Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 12 1920/2020
Herrick – Out of the fifty-four women who registered in Herrick, all but seven voted, although many had to ride several miles in a pouring rain. None of them spoiled a ballot, and it would seem by the results that most of them voted the Republican ticket. We believe they are relying on the Republican administration to enforce the prohibition amendment and are confidently expecting that the illegal traffic in alcoholic drinks will be done away with almost entirely within the next four years.
Jackson – One hundred and six women were registered in Jackson. ALSO One of the Democrat’s oldest subscribers is C. C. Bookstaver, of Jackson, who has taken the paper since 1865, when a young man, being a soldier in the Union army. Is there anyone who has taken the paper longer than Mr. Bookstaver?
Brooklyn – Mrs. Miranda Bailey, whose age is 90 years, was one of the oldest persons to vote in this place. Although quite feeble Mrs. Bailey’s faculties are all keen. ALSO Harland Mead has gone to Ithaca to take a winter course at the Cornell University.
South Gibson – Aunt Sabra Carpenter, who will celebrate her 101st birthday next month, went to the polls and cast her ballot on election day. Can any other town boast of such an aged voter?
Choconut – Miles McCahill, of this place, and Robert T. Hynes, formerly of the Binghamton police force, have been appointed to guard President-elect Warren G. Harding. Both men have been in the secret service for some years, and are considered among the most capable and resourceful officers in the country. Mr. McCahill is a brother to the McCahill Bros., who for some years conducted Choconut Valley Inn. They were formerly New York city policemen.
Susquehanna – The Erie Railroad Co. has set aside $400,000 to be used in enlarging and improving their repair shops. The work is to be started at once. With the improvements contemplated, the Erie will be in a position to do all kinds of repair work, in the past outside companies being employed to do certain repairs for which they lacked facilities. An electrically operated turntable, large enough to receive even the giant locomotive “Matt Shay,” is also being constructed.
Alford – Edmund Cooley, of this place, was killed late Monday afternoon, when he accidentally fell over a steep embankment, his skull being crushed. Mr. Cooley, whose age was about 32 years, was employed by the Lackawanna railroad as a section worker. He was subject to epilepsy and it is believed this is what caused the fall. Failing to reach home at the accustomed hour, his wife became alarmed and neighbors joined in the search, his lifeless body being found soon afterward. He resided in this place all his life and is survived by his wife and five children.
Gelatt – Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Potter and son, Clyde, left here to spend the winter in Southwestern Kansas.
West Bridgewater – Hunters were so plentiful on Monday that they hunted rabbits in people’s backyards and along the public highway. ALSO In North Bridgewater about 25 members of Montrose Lodge, Knights of Pythias, attended a “husking bee” at Glenn Taylor’s. They left him 75 bushels of husked corn as a fraternal reminder of their good will to a Brother Knight, besides enjoying a pleasant evening.
Birchardville – DeWitt Vail, of New Milford, is engaged in transferring the electric lighting plant used at South Montrose, to this place, where it will be used in lighting the streets and also for homes and business places. Birchardville people are to be congratulated on their enterprise.
Lakeview – Walter Mosher moved into the parsonage last week, so as to be nearer his duties as principal of our school. ALSO George Pease was called to Binghamton on Monday by the serious illness of his father, Rev. Herbert Pease.
Hallstead – The 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Unger has been missing since Tuesday, Nov. 2. The family resides about three miles from Hallstead, on the New Milford road, and the last known of the girl was when she started to attend school. The state police have been called to institute a search.
Heart Lake – The home of an old man, Arthur Hoyt, near here, was burned to the ground with the contents, by two boys, Edwin and Charles Hill, aged 11 and 8, living nearby. The boys confessed and are now at the Montrose Boro. Poor Farm, awaiting action of the Juvenile Court. The fire was started when the old man and his wife, aged 75 years, were away from the house. Rev. Freeman noticed smoke pouring from the Hoyt home and saw the Hill boys scampering away from the place. After investigation of the two boys, the elder boy confessed, telling how they raised a window and entered the house, taking kerosene lamps and saturating the siding of the house with oil and applied a match. The boys said they had it in for Mr. Hoyt for driving them from his apple orchard. Mr. Hoyt is badly crippled and nearly blind and the couple is destitute, having lost everything. They are staying with neighbors.
Springville – Mr. and Mrs. Minot Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Reynolds returned from the Adirondacks last week. They brought a fine deer home with them, dead, of course.
East Rush – The children of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. James, of Rush, made their mother a surprise party last Saturday, it being her 54th birthday. We all feel somewhat slighted, on account of not being invited, as they are some of our people, though now living in the town of Rush. ALSO The Men’s Chorus, of Montrose, will give a concert in the Rush M. E. church, Nov. 12th, to help in the purchase of electric lights for the church.
Montrose – There will be a good 5-reel feature at the Ideal Theatre; also a serial entitled, “The Moon Riders,” starring Art Accord. The Devilmen were riding again that night. So soul-harrowing were their deeds that none dared even offer their resistance—none but Art Accord, that nice, cool cow puncher with a double punch, that death-defying man, with the courage of a lion and the heart of a superman. How he fought and won, single-handed against the overwhelming odds of this marauding, ghoulish band, is but one of the thrills with a choke and a clutch in ‘em that runs throughout this smash-bang-crash serial. Don’s miss it.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – Wedding bells were ringing on the Hill the 8th of November, when Ira Ward and Miss Marion Valentine were married in Montrose.
Middletown – Mr. and Mrs. John Lane have given up farming on account of Mr. Lane being in poor health and have moved to Binghamton. Francis Guiton has purchased the Lane farm. Thos. Riley has purchased the J. W. Flynn farm, which is considered the finest location in the township.
Compiled By: Betty Smith