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May 06 1910/2010

Forest City - William Doud, a well know young resident, died at an early hour yesterday morning, of pneumonia. He was about 16 years old and was employed at the Forest City breaker. "Willie," as he was known, was a genial young man and his death will be deplored by many friends. He is survived by his mother, three brothers and six sisters.

Bridgewater Twp. - At Watrous Corners M. F. Bissel has a fine show of alfalfa, it being 12 inches high now, while James Mead, up near North Pond [Brooklyn], has the champion wheat field.

Dimock - Jonathon Estus and son, Lee, are building a new wagon shop near the blacksmith shop of C. W. Barnes. ALSO C. C. Mills, who is 8o years old, seems to enjoy these pleasant days by sitting on his front porch reading his paper while he smokes his favorite pipe.

West Auburn - The little girls of this place made Mrs. Fred Rider a handkerchief shower and a surprise party last Saturday, it being her birthday. Mrs. Rider received 41 handkerchiefs and a good time was enjoyed by all.

Montrose - Dr. Henry H. Jessup, a former resident of Montrose, died at Beirut, Syria, on Thursday last. He was 78 years of age, a graduate of Yale college, and had been doing missionary work in Syria for fifty years. His father was judge of this county in the forties. Ten children survive him. ALSO Will the person who took the umbrella from the Court House, on Sunday, April 24, kindly return same at once and save trouble, as he is known.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Most of the valley people attended the commencement exercises at Auburn Centre, Thursday evening. We have the honor again of having one graduate in the class of thirteen. We are proud to say it was one of our finest young men, Fred Pierson. We extend congratulations.

Jackson - Roy Roberts is becoming an expert motorcyclist. ALSO In North Jackson two stray dogs made sad havoc, Friday last, in the fine stock of sheep of Amos Potter, killing two of the best sheep in the bunch. Sheep raising has become almost a thing of the past as so many worthless dogs are at liberty and no one seems willing to take chances in the business.

Choconut Valley - An automobile party, consisting of Wm. Dean and little daughter, Mrs. Margaret Ryan and nephew Bernard Gilroy and Miss Hickey, all of Endicott, called on Mrs. R. Dean Sunday.

New Milford - New Milford people are jubilant over the fact that the tannery at that place, which has stood idle for a number of years, is soon to be reopened by a number of capitalists and the business of tanning sole leather carried on. A man named Hill, of Endicott, and the present foreman of the Endicott-Johnson Co. tannery, are the promoters of the business venture. They are practical tanners, and it is expected that New Milford will be greatly benefited by the transaction.

Heart Lake - An entertainment that will be sure to please will be given at the Heart Lake M. E. Church, Friday evening, May 6. Music, song and story, four hand piano recitals, solos, duets, and recitations. Admission 15 cents; children 10 cents. Benefit of the church.

Springville - Last Thursday, J. H. Kelly received a message from Little Meadows stating that Mrs. Kelly's sister was dying and they engaged Minot Riley to take them over in their (Riley's) auto, and they got there a few minutes before she died. ALSO Prof. J. Lee Tiffany was in town last week and purchased a horse and buggy of Sam Bennett while here.

Hallstead - E. A. Harmes, superintendent of the American Chair Manufacturing Co., has been elected general manager and treasurer of the company. ALSO Hallstead is interested in having a factory that will manufacture a patent horse shoe locate there. The Board of Trade held a meeting Monday evening to consider the proposition which was that a site be furnished and a specified number of shares of stock be subscribed.

Susquehanna - Treasurer John O. Sheatz, on Monday, admitted the right of Hon. C. F. Wright to take the position of State Treasurer, to which he was appointed by Governor Stuart, and on Tuesday the formal transfer was made. The Supreme Court handed down a decision in the matter on Monday.

Elk Lake - Edward Hassen, of Auburn, was seriously injured while working in the woods here on Wednesday of last week. He was driving a three-horse team hitched to a wagon, when his foot slipped from the vehicle and catching in a root was forced backward. The bones in the ankle and leg were both broken. Dr. H. B. Lathrop reset the bones and the injured member was encased in a plaster paris cast. He was taken to the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hassen, at Auburn, and appears to be doing nicely.

Binghamton - Alexander LaHare, a unique old character in the history of the city of Binghamton, called out "Evening papers" for the last time Friday evening. On Saturday morning he was found dead in bed. For many years, the blind newspaper dealer, day after day, through rain and sleet, cold or hot weather, was stationed at the corner of Washington and Court streets selling daily papers. The public was very kind to the old man, and out of sympathy he was given liberal patronage. His death was due to a severe stroke of apoplexy. His funeral was largely attended from the Church of Saint John the Evangelist on Monday morning.

News Brief - Most every man and woman remembers the shoes which squeaked when new. A few years ago, when a man wore shoes with soles as thick as those worn today, the first few weeks of their services made him think of an overloaded box car grinding through a union station. The squeak was agonizing. One good strong pair of boys' new shoes could put a school room out of business. "What has become of the squeak?" a shoe sales man was asked. "The soles of most shoes are made from two pieces of heavy leather," he replied. "Manufacturers learned that by putting a piece of canvas or a fiber of some sort between these two pieces, the squeak would be eliminated. They did this, and that's why the shoes don't squeak now."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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