Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 17 1899/1999
South Auburn - The report of the South Auburn school for the two months ending Nov. 7, is as follows - Those not absent during term - Sammy Robbins, Harl Crawford, Charley Eyler, Grace Love, Ruth Love; those late one day but not absent, Elmer Benninger; absent but not late, Frank Love, Harvey Robbins.
Jackson - The recently formed "Jackson Literary Society" will meet this Friday evening with Miss Ethel Whitney at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Whitney.
Susquehanna - Francis L. Murphy, a young fellow of this place, had distinguished himself as a genius in the line of taking flashlights. He is now the inventor of flashlight photography by electricity.
Hopbottom - Lem Stone is having a well dug and is going to have a windmill to fetch the water to the house. AND - Marian Titus is home from the evaporator.
East Lenox - Frank and Paul Felton have enlisted for service in the Philippines.
Silver Lake - Our schools have not all opened yet; lack of pupils is said to be the cause.
Rush - Corp. Clarence Brown writes from Jackson, Montana, that he is well pleased with it, after a five months trial. He is working for his uncle, Chauncy Brown, who owns 700 acres of good land situated in Big Hole Basin, a valley 9 or 10 miles wide. It is the best cattle raising section in Montana. There is no way to get out of the basin without going over the range. They cut 315 tons of hay this year and it took about 20 days to put it up.
Brooklyn - The ladies of the Presbyterian church will serve a chicken pie supper at Mrs. Bullard's on Wed. evening, Nov. 15. Supper will be served from 5:30 till 9 p.m. Price 20 cents.
Hallstead/Great Bend - The river bridge connecting the boroughs has at last become the property of Susquehanna county and so is no longer a toll bridge. The change will be most appreciated by the residents of the two boroughs directly interested, but will also be gratifying to the public generally, that hereafter, when crossing the river at that point, one may do so without having to pay for the privilege. Later--we learn that the formal transfer of the bridge from the company to the county has been postponed for a few days. Consequently the bridge is not yet free.
Gulf Summit - L. E. Lowery purchased a fox hound and while out hunting one day last week startled a fox. The hunter did not know just where the runaway was until [it] ran between his legs, tripping him up in such a way as to throw him and in falling one barrel of his gun was discharged, killing a valuable cow in an adjacent field. A farmer who was working nearby saw the accident and ran to his assistance, only to find him with a sprained wrist.
Montrose - On Saturday morning, Fordham's delivery wagon was coming down Church street and had just reached the Montrose House when the king-bolt broke; the front and rear wheels of the vehicle parted company into the sudden, but fortunately soft and muddy embrace of Mother Earth, while the nag, accompanied by the front wheels, tore down the street at [a] fearful pace. No serious injury resulted either to man, beast or wagon. AND - The first snow-storm of the season came on Tuesday afternoon and night. In the evening our streets were made merry by the jingle of sleigh-bells.
New Milford - Dr. A. E. Snyder had a very narrow escape as he was returning home last Monday evening. When he was near the railroad crossing, a short distance before reaching Tiffany's, he looked and listened for the train which he thought to be nearly due. Not seeing or hearing it he proceeded and just as he reached the track the headlight of the locomotive coming out of a cut flashed suddenly and frightened his horse; the hind wheels of his carriage were struck and the doctor was thrown out but he clung to the lines. The horse escaped and the doctor was slightly injured and the carriage was wrecked.
Forest City - No one would blame Sheriff-elect Maxey if he favored removing the county seat to Forest City. His home town saved his bacon.
Uniondale - S. Bronson's new double store is approaching completion and will be an ornament to the place.
Brooklyn - S. N. Clark has recently dug a well, 30 ft. deep, for E.P. Bailey. 5200 square feet of stone was put in 31 hours.
Jessup - Report of the Bolles school for month ending Nov. 7. Those not absent - Florence Quick, Edith & Margery McKeeby, Willis Fleming, Dexter Very, Ray & Roy Oakes, Glen Cronk, Martin Blaisure. Those receiving 100 per cent in spelling - Daisy & George Blaisure, Bessie Bolles, Jennie Kane, and Florence Quick. Those receiving 96 per cent in spelling - Earl & Dexter Very, Glen Cronk and Guy Snow.
Harford - Plans for Centennial and reunion, June 15, 1900 - Excursions to points of interest in the township; relics connected with church history to be exhibited and anyone possessing such is hereby requested to inform the Secretary; historical address and poem in the afternoon; greetings from other churches and addresses.
Students of Franklin Academy are indicating strong preferences for the reunion (June 14th) to take place on the old ground--the present location of the Soldiers' Orphan School. All students are requested to write [the] Secretary as to their wishes and also enclose lists of fellow students.
Relatives of Miss Sarah Jones are taking steps to prepare a volume of her poems. Surely the ablest poet Harford has produced should have a place in the approaching celebration. She had planned to prepare this herself but death, in 1887, prevented. Persons having copies of her verses are requested to lend them to the Secretary. (From W. L. Thatcher, Secretary)
Compiled By: Betty Smith