Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
May 18 1917/2017
Dimock/Elk Lake – Lorinda Lathrop was born near Elk Lake in the year 1827, and has lived in Dimock township all her life. At the age of 23 she married Jonathan Kellogg who died Jan. 8, 1898. Since his death she has made her home with her only daughter, Mrs. W.J. Brodhead. On her 90th birthday, May 9th, a few of her friends made her a surprise party, and it was a real surprise to her for she had forgotten it was her birthday. She received many tokens as a remembrance of the day for which she is very thankful. Twenty-seven sat down to dinner. All had a pleasant time, but none enjoyed the occasion more than Mrs. Kellogg, although afflicted with deafness and poor eye sight, she takes an active interest in the affairs of her friends and neighbors.
Thompson - W. S. Wright is building three cottages at Coxton Lake for parties from Peckville.
Great Bend – The patriotic celebration by Hallstead and Great Bend citizens was a big success, many people being unable to gain admission to the Opera House, held last Tuesday evening. A flag-raising was held at the corner of Church and Pine streets. Warren F. Simrell gave an address. This was followed by a concert by the Susquehanna band. E.A. Harmes introduced S.M. Collender, of Scranton, a veteran of the Civil War, who sang several selections. W.A. Skinner, of Susquehanna, and Dr. J.J. Lawrence, of Binghamton, were the speakers of the evening.
Harford – A band of gypsies were through here last Friday. They had with them a bear that would dance; and also a monkey.
Silver Lake – Miss Nellie Heavy, of St. Joseph, and Jas. Sweeney, of this place, were married at St. Joseph’s church on Wednesday, April 25. Their many friends extend congratulations.
Glenwood – A few weeks ago our Editor requested his correspondents not to send so many visiting messages, but more births, deaths and marriages instead. We are glad to report that we haven’t any slackers in this vicinity, getting married [and] trying to evade military service during the war.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Township – The G.A.R. Post members will hold memorial exercises here, May 30, beginning at 1 p.m. sharp. There will be a good speaker and good singing for the occasion. Let everyone come and show honor and respect for the dear old veterans, who did so much for us and our country.
Herrick Township – Little Elsie Bonham, 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bonham, was struck by a locomotive on Monday afternoon while returning from school. At last reports she was still alive and the outlook was hopeful for her complete recovery. Accompanied by her 9-year-old sister, Leila, and little cousin, Leland Bennett, the children waited for a northbound D&H train to pass the crossing. This shut out the view of an oncoming southbound train, and the children found themselves directly in front of it. The two children managed to cross safely, but the little girl was struck by the bumper and thrown a considerable distance. She was carried, unconscious, to the office of Dr. Craft and it was several hours before she regained consciousness. No bones were broken but she was badly bruised. This is a dangerous crossing, and at the insistence of the Public Service Commission the work of installing electric signal bells was started Monday. [If this is Elsie Amanda Bonham, she did recover. She was born Dec. 4, 1909 and died August 21, 2001 and is buried in the Myers Cemetery, Herrick Township.]
Montrose – We are to be favored with the first real circus of the season on May 24. The LaTina’s big three-ring circus and wild-west show will exhibit for one day only, giving performances afternoon and evening. This show is of considerable size and furnishes a ring performance deserving the very highest praise. The management claims the show in its entirety to be perfectly free from any immoral, suggestive or lewd features, and especially attractive to ladies and children. The circus will also carry two score American cowboys and cowgirls, who give a typical western exhibition. The big, free street parade is worth going far to see, many cages of wild beasts being open to the public.
Bennett’s Corners, Auburn Twp. – Homer Brugler’s family have had a great deal of sickness this winter and Mr. Brugler, one of the hardest working men in this section, was getting behind with some of his work, so ten of his neighbors and friends took their teams and plows and went to plowing his corn ground. Along about 3 o’clock something happened to one of the plows, and the man went down to the barn to get Homer’s plow, and that was the first Homer knew of the plowing bee. It is, needless to say, that he was surprised, and wasn’t long getting to the field with apples, etc. They finished about 5 o’clock and every man went home feeling better for having done a kindly act for a neighbor.
Rush – A handsome [Ford] automobile hearse, which undertaker F.A. Bedell, of East Rush, has lately added to his equipment, attracted much attention last Sunday afternoon. It is painted in a somber grey and is artistically finished. Mr. Bedell is progressive and believes in keeping abreast of the times. ALSO The Fargo School house [Dist. #13] and Tupper School house [Dist. #9] will be sold at auction on May 19th. The Fargo School house at 1 p.m. and the Tupper at 3 p.m. on said premises. Also, the land where the Fargo School house is. Charles L. Bowen, Sec’y.
Hop Bottom – Miss Arethusia Sophronia Dillpickle is suing Wilmer Miner for breach of promise and the case will be heard in the Mock Trial to be held in the Methodist church, Thursday evening, May 24. Judge F. A. Davies, of Montrose, will preside.
Springville – Many friends were pained to learn of the fire that swept away the large, new garage, of Stuart Riley & Son, Tuesday afternoon of last week. While the building is a total loss, Minot Riley, the junior member and manager of the firm, told us that he expected that all the machinery in their repair department could be saved. The repair department has been moved, temporarily, to D.E. Tuttle’s shop. Messrs. Riley will rebuild as soon as possible. Gasoline was being used in cleaning a motor, when it is presumed the fumes caught from a stove in the building. There was no insurance. One automobile, belonging to Bert Thomas, undergoing repairs, was destroyed. A new car was saved.
News Brief – The Erie railroad will replace all male clerks in its employ with women. It is announced 3,000 men will be affected.
200 Years Ago Today, from the Montrose Centinel, May 18, 1817.
*SHERIFF SALE. By virtue of a writ of Benditioni Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to sale on Saturday the 7th day of June next, at 1 o’clock P.M., at the Court House in the town of Montrose, all the right and title of William Rockwell to a certain piece of land situate in the township of Bridgewater, bounded on the east by lands of Eli Gregory, south by lands of John Phinney, west by lands of James Stephens and north by lands of Peter Davis, containing 50 acres, 12 acres under improvement and a log house, being the lot on which said Rockwell now lives. AUSTIN HOWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, May 16, 1817.
*PAY YOUR DEBTS. ALL persons indebted to Herrick & Fordham, whose accounts have been three months standing, must pay on or before the 3D OF JUNE NEXT, or their accounts will be put in the hands of persons who will send them a few lines to quicken their memories, headed Susquehanna County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, andc. which will be read to them by a person duly authorized to carry a LONG STAFF. Therefore you had all better look out for No. ONE. Montrose, May 17, 1817.
Compiled By: Betty Smith