Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 25 1910/2010
Lenox Twp. - J. E. Corey has an apple tree on his farm that beats that of W. J. Young of Springville. Mr. Corey writes that his farm was formerly owned by Isaac Rynearson, who settled on it nearly 150 years ago. [According to Blackman's History, Isaac Rynearson, a Revolutionary War veteran, settled in Lenox Twp. sometime before 1797; the first settler in Susq. Co. came in 1787.] The tree is said to be 115 years old and is still bearing fruit. It measures 9ft., 2 in. in circumference, five feet from the ground. On the same farm he has three chestnut trees over 130 years old and they still bear. The measurements of the three trees are as follows: In circumference--15 ft., 9 in.; 14 ft., 10 in.; and 14 ft. Tradition states that about 110 years ago a yoke of oxen ran away with a harrow, bending one of the trees to the ground, leaving evidences of the rough usage in the growth of the tree. Mr. Corey says this is not a "fish story" as the trees may be seen at any time, and would like to know who is next with a tree story bigger than his.
Hallstead - Last Monday evening S. Galloway, who resides about a mile and a half up the river on the road to Susquehanna, had the lock to his chicken house broken and all his chickens taken. On inquiring at Hallstead he found where his chickens had been offered to several parties and on the information furnished, warrants were issued for one Daniel Crandall, of [the] Smoky Hollow gang, also George Pratt, of Broome County, a recently released prisoner of New York State, who is reported as having killed his daughter several years ago. They were bound over to Montrose, being unable to furnish bail to the amount of $200. It is to be hoped that an example can be made with the thieves by a long term in prison, as there has been considerable thieving going on in the locality and the residents on the road to the Hollow have been greatly annoyed by drunken, riotous conduct, running of horses, etc.
N. Bridgewater Twp. - A death under particularly pathetic circumstances occurred Tuesday morning on what is known as the Fancher farm, near the North school house, when the body of Mrs. O. F. Wademan was found in a spring near her home. She was discovered by one of her children upon its return from the field, and the news came as a great shock to the other members of the family and neighbors. A physician was summoned and an examination showed that she very probably had been stricken in death at the very moment she had arrived at the spring and that her body had fallen over into it. The spring was walled up with a very large piece of tile sunken into the ground. She is survived by her husband and four children and was 52 years of age.
South Harford - Winter is here and crops are not all gathered. The writer saw men digging potatoes last week where the ground was white with snow.
Hop Bottom - Fred Stone is bear hunting near Cooley, Sullivan County. Fred is expected home in a few days with a good supply of meat for the Foster House [hotel].
Lynn, Springville Twp. - Several families in this place have had the Bell telephones installed in their residences. Among them are W. B .Fish, A. E. Carlin, Llewellyn Taylor, Ernest France, W. S. Bunnell and others.
Montrose - Dr. Decker's remedies have a very warm place in hundreds of Susquehanna county homes, where they and the proprietor of them, Dr. Charles Decker, are well known and the users of these remedies have always had a positive assurance that the quality and purity of the medicines were unquestioned, all being made from formulas of the Doctor in the successful treatment of cases. He states that he will sell the Decker Medicine business complete, recipes, etc., as he no longer wishes to give it personal attention.
Heart Lake - N. Z. Sutton will do blacksmithing Tuesday and Saturday of each week at Heart Lake.
Franklin Forks - Delebet Smith is being held at Waverly, NY, until extradition papers are made out permitting him to be brought here for trial. He is charged with stealing a horse from R. L. Summers, of Franklin Forks. Archie Summers, a brother, found the horse at Hancock, where it had been sold to Whittaker Bros., liverymen, for $400 and another horse.
S. New Milford - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tyler and daughter, of Sparta, Wis., are visiting his father, E. J. Tyler. Mr. Tyler has a position as station agent on the C., M. & St. Paul railroad.
Gelatt - George Bowell died Wednesday morning after an illness of two days. The funeral was held at the home Saturday morning and the G. A. R. [A. J. Roper Post, # 452 of South Gibson], Grangers and many friends and relatives were in attendance. Interment in the cemetery here. [George was a veteran of Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery, enlisted Jan. 1864 and was discharged June 17, 1865.]
Forest City - In the suit against Michael Salajida of Forest City, charged with murder of John Polica, Attorneys W. D. B. Ainey and F. M. Gardiner, moved the indictment against the defendant be quashed. Among the reasons given were the holding of no coroner's inquest; the indictment appearing to be found upon an information made by a private prosecutor, R. S. Inglis, and not upon a coroner's inquest, and failure to file transcript in either of the courts. Motion was overruled by the court. Prisoner before the court pleads not guilty and is remanded to the custody of the sheriff.
Rush - A drama is to be given by the High School on Dec. 9, in the evening. The title is "The Cabbage Hill School." There will be a meeting on Dec. 3, for everyone who wishes to come. A collection will be taken at the meeting for the purpose of paying expenses. After the meeting there will be an oyster supper given by the High School and the gain will go towards the library in the High School room.
Thompson - Rumor has it that several properties in this vicinity will change hands in the near future. Two new stores have recently opened and another hardware under the G. A. R. Hall. Tallman's building is the talk now.
Compiled By: Betty Smith