Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
November 20 1908/2008
Snow Storm - With a fairly well defined snow storm to begin with on Saturday evening last the outlook for a long and rigorous winter was indeed quite flattering, despite the prophesies that there would be a remarkably open winter with little snow to speak of. Throughout the county the farmers were for the most part ready for whatever weather is to be doled out this winter. Usually they do not like to see winter come, but this year they were early with their corn husking, the October weather being much in their favor
Susquehanna - The first big basketball game of the season will be played at the Railroad Y. M. C. A. next Saturday evening, when the local five will meet the crack First Regiment quintet of Oneonta. Under the direction of Captain Wright, the team has been practicing for the past few weeks and is in fine condition. AND It is stated that the Erie Railroad Co. is to discharge all of its crippled employees on the system. If the order should be put into effect, it would be the means of hundreds of men losing their positions.
Bridgewater - S.E. Horton lost a pocketbook Tuesday containing quite a large sum of money. A pedestrian picked it up on the streets and left it at Morris' drug store, where it was restored to its rightful owner. Nothing like living in an honest community.
East Dimock - Quite a snowstorm Saturday evening. It makes us think of what is coming. AND Alvah Allen is digging a ditch to lay a pipe to bring water to his house and barn.
Clifford - A daring daylight burglary and assault was committed by three unknown men at the home of Wm. Tinker, one of Clifford township's oldest and most respected citizens, Wednesday of last week. Mr. Tinker, who is upwards of 80, lives alone with his housekeeper, Mrs. Wirtz, mother of Christopher Wirtz of this place. About 7 Wednesday morning they went to do chores and Mrs. Wirtz, on returning, was confronted by three men, one of whom pointed a revolver at her and demanded to know where Mr. Tinker kept his money. She told them he had no money in the house, whereupon they demanded what money she had and she turned over $2. Mrs. Wirtz was forced to retire to her bedroom and when Mr. Tinker returned the same demand was made to him. He at once turned to escape and the men attacked him with the butt end of the revolver, inflicting three deep wounds on his head, stunning him for the time being. The men ransacked the house then left. The only known valuables taken were a gold and silver watch and two rings. Mrs. Wirtz alarmed the neighbors and a search made. It is thought they started in the direction of Forest City. They were young men, shabbily dressed and wore caps and made no effort to mask their faces. The elderly couple was nearly prostrated by the affair. Mr. Tinker's injuries are not dangerous, but painful.
Friendsville - Dureta McMahon, wife of Cornelius McMahon, died Nov. 16 from heart failure with a complication of dropsy and liver trouble... The deceased was 64 years of age, having been born Oct. 16, 1846. Her parents were Patrick and Catherine (O'Connell) Horan. The funeral was held at St. Francis Xavier church, with interment in the cemetery at that place.
Montrose - The young ladies in charge of the Montrose Telephone and Telegraph Company's Exchange, entertained Misses Carrie Mead and Leta Winfield, the efficient Hallstead operators, on Tuesday last. The hours were enjoyably spent in chatting over the pleasant features connected with the "hello" profession. They were delighted with Montrose and added many new friends to their circle while here.
Franklin Twp. - A. S. Burrows, of Grand Forks, N. D., has been visiting this week in his former home here and in Montrose. Mr. Burrows was enroute from Boston where he attended the launching of the new battleship, the North Dakota. He was with the Governor's party of 80, which came to the launching on a special [railroad] car provided for the purpose and states they had a most enjoyable time. Mr. Burrows is aging, but is young at heart, well read, and an extensive traveler. He has been west nearly 25 years.
Alford - Our little hamlet, nestling between the hills, is beginning to take on a wintery appearance. Snow is on the ground in some places to quite a depth.
Great Bend - Virgil Eggleston, while on his way to his farm Tuesday evening, was run into by a team, his carriage smashed and he was thrown out on his head and shoulders, sustaining a dislocated shoulder and being otherwise seriously injured. He was taken to the home of John Hazard and the next morning removed to his home in this place. Owing to the intense swelling, Drs. Rosenkrans and Hines did not set it until Saturday.
Fair Hill, Jessup & Forest Lake Twp. - Miss Ethel Andre and Miss Leona Beebe, "hello" girls at Montrose, spent Sunday at their homes.
Springville - R. E. McMicken has an outfit for carrying loads of people wishing to go to Aid Societies, his team being the finest in this vicinity. He took a load down to J. K. Aldrich's last week.
Rush - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Butterfield died within five days of each other at their home in Denver, Colorado. They were former residents of this vicinity, having conducted the well-known resort known as the Mineral Spring House, near here, for many years. Mr. Butterfield, against the advice of his doctor, went to the polls election day to cast his ballot. He contracted pneumonia and died four days later. Mrs. Butterfield, unable to stand the grief occasioned by the death of her husband, followed him in death five days later. They were married for 35 years and were devoted to each other. Twenty-four years ago they moved to Denver where Mr. Butterfield was engaged in the real estate business.
Forest City - Mrs. Michael Karnes died at her home here Nov. 8th, after an illness of nearly a year. Deceased was born in Ireland and was aged 58 years and six months. Her maiden name was Delia A. Farrel. With her parents she came to this country when quite young and was united in marriage to Karnes in Honesdale, 42 years ago. Excepting a year in Boston they resided in Forest City the past 25 years.
Brooklyn - L. S. Ely has shipped about two tons of No. 1 honey from his bees this year and has quite a quantity on hand. The year has been good for bees, the late warm fall enabling them to work much longer than usual.
Compiled By: Betty Smith