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November 08 1907/2007

South Auburn - Rev. G. C. Judson, aged 92 1/2 years, went to Auburn Centre election day. He cannot remember ever being confined to his bed by sickness. His mind is clear and bright as a man of younger years and he thinks prohibition pays to practice as well as vote.

Montrose - A very enjoyable masquerade dance was given by a score of young ladies at the Colonial Tuesday night. The stage and balcony were festooned and draped in red and white, while numerous Japanese and jack-'o-lanterns made the hall present a bright and cheery aspect. The grand march was led by William Flindt and Miss Fanny Nash. In it a Weary Willie would be arm in arm with a princess, or a gypsy maid would keep step with a member of the royal family. The antics of the masked dancers, or the grotesqueness of their costumes, kept the spectators, who crowded the balcony, bubbling with laughter. Many of the costumes were elaborate and all of the disguises were baffling, a majority not being penetrated until masks were removed. A punch bowl (non spirits fermenti) and stands piled high with fruits and eatables furnished refreshment during the evening. Music was by the Mahon orchestra and taking the whole as a social function it was most pleasurable and thoroughly enjoyed by both participant and spectator.

South Gibson - The Ladies' Aid Society was royally entertained last Wednesday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Manzer. A roast pig dinner was served to over 100 persons and the society netted $10. Visitors present were Mrs. Mate Davis and Verda Morgan, Welsh Hill; Mrs. Henry Snyder and Mrs. Frank Gow, Lenox; Mrs. David Hardy, Glenwood.

Bridgewater Twp. - A new icehouse is under construction at Jones' Lake by our local icemen, Keough & Deuel. It is on the same site of the old one, which stood next to the pump-house.

New Milford - The horse stolen from W. F. Shields was found by a farmer at Corbettsville. The lost animal was standing in the road and headed toward home. The farmer put the horse in his barn and advertised it in a Binghamton paper, and Mr. Shields recovered the animal the next day.

Franklin Twp. - Mrs. Arthur T. Vance and children, of Long Island, spent last week as guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. C. Wheaton, of Salt Springs. Mrs. Vance's husband has recently relinquished his position as editor of the Woman's Home Companion to accept a more desirable one as editor of the new magazine, The Circle.

Springville - School is closed this week because of scarlet fever in the home of George Haldeman, one of his children being afflicted. AND J. W. Tuttle has changed his mind about moving and will remain on the old farm.

Forest City - Two counties are concerned in the death of Stephen Dearish, which occurred at Forest City, Oct 26th. His death was caused by a fractured skull and the coroner of Wayne county must perform the autopsy, while the Susquehanna County authorities must make the arrest of the party responsible for his injury, Martin Muchitz, if any arrest is deemed to be warranted. It is claimed that Dearish, who was employed as a man-of-all work at the hotel in Forest City, was working about the furnace late Friday night. He was, it is alleged, in an intoxicated condition and the proprietor, it is asserted, thrust him out of doors. The next morning Dearish was found a short distance away, with his skull fractured. He was taken to his home and died within a few hours. Whether he was put out of the hotel with undue violence or received his injury from a fall is to be investigated. It happens that Dearish lives in what is known as the "Three Angles," that is where the counties of Susquehanna, Wayne and Lackawanna come together. The injury occurred in Susquehanna county, while the man died in Wayne county.

Clifford - Alexander Greene died very suddenly Friday evening, Nov. 1, of apoplexy. His funeral was largely attended, from the Methodist church, Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Greene was a man beloved by all who knew him. Mr. Greene was twice married, his wife, with two sons, Emory and Owen, of this place, and a daughter residing in Rhode Island, survive him. His remains were laid to rest by the side of his first wife, in the family plot in the old cemetery, at this place. AND A man calling himself a health inspector or sanitary inspector or something else, called on our school one day last week and inspected it. He entered the school room without the formality of knocking, or removing his hat from his head or his cigar from his mouth. During the firing of his questions at the teacher he also kept firing his tobacco smoke into the room. After telling the teacher to fill out his blanks for him in anything but a gentlemanly way, he told her he had the schools in Forest City and Clifford township, but the teacher thought, from the small of his breath, he had more than that.

Susquehanna - The heroism of Engineer Young prevented a serious wreck and probable loss of life on the Erie between Susquehanna and Binghamton this week. In the face of grave danger he stuck to his post and prevented the "Southern Tier Express" from leaving the rails while going at a rapid rate of speed. The Southern Tier Express leaves this place at 6:25 a.m. and while running at a rapid rate of speed the tire of one of the drive wheels came off. The driving rod also was torn off and plunged through the cab. With the floor of the cab falling beneath him, Engineer Young stuck to his post and stopped the train.

Little Meadows - Wm. Hartigan is a noted potato-raiser. AND Wm. D. Minkler is building a fine new house.

Brooklyn - The annual hunt of the "Raccoon Club" took place here on Monday evening, Nov. 4. Members present were H. A. Tewksbury, president; E. F. Ely, secretary; E. W. Newton, Treasurer; Ross Tewksbury, climber and Leonard Shadduck-lantern bearer. After a few miles journey east of the village the dogs located a raccoon in the midst of a dense forest, where, after a hurried consultation it was decided to capture him alive. The climber proceeded promptly to the top of the lofty tree while the rest of the party completed preparations underneath for the capture. When the dogs were chained and all in readiness, the signal was given for the climber to shake the tree. The next few moments were filled with nervous anxiety as the sound of the descending raccoon through the leaves and branches broke the monotony of the midnight stillness. Finally, with a sudden crash, the raccoon came to mother earth, where the president and his escorts proceed to take him alive, but despite the most skillful, untiring and determined efforts, during which the woods were filled with screams and shouts amid upturned leaves and branches, the raccoon was soon away and located in another even higher tree. A little later another one was captured in a less exciting way, when toward morning the party proceeded homeward, each one declaring this the one great time of his life.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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