon. They immediately removed to Meshoppen, where they have since resided.

Heart Lake - The Mountain Ice Co. finished shipping ice from this place Friday last.

Thompson - Our three blacksmiths attended the blacksmith's convention at Hop Bottom last Saturday. We hear the convention nominated higher prices for horseshoeing, which will carry in most shops.

Uniondale - Peter Broat was pleasantly surprised last week by four of his brothers coming to see him. They had not all been together before in years. Two came from Michigan, one from Bangor, and one from Hancock, NY. The eldest is 83 and none of them are under 70 years.

Middletown - The baseball club crossed bats with the Friendsville club on Sunday, the 29th, the same old story-- 4 to 5 in favor of Friendsville.

Harford - Operations have commenced on the new M. E. parsonage.

Franklin - Chicken thieves are operating in this town now. Wait until we catch some of them and it will not be so much fun.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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