Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 25 1923/2023
The one thousand or more people that witnessed the first Susquehanna County Interscholastic Field and Track Meet were very much pleased with the manner in which the young athletes performed. At last we realize the real value of athletic competition in our schools. If our boys and girls are taught good, clean competition, in athletics, it will prepare them for straightforwardness in life and make them better citizens in the future. Susquehanna won with a total of 107 points in Class A with Harford second, with 91 points. Ralph Rinker, of Harford was the individual star point getter and Leonard Titus, of Susquehanna, ran a close second. In Class B, Hop Bottom came in the highest, with Louis Powers being the greatest point-getter of the day. Dr. Walter Tewksbury, former University of Pennsylvania star and member of the 1904 Olympic track team, rendered valuable service as starter.
Montrose – Tracy Jenner gave the Salutatory speech at graduation and Helen Corfield, the Valedictory. ALSO Atty. Edward P. Little (later Judge Little) is the champion fisherman of this locality. Ed went out on two occasions last week and on one returned with a catch weighing 75 lbs, and the other weighed 75½ lbs. The fish were suckers, which have lately been running in the Susquehanna, and Ed says the way he got ‘em was to don a pair of hip boots and a pair of woolen mittens (and a checkered shirt) and go right into the water after them. Even a sucker cannot slip out from between a pair of woolen mittens and when they get in a strong lawyer’s hands they are done for. Ed said he wore the blue plaid shirt, as he was afraid the red plaid might make him a little to conspicuous even for night fishing.
Auburn Twp. – Commencement exercises of the high school will be held on the evening of May 23. Miss Madge McMickens, one of South Auburn’s finest young ladies, is one of the graduates.
Jackson – Jackson township needs a centralized school. A better school building, than either the one at Jackson or Lakeview, should be built and equipped with every modern convenience. The logical place for it is in the village of Jackson. But whether Jackson has the school or not, the township should use the method of bringing the schools into one. Jackson has two grocery stores, a drug store, a hall, hotel, two churches, besides being the place where the voting is done and much of the township’s business transacted. It is the only village in the township. It is on the main road. To have a new centralized school at Jackson Lakeview or North Jackson, is much more desirable than the present school system. ALSO An invitation is extended to all soldiers of the Civil, Spanish-American and World Wars, to participate in Memorial Day activities.
Harford – There will be a public meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall, at 1 p.m., on Memorial Day. From that meeting all will march to the cemetery and decorate the graves of our departed soldiers. The people and children are urged to bring flowers to the hall, before noon. There are 77 graves to be decorated and many flowers are required.
Gelatt – LeRoy Gelatt underwent an operation on his eyes at his home here. Dr. A. L. Craft, of Herrick Center, performed the operation.
Kingsley – Another automobile accident occurred near the Oakley crossing on Monday afternoon, when a car skidded and landed in the ditch, demolishing the car and the four occupants were inured. Dr. Taylor was called to fix up their injuries
Herrick Center – The auditorium of the new high school was filled with a capacity audience, Wednesday evening, when the dedicatory services were held. Dr. Shaw, of the Dept. of Education, Harrisburg, delivered the main address, which was excellent. “Brief addresses were given by County Supt. F. H. Taylor and Asst. Supt. Sampson. Dr. A. L. Craft and C. J. Baker, who gave the land over 23 years ago, were given seats of honor. President of the school board, A. E. Flynn, presided in a very pleasing and creditable manner.
Lenox Twp. – Walter C. Adams graduated from the Andrew C. Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Kirksville, Mo., on Monday evening. He has made a record as a successful student and his friends are confident he will be eminently successful as a practitioner.
Birchardville – This is a great poultry-raising center, which may account for the fact that it is also noted for its numerous foxes and fox-hunters. A short time ago Marshall and Clayton Ball secured a fox and a litter of young ones by digging them out of their den and placed them in captivity. The mother escaped. What to do with the young cubs was a problem. A mother cat, with some kittens, was among the livestock on the place, and the old cat became a “wet nurse” to the fox cubs. The cubs are thriving on the old cat’s kindly ministrations and the outlook is that they will grow and possibly yet prosper—on some of Birchardville’s poultry, should they chance to escape from durance vile.
Liberty Twp. – Ralph Luce had the misfortune to lose a good cow. E. M. Bailey also has lost one.
Clifford – Harry Price, one of our best-known and most highly regarded residents, died at the home of Mrs. Robert Jones, of Forest City, May 19th.
Thompson – Mrs. Emogene Mulvey, of Carbondale, was engaged at dressmaking last week, at Mrs. A. E. Foster’s, Main Street.
Forest City – Pat O’Malley, a Forest City boy who has gained fame in moving pictures, will be seen this evening, at the Family Theatre, in “My Wild Irish Rose.” ALSO The senior class returned from their trip to Washington, D.C. They visited the Capitol building and White House. They also visited Mount Vernon, Fort Meyer, the Navy Yard and Philadelphia. The trip was an educational one and will long be remembered by the seniors and chaperones.
Uniondale – Douglas & Yale are rushing the automobile business. They received a car load of cars this week and still are not able to meet the demand. John Kagler, John Paye, Everett Lloyd and Burton Avery are the latest purchasers.
News Briefs: There was a lively discussion on why does Memorial Day have to take a back seat in these times and let base ball games and public dancing crowd out so honorable a cause. Something’s wrong. ALSO The “Automobilist” magazine reports that information received from a number of court magistrates indicates that women are more careful as automobile drivers than men. Out of thousands of cases coming before the courts, daily, only about one percent are women.
Compiled By: Betty Smith