Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 13 1892/1992
Montrose - The graduating class of the High School consists of the following young ladies and gentlemen: Nellie Hillis, Mary Hickok, Nellie Bunnell, Gertie Gray, Mabel Brewster, Matie Crocker, Julia Doyle, Alice Glidden, Harry Morris, Harry Crisman, Dan. "Stark, Fred Scott, Chas. Gardner, Harry Loomis.
South Montrose - Now it is Marcus M. Hunter, M.D. That's what the records of the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, say, since "Mark" Hunter graduated there on April 27, with high honors. His father, John W. Hunter, was present at the graduating exercises.
Forest City - In the vicinity of Forest City, during the heavy rainstorm last Tuesday evening, the downpour of water was accompanied by a shower of fish. The inhabitants gathered many of these strange visitors, which, in appearance resembled catfish, about four inches in length.
Hop Bottom - Albert Titus will have charge of the gate to be erected at the railroad crossing in that place. He has been in the employ of the Company ever since the road was built. He was one of the gang that laid the first rails from Great Bend south, about 40 years ago.
Susquehanna - The C.M.B.A. Ball, held at Hogan Opera House on Friday evening, April 29, was a brilliant affair. It was attended by about one hundred and eleven couples, all fond lovers of the dreamy waltz. The hall was prettily adorned for the occasion, and drew forth much admiration from those present. The music, rendered by the celebrated Dickenson-Beman Orchestra, of Binghamton, was simply grand and immense. Taken altogether, it may be rightly termed a "swell affair."
Great Bend - A refreshing rain early in the week helped amazingly to introduce a new reign of vegetable growth and those of our neighbors who possess a few feet of land and a cottage, are taking advantage of the situation to get in their preliminary garden work, so making this part of the valley appear less like a wilderness than Jasper Jennings has shown it to be in his entertaining historic sketches, one hundred years ago.
Lanesboro - The Barnes Manufacturing Company, of Lanesboro, has long had the reputation of making the best saw mills known in this section of the country. They have just shipped one of their celebrated Climax circular saw mills, with engine and boiler, to a party in West Virginia.
Harford - The Soldiers' Orphan School pupils will hold a grand entertainment, on the lawn, brilliantly lighted by Japanese lanterns, on the evening of May 20. Admittance is 15 cents, after which ice cream and cake will be served to all desiring it, at a nominal price. Proceeds for the benefit of the S.O.S. band boys. Prof. dark will spare no efforts to make this a most enjoyable occasion. Col. Ripple, of Scranton, will deliver an address. Music by the band, recitations and singing by the school, will be the interesting features of the evening.
Elkdale - Forest City, Uniondale and Dundaff, owners of fast horseflesh, met at Charley Crandall's track near Elkdale, last Saturday, and "discussed" the merits of their horses.
Compiled By: Betty Smith