Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 19 1893/1993
Susquehanna - Editor Pride's Susquehanna Journal was 24 years old Tuesday. AND Prof. Chas. Higgins, of the New York Symphony Club, Prof. VonScarpa, pianist, and local talent, will give an entertainment in Hogan Opera House on Monday evening, May 22, for the benefit of the Episcopal Church.
South Gibson - Prospecting for coal will begin again.
Clifford - Clifford is to have an Opera house soon and F.W. Tennant is building it. N.E. Gardner had the contract for building the foundation and has it now all completed. The carpenter work is soon to be done and we will soon have a Hall, suitable for all purposes.
Auburn - While H. Penn’s family were absent from home, on Sunday last, their house was broken into, two window lights were broken out and other things thrown around; also the school house was broken into. This is not the first miserable low deed that has been committed in this place this spring. We think someone had better try to elevate themselves instead of going on at this rate.
Montrose - There are now five bicycle agencies in this place, each selling different wheels. You can take your choice of the Columbia, Rambler, Victor, Remington, or Cleveland.
South Gibson - The South Gibson Circuit Temperance Union will give an entertainment at the Methodist Church on Saturday evening. May 27th. Preparations are being made to give a good variety of singing, select reading, dialogues, and declarations. The "Hatchet Fammalie" will be presented by 20 young ladies. Admission 10 cents, children 5 cents.
East Lenox - Willie Owens caught an eel in Mud Pond that weighed 5 3/4 lbs.
Auburn Corner - Aunt Katie Margaret, while visiting at her son-in-law’s, John West, had the misfortune of losing her buggy horse. Old Fannie, which has been her faithful servant for 30 years. Gone but not forgotten.
Harford - E.M. Osborne is the happy recipient of nearly $500, back pay for services as Lieutenant in the army in 1862. This is not pension money. AND Osterhout and Whitney are not sitting on dry goods boxes and ranting about hard times. Last week a lumber wagon left the shop for Edwin Tiffany, Brooklyn; a platform wagon, canopy top, for Frank R. Tiffany, Kinsley route; a top carriage for G.E. Witter. A canopy top for D.M. Farrar, Gibson route.
Susquehanna County - Mrs. Frances E. Russell is one of the leaders in the present agitation for the wearing of short dresses by women. She presents the strongest argument yet advanced for the short dress in the following two sentences, which she quotes from Frances M. Steele. It refers to a class of gymnasium girls: The grace of the feel and legs below gymnastic dresses that fell a little lower than the knees was a delight and something to be desired for all womankind. These girls were to me like draped souls, so utterly unconscious were they of arms or legs." Once women are persuaded that they will be beautiful and graceful in short dresses, the work which doctors, scientists, saints and reformers have striven in vain to accomplish will be done.
Compiled By: Betty Smith