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November 10 1916/2016

Airplane Flies Over County – Much interest was excited on Thursday and Friday last in the airplane flight between Chicago and New York. The aviator was Victor Carlstrom and he was making an attempt to fly from Chicago to New York, between sunrise and sunset. At the speed he was going, averaging 107 miles an hour, he could have easily made it. The loosening of a pipe on his engine caused him to descend at Erie, PA, and he did not reach Hammondsport, NY until nearly nightfall. The following morning he made the distance to New York in a little over two hours. His actual time in the air was about 7 hours. Residents of Susquehanna, Honesdale and Binghamton saw him in flight. Two observation men, in the employ of the Bell Telephone Co., came to Montrose, Thursday, to take observations of the plane, but were unsuccessful in seeing it. They stationed themselves on the roof of the court house. Scores of other people spent most of their time Thursday afternoon and Friday morning on roofs and highest points of vantage craning their necks northward.

Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. – Your correspondent and family witnessed the aeroplane flight of Victor Carlstorm on his flight from Chicago to New York. He went over the hills here early Friday morning and was close enough so we could hear the hum of the machine. Surely quite a treat. Seventeen years ago, last July, I saw the first automobile driven through Dimock, enroute for Tunkhannock. I wonder what the next few years will do in the improvement in flying machines in view of what the last few has done in the improvement of automobiles.

Franklin Forks – Miss Mina Birchard and friend, Mr. Bert West, of Montrose, were calling at D.L. Birchard’s on Sunday. On their way back to Montrose they met with a narrow escape from serious bodily harm. They were in a carriage and were struck by an auto which was driven by Miss Caterson. The couple jumped from the conveyance, which was quite badly smashed, and the horse, which belonged to L.H. Sprout & Sons, in Montrose, was badly bruised.

Forest City – Dr. F.L. Grander, who moved from here to Scranton a few months ago, killed himself on Saturday after shooting his wife in the arm while in a fit of rage. Dr. Grander had returned from a hunting trip near Uniondale and told his wife he proposed to dress two rabbits he had shot. The doctor, who was addicted to the use of a drug when advised by his wife to defer dressing them until later, flew into a rage, hurled an earthen crock at her, and as she fled, fired a revolver, causing a wound in the arm. Neighbors called the police and Dr. Grander was found cowering in the basement. Evidently believing his wife was dead he took his life. Dr. Grander, had been melancholy for eight years, following the death of a little son, and had used a soothing drug to relieve his remorse, it is stated.

Montrose – “Shall These Bones Rise Again,” is an old Southern jubilee hymn that for many years was a standby during Rev. Dawson Edwards’ pastorate at Zion African Methodist- Episcopal church, and he used to lead the song with that swing characteristic of his race. And it would now appear that the query is being answered in Zion’s fold which for quite a while has been sleeping, and the interest at very low ebb. The dry bones are awakening to new zeal, under the pastorate of Rev. W.R. Thomas, who believes in going out by the day and working. Mr. Thomas says: “I can do anything, and I want all my friends to employ me.” Last week, with the aid of a few others, he kalsomined the interior of the church, removed the old carpet, painted the floor and the entrance door, and placed strips of new carpet in the aisles. It requires both time and money to do this, but he is willing to do his share in this respect if only others will co-operate with him. To do this he has called a rally service in his church next Sunday evening, at which the principal speaker will be Rev. Mr. Lesh, pastor of the First Methodist-Episcopal church. Mr. Thomas wishes for the presence of every church member to come and give a dollar toward the church improvement project. Others may give what they desire.  Rev. Edwards will also be present at the service and he may sing one of his old melodies, and a word or a song may be heard from one of Zion’s oldest members—Uncle William Spence, who sings with such enthusiasm, “I am Thine O Lord.”

Jackson – Edward B. Gillet, a farmer of this place, has brought suit against the borough of Susquehanna Depot to recover damages for alleged personal injuries, medical expenses and injures to a team in the total sum of $5,800. Gillet alleges that he and his team fell over an embankment on Erie avenue, Oct. 30, 1915, and that the borough had failed to erect proper safeguards at the point of the accident. He declares that his injuries will prove permanent. The damages filed were claims of $500 for medical expenses, $5,000 for personal injuries and $300 for damage to his team. The borough claims that the street was in proper condition and there was no negligence.

Harford – Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell are moving from the F.E. Moore house to Dimock, where they will have charge of the Norris farm in that place.

Uniondale – The Woman’s Suffrage club held their annual banquet at Hotel Orce, Nov. 3. Mrs. Ort, of Carbondale, looked after the culinary affairs which were delicious. Six waiters looked charming in yellow gowns and white caps. The decorations were simply fine, carrying out the color scheme of yellow and white. Much credit is due the president, Mrs. Bronson, for arranging the same. Proceeds of evening, $26.50.

News Briefs: The world has known that John Howard Payne, who wrote “Home Sweet Home,” was himself a man without a home but few people have understood how completely alone in the world he was. Only last month, 64 years after his death, was the United States government able to find a collateral heir to whom it could pay the $205 that was due him from his salary as consul at Tunis, the post that he occupied when he died. ALSO Few people realize that there are over 7,000 miles of underground tunnels in the anthracite mines of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. has more than 800 miles of timbered gangways and drifts. Over $5,000,000 a year is now spent by the operators for mine timber and lumber.

200 Years Ago. The Centinel, Montrose, Pa., November 12, 1816. *The Patrons of the Centinel will please take notice that Produce of almost all kinds will be received in payment—and we should not be offended if a little CASH was to be paid.

*SLAVERYFellow Citizens – Lend me your attention for a moment. Are you aware that forty years have elapsed since the declaration of American Independence was announced to the world? –Do you reflect upon the profound principles, and solemn promises, set forth in that instrument? –Have you forgotten that “all men are born equally free?” Pause! Blush! When the degrading truth is uttered, that more than a million of human souls, within the jurisdiction of this boasted asylum of Liberty, inhabited bodies, not so free nor so well treated as many of your hogs or your horses! –It is high time, that as a nation, we should see to this offending—“God will not be mocked—Remember that “justice and judgment are the inhabitants of his throne.”

*Went away from the Subscriber, my son, Ephraim, without my consent. This is to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will not pay any debts of his contracting after this date. EPHRAIM KNOWLTON, Rush, November 4th, 1816.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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