Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 03 1901/2001
Hallstead - The commencement week of our high school will be ushered in next Sunday evening, May 12, by the preaching of the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. L.W. Church. On Thursday evening May, 16, the graduating exercises will be held at the Presbyterian church at which time the following young people will receive their diplomas: Ellen Donovan, Charles Gannon, Llewellyn Gere, Nettie Knoeller, Ellen Kelly, Harvie Loomis, George Millard and Bessie Waterman.
Forest Lake - The death of Patrick Griffin occurred at his late home in Forest Lake, last night at 10:10, after a lingering illness incident to old age. He was 97 years, 2 months, and 1 day old. The funeral will be held next Sunday morning from the Catholic Church at St. Joseph and the pastor of the deceased, Rev. Fr. John J. Lally, will officiate.
Oakland - Miss Lizzie Maloney, a popular teacher in the Susquehanna County schools, has entered as a postulant the Order of the Immaculate Heart, in Carbondale.
Elk Lake - S. K. Bells, of Elk Lake, is preparing to erect a mill near Lemon station, on the Montrose road, for the manufacture of lumber, lath, shingles and feed, with planning mill attachment. It will stand near the creamery building and the Montrose branch will be tapped to allow the putting in of a sliding for shipping facilities.
Lanesboro - Two years ago Mrs. Tewksbury, who residing near Lanesboro, lost her diamond wedding ring. A few days since, while digging parsnips, she found it inside of one of the parsnips, which had grown through it in her garden, and the growth had finally buried the ring in the vegetable. Mrs. Tewksbury had thrown the ring out in a pan of dishwater and it had been spaded under. She is highly elated over the gem's recovery.
Lawsville Center - The members of the Lawsville School Library Association together with their teacher, gave a conundrum supper at creamery hall May 3. It was a success in every sense of the word. The proceeds of the evening, $6.70, is to be used to purchase more books for the library.
Harford - Miss Gertrude Hance, who was at one time a pupil in the old Franklin Academy, but for the past 20 years has bee a missionary among the Zulus in the south of Africa, will speak at the Missionary Society in the church parlor Friday afternoon and in the church Sunday morning at the usual service time.
West Auburn - Our merchants have had quite a run of trade since they got their new goods. Also our milliner, Mrs. Lacey, has been quite busy supplying the ladies and children with new and beautiful hats for the summer.
East Dimock - J. W. Bunnell is delivering nursery goods for Thos. Calby.
Dimock Cross Roads - F. E. Bunnell, our man of all works, is moving a building for F. B. Jewett, of Brooklyn. F. E. is a hustler.
Hopbottom - Mrs. Russell Phillips returned recently from Malone, NY where she spent a few weeks with her husband. Just as she reached home an accident occurred which resulted in the loss of her purse containing $20 and which for a moment threatened a calamity which made the loss of her purse of small account. In eager haste to get home, where he saw his grandfather at work, Clarence, the five year old son, ran on to the narrow foot-bridge which furnishes a short-cut across the creek, and when part way across became dizzy or frightened and fell into the water. The current was swift and carried him some distance before his mother, who jumped in after him, secured him. Men who were near quickly rescued mother and child uninjured, but in the meantime a handgrip, a child's garden set and a purse had gone down stream, and the purse was not recovered.
Brackney - The Rev. J. J. Lally, of Silver Lake, has selected a new set of altar boys: namely, John Francis Murphy, Daniel Murphy, Edward Hawley and William Lynch. AND We all hope that when our boys go to Binghamton on business, they will not return carrying young ladies, for a cold evening necessitates borrowing a shawl.
Oakley - The refuse from the acid factory is said to have so polluted the water that it is killing all the fish in the stream flowing from Kingsley.
Jackson - Wm. Birdsall sold a fine team of horses to the managers of the Oakland poor farm for $300.
Forest City - May 15, four men will start for Alaska to try their fortunes in the frozen gold fields of the Yukon region. They are William Burns, Anton Podby, Dominick Francisco and John Pilbock. Mr. Burns is an "old timer." He spent two years and a half in that region, returning in the fall of 1899 and he believes there are still good opportunities to strike it rich in the land which has lured thousands of adventurers the past ten years-some to wealth, some to poverty and some to unknown graves. The former experience of Mr. Burns will help the quartet greatly. The mode of travel in Alaska has also been greatly improved within the past three years and the men will have a much easier path to travel than fell to the lot of the three men from Forest City who went there five years ago. In those days it was necessary to raft all their provisions and outfit down the Yukon river which was beset with rocks and dangerous channels; now a steamer plies that water and the trip is made in comparative safety. Mr. Burns, during his last stay in the north, worked for weeks within a short distance of Frank Belcher, the South Gibson man who after making $600,000 was taken down with fever and died in Alaska about a month ago, and was a daily visitor in his cabin. Mr. Belcher's remains, it is reported, were shipped for home yesterday.
Montrose - The ball game Monday afternoon between Montrose and Great Bend, resulted with a score of 17 to 5 in favor of Great Bend. The dance in the evening under auspices of the ball team was a success both socially and financially.
South Montrose - The friends and neighbors of Mrs. R. Hillary have purchased her a cow in place of the one she lost recently.
Compiled By: Betty Smith