Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 13 1921/2021
Clifford – The survey of the Carbondale-Clifford road as far as the Lackawanna-Susquehanna county line has just been completed and the preliminary survey on that section of the road, within Susquehanna county and as far as Royal, has been commenced. It was learned that work will commence shortly on the section of the same route between Harford and Kingsley.
Fairdale – Edward Olmstead, a 12-year-old Fairdale boy, was accidentally shot through the calf of the leg by his cousin, Charles Olmstead. The boys were out hunting at the time, having a small caliber rifle. The bullet passed between both bones, narrowly missing each. The wound was dressed at the office of Dr. Gardner.
Bennett’s Corners, Auburn Twp. – Three boys from this place, Lee Baldwin, Thomas Davis and Irving Loomis, will graduate from the Auburn High School on May 19th. ALSO G. C. Barnes and brother, W. H. Barnes, of Auburn, drove their car to Montrose, a distance of over 20 miles, in one hour and 25 minutes, which included a stop of at least five minutes. Mr. Barnes says that the road from Lawton to Montrose is in excellent condition, but the balance of the way was decidedly rough in places. He says his Ford will reel off the distance in an hour and a quarter, but he lays no claim to being a speedster.
Susquehanna – The Erie shops at this place closed down on Monday night of this week for an indefinite period. Every shop on the Erie system closed at the same time. No one knows whether the order will be effective for one week or many, but most of the men are looking for a “job” until the shops resume operations again. ALSO Dr. Henry W. Brandt, formerly of this place, but now in California, has a high standing with the American Red Cross, having served with that organization during the war.
Montrose – Mrs. Irene McCollum announces the opening of her book and gift store in the store room on Church street which for nearly half a century has been used as a book and stationery store. In connection with the store, Mrs. McCollum will inaugurate a movement new to Montrose in a “woman’s exchange,” where ladies may bring fancy work and articles of apparel made at home, a price will be fixed on them and the articles sold on a commission basis. ALSO Montrose’s summer colony is arriving early this year. Several have already registered at Rosemont Inn and are enjoying our bracing mountain air.
Gelatt – The supervisors of the township, with their men and teams, are at work on the old Newburgh turnpike, which has not been repaired for several years and had gotten in a very bad condition.
Friendsville – Mrs. George L. Winlock, of Cambridge, is here for a few days, making arrangements for the planting of the extensive gardens at Camp Choconut.
Forest City – Julius Freedman was acquitted of selling intoxicating liquors because a federal court jury held the federal authorities had failed to show the stuff was intoxicating. One of the witnesses was John Fallon, aged 17, who was charged with having been drunk. Fallon, when on the stand, said he was asked when taken before Burgess Johnson, of Forest City, where he got his liquor, and he replied to that official he had secured it the same place he said the official had gotten his. The drink was alleged to have been “sweet cider.”
Silver Lake – The Snow Hollow school closed on Tuesday. Miss Mary Guiton, of Middletown, was the teacher. ALSO Walter Buckley, Walter Mahoney, Ambrose Mahoney and Floyd Conklin were among those who went to Dimock to play ball. They report defeat. However, they are to play another game in two weeks.
Kingsley – U. Sloat has resigned his position as mail carrier. He has sold his horse, wagon, etc., to his nephew E. G. Wilmarth, of Brooklyn. Mr. Sloat will be missed, as he has carried the mail for so long.
Fair Hill – We have no preacher for this charge, as the one that was offered more cash and goes where the most money is, regardless of the needs of the people.
Glenwood – Frank Nichols is erecting a large chicken house. Mr. Nichols expects to go into the poultry business on a large scale, by the looks.
Harford – The stage road from Harford to Kingsley is in the best condition it has been for a number of years. It has been under the management of Harry Estabrook, and he employed a number of capable men to do the work.
Great Bend – Three cars, each containing six Buick automobiles in transit, stood on the siding at Great Bend for nearly two weeks. When the cars were placed in a train for moving, it was discovered that thieves had been at work. The tires, batteries, windshields and other parts had been taken from some of the cars by thieves.
Brandt – Andrew Blank, Sr., died at his home May 4, age 86 years. Mr. Blank was born in Germany; came to America when young in years and spent most of his life here in the brick business. He was the oldest resident of Brandt; a charter member of the Harmony Presbyterian church, and highly respected by all who knew him. He is survived by three daughters and two sons. The funeral was held at the house and interment in the family plot at Brandt.
Uniondale – Foxes have played sad havoc with the hen coops of Lyon street of late. A young man, we are reliably informed, shouldered his musket and proceeded to dispense with the services of Mr. Reynard. He kept a close vigil and was rewarded by seeing a fox making his way to the coop. He took aim, fired and hastened in the direction of the shot and in the distance Mr. Reynard was congratulating himself on his narrow escape. The young man investigated and found the he had ended two egg producers and had to cough a sufficient sum of pay for them. He inwardly resolved that henceforth he will not attempt to play the good Samaritan.
Stevens Point – Arthur Kishpaugh and Mr. Wheeler, of Lanesboro, were in town calling on George I. Prentice, in the interest of Decoration Day exercises. The young soldiers feel that they should attend to some of the duties that the veterans of the G. A. R. Post have so long preformed.
News Brief: The liquid notes of the bob-o-link and the whistle of the oriole were heard this week, the appearance of these little feathered friends heralding the approach of continuous warm weather, but which has not been borne out the past few days. Many local people are “getting their gardens in.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith