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May 16 1890/1990

Auburn - John France, of Auburn Corners, is cutting his third set of teeth at 60 years of age. He says he can sympathize with little children now.

Clifford - An amusing scene was witnessed in Clifford a few days ago when three aged and well-to-do farmers made a lively chase through the streets after a pig. We have not learned whether they caught the pig or not.

Great Bend- Mr. Lyman has recently brought into Great Bend a registered “Wilkes” Stallion, for the benefit of the breeders of that section, where the Wilkes family is already very popular.

Lathrop - Four schools are in session. Teachers, Ella Ward, Hillside; Marion Perry, Maple Grove; Rose Risley, Deckertown. Wages: ten dollars.

Montrose - While passing Mrs. S.E. Newton's millinery store at No. 18 South Main St., on Thursday evening, we were attracted by the brilliant illumination and fine display and stepped in to admire, from a masculine, though not unappreciative standpoint, the complete assortment of Spring and Summer Millinery which is just now uppermost in the minds of the ladies. Mrs. Newton has made a study and success of her business and in her stock can be found styles suited to all tastes. Tanneries, acid factories, brick kilns; stone quarries, sawmills and chair factories form an almost continuous line between Susquehanna and Stevens Point.

News Brief - Persons interested in the formation of a Historical Society for Susquehanna County should not fail to be present at the meeting to be held in the Court House, at Montrose, on Saturday, May 31, at 1:30 p.m.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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