Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 08 1903/2003
Auburn Twp. - The Jersey Hill Creamery Co., on Monday, April 27, shipped 2,200 pounds of fine gilt-edge butter.
Hallstead - The Commencement exercises will be held in the Baptist church, Tuesday evening, May 19. Miss Julie Cruser, reader, of Montrose, will assist during the evening. Music will be furnished by Prof. Charles Cohen, of Montrose. The members of the graduating class are: Loda Sloat, Leta Simrell, Cecil Ross, Len Barnes, Florence Swartz, Parna Wolcott, Hylie O'Dell and Lizzie McCormack. The Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. H. M. Pease. AND Plans are being discussed for the erection of an addition to the Hallstead Y.M.C.A. building and much attention is being given to the subject by the male citizens of that town. AND The new bell has been placed in the belfry of the Methodist church.
Montrose - For some time those who have been at all interested in the work of securing a profitable industry for this place have known that the board of trade was negotiating with a Brooklyn, NY firm who wished to locate a factory for the manufacture of cut glass in some suitable town. The transaction being now completed, with the exception of a few minor details, we are enabled to divulge the facts relative to the securing of this highly desirable industry. It is expected that the plant will employ from 30 to 40 persons.
The wages paid the cutters and other workmen are much higher than those paid the average factory employee, and while only skilled labor is used there is always a chance for young men to secure apprenticeships and work their way up.
Susquehanna - The Erie has put a cheese train on the road: two trains of salt passed eastward on Monday night. A large quantity of livestock is going east. AND Our milkmen have reduced the price of milk from 6 to 5 cents per quart.
Alford - O. W. Titus and son, Jess, have gone to Lestershire to work in the shoe factory. AND Mrs. Jos. Oakley, owing to the death of her son, Lee, who had been conducting her farm, will sell all her personal property, on the Jos. Oakley farm, near Alford, on Saturday, May 16. The young man's death was a severe blow to Mrs. Oakley and she has the sympathy of many friends.
Springville - Lyman Meserole and Welton Sheldon have gone to take a course at Cayuga College.
Harford - There will be a bee next Wednesday at the Congregational church; the gentlemen are to look after the grounds and sheds and the ladies clean the church and serve dinner.
South Gibson - A very sad accident occurred here Monday, April 27th, to little Josephine Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, aged 7 years. She told her mother she would commence the dinner while she finished the washing. While putting in chips to start the fire, her apron caught fire and she ran screaming out of doors, enveloped in flames. Before her mother could get to her, her clothes were nearly all burned off. She was terribly burned about the body. Dr. Cole, of Jackson, was called but in spite of medical aid and tender aid death came to her relief at 8 p.m. the same day. Her funeral was held the following Wednesday at the M.E. church, Pastor Gorisse officiating. A large number of relatives from Forest City and surrounding towns were present. The white casket was covered with beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have the sympathy of all, in this their first great sorrow.
Dimock - Wm. Gray has taken Horace Greeley's advice and gone west.
North Branch [Middletown Twp.] - The home of Martin Curley, of Flynn, was burned on Thursday last. The fire caught from the chimney. Mr. and Mrs. Curley have the sympathy of the community.
Birchardville - Fred S. Birchard is home from the Medical College at Philadelphia, where he has passed his examinations successfully. He will return to commencement in two weeks and will soon be a full-fledged M.D.
Glenwood - Mrs. Kate Hall has got settled in her new home in this place. Anyone coming this way hungry can find plenty to eat at Mrs. Hall's. Also good stabling for horses. This is as it should be.
North Jackson - Willie Cox, a son of Emory Cox, of North Jackson, in attending school at Bear Swamp, in Thompson township, has not missed a day in five years.
Uniondale - Miss Gertrude Tucker, daughter of Charles Tucker, the harness maker, is now a resident of Los Angeles, California, where she went recently. Mr. Tucker and his family expect to go to same place in August.
Hopbottom - One of the pleasantest hostelries in the county is the house kept by E. H. Sweet, at Hopbottom. The arrangements are first-class and the table unexcelled. The place is becoming very popular with the traveling public.
New Milford - The Moses Shields Stone company, of New Milford, have a traction engine on trial hauling stone from the Everett quarry to the dock in New Milford. If it proves a success it will be purchased and continued in use in the future. Two stone wagons are coupled on to the engine and about fifteen tons are brought from the quarry each trip.
News Briefs - The original Declaration of Independence is to be seen no more. An order has been issued that henceforth the historic manuscript shall be kept under lock and key in a fire-proof safe. AND Illinois ranks first among the states in the manufacture of agriculture implements, bicycles, cars, glucose and distilled liquors and in slaughtering and meat packing. AND The factory girls of Worcester, Mass., use four tons of snuff every week. It is shipped from Chicago. AND The longer a boy is tied to his mother's apron-strings the nearer he is to success when he does cut loose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith