Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 12 1922/2022
Brooklyn – The Girl Scout camps of Scranton and Mid Valley towns have purchased a tract of about five acres of land on the northeastern border of Lake Ely, and have a force of men engaged in erecting a mess hall, about 70 by 28 feet, and will build other needed buildings in the near future. This association has a membership of about 1,000. ALSO On May 6ththe Brooklyn High School ball team crossed bats with a team composed of farmer boys of that locality. The High School team was in fine trim, having practiced considerable during the week, while the other boys had practiced none at all. The former team went on the diamond laughing and shouting, but went home with a change of tune, the farm boys’ team winning the game.
Franklin Twp. – George C. Campbell died at his home on Thursday, May 4th. He was born in County Down Ireland, Oct. 14, 1846, and came to Canada with his parents when he was one year old. In his early youth he went to Chicago, where, for over 30 years, he conducted a grocery business, supplying the vessels on the Great Lakes as well as his regular retail trade. Twenty years ago he came to Franklin Hill where he has since resided. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; two sons, George C. and David R., at home; one daughter, Mrs. W. R. Hollingshead, of Binghamton. Interment was in the East Bridgewater cemetery, with Great Bend Commandry in charge.
South Montrose – Henry W. Deans, A Civil War veteran, died on Friday, April 26, 1922, in a New York city hospital. In accordance with his request, the body was brought to South Montrose for burial. Services were held in the South Montrose church. He was a member of Battery F, Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery.
Birchardville – Mrs. W. C. Tilden, of this place, wife of the late Rev. Tilden, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Emma A. Ball, was in town on a visit. Mrs. Tilden is 93 years old and does remarkable things for a woman of her years. She thought nothing of making the trip to Montrose by auto. She reads and sews almost constantly and does not wear glasses.
Montrose – E. J. Dorey informs us that he has ordered two new buses for use on the Binghamton-Montrose line. They are to be modern in every detail and will cost $8,000 apiece. They will be larger and lower than the busses now in use; smoking compartments will be a feature. An interesting fact in connection with the bus line service is that every bus comes to a dead stop before crossing any railroad track. ALSO This evening, May 11, special at Ideal Theatre to benefit the Montrose High School Athletic Association—“Conquering Power,” starring Rudolph Valentino. Admission 30 cents.
Harford – The radiophone which the Wilmarth brothers have installed in their home is pronounced a success by all who have heard it. Fine concerts are heard every evening from Schenectady, Pittsburg and other cities, being heard very distinct. Stock reports and baseball news are given daily and the code from the Atlantic cable is also heard.
Springville – Commencement exercises were held in the Community building. The two graduates, Bernard Smales and Dorothy Jennings, both gave essays which reflected much credit to themselves and their instructors. The music by Mittan’s orchestra was a pleasing feature and the address of the evening, given by Rev. Lawson, of Nanticoke, was one of the best ever heard here. Rev. Lawson has something to say and knows how to say it.
Beech Grove, Auburn Twp. - A. C. Carter is driving a new Willis Knight roadster and Claude Swisher has installed a Pine Tree milking machine in his barn.
Lanesboro – Clinton Watkins, an eight-year-old boy, lost four toes on his left foot when the member was run over by an Erie train, Saturday afternoon. The four toes were amputated at the Barnes hospital, Susquehanna.
Dimock – The School board held a meeting at Elk Lake yesterday to decide whether the school house that was burned up last winter should be rebuilt as it was formerly, or a larger building be made so as to consolidate with the Tyler school. The head of the Bureau of Consolidation of Schools, in Harrisburg, was present at this meeting to help them decide which was the better way. No word on what was decided.
Thompson – A week of special services will mark the dedication of the Thompson M. E. church. Many former pastors and visiting clergymen are expected to be present during the week.
Forest City – Joseph Muchitz has made great progress as head cheer leader at Penn State College. In a recent issue of the Penn State Collegian it commended him very highly for his work, and also explained the new system of electing cheer leaders, which Joe has introduced in the college. This is a great improvement over the old system and will be introduced next September.
Jail Assault: Joseph Wilicka, a prisoner in the county jail, attacked Chief Tingley, who was locking up in the absence of Sheriff Darrow, hitting him on the back of the head four times with an improvised blackjack, which he had made by filling a stocking with bits of brick and sand, and then soaking it in water. The blows all but knocked out Chief Tingley, but Frank Roma, the jail trusty, jumped on Wilicka, throwing him away from the chief. Though dazed, Chief Tingley managed to whip out his Smith & Wesson “45” and fired at Wilicka, who dropped over on the floor as if dead. Supposing Wilicka dead, Chief Tingley had Mrs. Darrow summon Dr. Birchard and Attorney Denney. Examination showed no gun wound and it is supposed Wilicka lost consciousness through sheer fright, or feigning injury. Wilicka’s “Buddy” Leo Wagner, had showed signs of taking part in the attack, but when the chief got the gun into action, he dove headlong through the doorway of and onto the floor of his cell. Both men were being held on a charge of highway robbery.
200 Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Herald, May 11, 1822.
MARRIED, on the 9th instant, by Joshua W. Raynsford, Esq. Ezekiel W. Harlan, of Chester county, to Margaret, daughter of Joseph Baker, Esq., of Bridgewater township.
Compiled By: Betty Smith