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November 15 1907/2007

Montrose - Nov. 8, 1907 was a red letter day in the annals of Susquehanna county. For months her citizens, and especially those living at the county seat, had watched with interest the progress in the erection of the fine building fronting on Monument Square, which was to be the permanent home of the County Historical Society and Free Library Association. At last it stands complete, except that the unfinished grading requires an improvised plant walk to the front entrance. Old Glory was displayed just outside the walk in front. After days of stormy weather the morning was ushered in with auspicious omens, and all hearts were glad. During the morning session it was resolved that the reading room be opened at once but the opening of the library is delayed until the books are arranged and catalogued. In the afternoon Francis R. Cope, Jr., with a background of silken flags and bunting, spoke and thanked all for their generous support. Hon. Thomas L. Montgomery, State Librarian, spoke about what Benjamin Franklin did for Pennsylvania in the advancement of education and congratulated the county citizens that they did not have to appeal to Andrew Carnegie to fund their library. Numerous other speeches were interspersed with piano, vocal and poetry recitations. After the evening session there was a reception and inspection of the building. [From the beginning the library has been a county library, known to be the first county library in the State of Pennsylvania.]

Silver Lake - A crazy man named Sullivan residing in Silver Lake township, attempted suicide one night this week. Details are meager, but he is reported recovering although his windpipe was badly gashed in slashing his throat with a knife. The man is the same one who created a sensation in the jail several years ago, when in an insane condition he set fire to his bed and attempted to burn the jail down.

St. Joseph - M. J. Sweeney is still delivering his celebrated spring water. Send him orders at St. Joseph, Pa. Six large bottles for 50 cents, delivered.

Hallstead - John Pike died at his home last Saturday morning, aged 70 years. The funeral took place from St. Mary's church, Binghamton, Rev. J. S. Fagan, of Great Bend, officiating. Interment in Binghamton. The deceased is survived by a wife and two children, Hon. William J. Pike, U.S. Consul to Kehl, Germany, and Mrs. L. D. Sawyer, of Candor, N.Y. Deceased was one of the best known men on the line of the D. L. & W. Railroad, where most of his active life had been spent as locomotive engineer.

Brooklyn - After an absence of 26 years from his native county, E. P. Ely is now visiting relatives and friends at Brooklyn, where his younger days were spent. He was a caller in town Wednesday and stated that he went to southern Michigan in 1866 and has since made his home in the west, where he has enjoyed life and is prospering.

Rush - Wm. Clemens Kunkel, son of the late John Huston and Sarah Spragle Kunkel, born in Kunkeltown, Monroe Co., Pa., on June 3d, 1841, died at his home in Rush, Sept. 13, 1907. He was the last of six sons, three of whom died in the Civil War. He leaves a wife, two daughters and six sisters to mourn the loss of a faithful husband, a loving father and a kind and loving brother. He had been a life-long sufferer.

Flynn - Mrs. James W. Flynn has purchased a fine little road pony for her own special driving. One that is not afraid of an automobile or the [railroad] cars, and perfectly safe for a lady to drive. AND Another way in which our telephone line will be useful to some. One man proposes to have the number of his phone on a tag on his horse or cows, so when they stray away anyone will know to call up Jim.

Glenwood - Mrs. Bucklin, on going to feed her chickens one morning last week, found 19 dead ones, the work of minks.

Susquehanna - James Paye, one of our live citizens, was here the first of the week. He is still in the livery business, also selling wagons, sleighs, horses, etc. and gets his share of the business.

Herrick Centre - A law suit, Saturday, before Squire Bowell, resulted in trashing out a good bit of family dirt and keeping lawyers Gardner and Bunnell from their supper, until after 7 o'clock.

Gelatt - On account of the high water the old Pope dam was dammed again last week by people living on the low lands.

Great Bend - Henry Ackert, an old resident of Great Bend, who is well and favorably known, is now conducting the Kane Hotel and restaurant, near the Erie station in that place. Mr. Ackert was many years ago proprietor of the Valley House, destroyed by fire, in that place.

New Milford - One of the most shocking accidents ever recorded in New Milford, occurred Monday evening, when Ray Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howell, of that place, was instantly killed by a freight train on which he had been stealing a ride. The young man, with a number of boys, had been in Hallstead for the day, and when the time came to return home they decided to make the trip on a freight train which was pulling out of Hallstead. Nearing New Milford, Ray began to climb down from his lofty position on top of one of the box cars in order to be ready to leave the car at the New Milford station. The other boys managed to land safely, but when Ray was about half way down the ladder on the side of the car, his foot caught and he plunged headlong under the wheels, which ground his life out instantly. His uncle, Postmaster Howell, witnessed the accident. Ray was 18 years of age, a general favorite, and a bright future was predicted for him.

Brandt - Another large wreck occurred at the chair factory on Sunday night, when five cars of westbound Delaware & Hudson coal train were derailed and badly piled up. The tracks were both tied up for hours and all passengers from both directions were transferred at the scene of the derailment. No one was injured and the accident was thought to be due to a broken wheel under one of the cars.

News Briefs: There are nearly 3000 graves of Confederate soldiers in Woodlawn cemetery, Elmira, NY, who died in that city during the rebellion, while prisoners of war. Each grave will soon have a marble marker, with name, residence and war record, the entire expense to be borne by the U. S. Government. AND Automobiles have gone into winter quarters and the all-the-year round horse is now the only highway puller of passengers.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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