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May 02 1913/2013

Clifford - “Great Nephew of Frances Slocum, Lost Sister of Wyoming, Dies.” John Slocum, a native of Scranton and grandson of Ebenezer Slocum, the first white settler in what is now Scranton, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ella Spedding, in Clifford, late Thursday night, aged 75, after an illness of about 2 months. Mr. Slocum was born in Slocum Hollow, as Scranton was then known, Dec. 3, 1837, and spent the days of his boyhood there, leaving for the farming districts of Susquehanna county, in the vicinity of Clifford, when he was about 25 years of age. He was the son of Ebenezer Slocum, 2nd, who was a son of Ebenezer Slocum, who hewed out a farm and home for himself in what was a wilderness on the banks of the Roaring Brook, soon after the Wyoming massacre, he having been one of the survivors of that dark page in the history of the Wyoming Valley and a brother of Frances Slocum, who was stolen by the Indians and who has since been known as the “Lost Sister of Wyoming.” After settling in Susquehanna county, Mr. Slocum married and there he made his home until his death, following the vocation of a farmer until a few years ago when he retired to live life more easily. One son and two daughters survive him. They are John Slocum, 2nd, of Clifford; Mrs. Ella Spedding, of Clifford, and Mrs. Harry Storrs Webb, of Scranton. (Forest City News, May 1, 1913)

Herrick Center - Dr. Simon Hubler, who practiced medicine in Herrick Center from 1879 to 1885, died at his home in Dunmore, aged 69 years. He was a member of 143rd Regiment, P. V., during the war. He is survived by his wife and one son, Attorney H. C. Hubler, of Dunmore. ALSO: Nathan Hines, 11 years old, had his left arm amputated by falling from a D. & H. coal train, shortly after 4 o’clock, Friday afternoon. He was taken to Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, immediately after the accident, and his condition is considered favorable. The boy, with several companions, while returning from school, jumped a passing train. After young Hines had boarded the train he turned around to see if his friends were aboard and losing his balance, fell under the cars, the wheels severing the arm close to the shoulder.

Harford - E. J. Whitney is one of the busiest men here, although he has disposed of his blacksmith shop, Ira Chamberlain being the new proprietor. The reason of Mr. W’s strenuous days is that he is a very popular undertaker and has calls from a wide territory. He recently conducted five funerals in four days.

Uniondale - In Uniondale, according to the Forest City News, two young men, highly respected, were hailed before Judge Bass and charged with spearing suckers in a trout stream. They were fined $20 each and costs, for a total of $48.88. A subscription was taken up and the whole amount collected to reimburse the young men for their expensive trip. Only two men refused, the amounts varying from 38 cents to $5, and much more could have been raised if necessary. The arrests were made by two members of the state police with headquarters at Wyoming.

Hallstead - Richard Stack, aged 12 and his brother, John Stack, aged 10, were almost instantly killed Saturday within sight of their own home by a fast mail train. The train was running at a high rate of speed and the little victims were cut to pieces. They were walking on the tracks, near the upper end of the yards, when the train came down the eastbound track at a high rate of speed in an effort to make up lost time. They were the oldest sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stack. Besides their parents they are survived by three sisters, Sarah and Helen, of Binghamton, and Bessie, of Hallstead, and one brother, Donald. The double funeral was held this Monday morning with services at St. Lawrence church.

South Gibson - David J. Jones and Clifford Reynolds escaped a serious accident while on their way from Welsh Hill to South Gibson, Saturday night. The wagon was struck by an automobile passing without first giving warning. The wagon was badly damaged, but no other injuries.

Little Meadows - George McCrossin has had gasoline lights put all through his house and barn.

Susquehanna - Last week was “clean--up week” here and Editor Bean of the Transcript, while overjoyed at the good work accomplished, states that not one--half of the yards were cleaned. To show the enormity of the work in hand, he states that from one householder’s yard alone, six Christmas trees were carted away by free wagons employed by the borough. Another man had his roof tinned four years ago and the old tin, which had reposed in the back yard during that time, was drawn away. Then the citizens dumped huge piles of ashes into the streets for the wagons to draw off, they got the mayor after them, however, and he ordered the rubbish carted away by the individuals within 24 hours, or be fined. The sad part is that those who could afford having the garbage removed took advantage of the free offer, while the poorer classes made little effort to “clean up.” Does your backyard look as good as your neighbor’s?

Dimock - Francis R. Cope and family, of Philadelphia, have arrived at Dimock for the summer. Mr. Cope is preparing to erect a handsome country home on his estate there, work to be started this summer.

West Auburn - Our school closed Wednesday, April 23. Miss Ella Crawford, the teacher, during the three years that she has been with us, has commanded the respect of everyone by her ladylike behavior and high Christian character. All unite in wishing her happiness and prosperity.

New Milford - “Fred W. Dean, Arrested for Assault and Battery, But Vanquishes Cut--Off Builders and Holds the Fort, So to Speak” read the headlines in the Montrose Democrat. Mr. Deans, of New Milford township, whose farm the new D.L.&W. cut-off men attempted to cross last fall, the account of which was chronicled in the Democrat, alleges that the railroad company has damaged his property for the past 25 years, burning his farm near Summit Bridge over once and sometimes twice each year, with no adjustment or reimbursement. When the company attempted to cross his farm, being somewhat grieved over the past, Mr. Dean attempted to stop the work. The company filed bond, but it is alleged by Mr. Dean, failed to give the legal 60 day notice in writing. Therefore, he protested against their coming on his farm. Work was discontinued at this point of the cut-off during the winter months and everything in that section remained serene until last Thursday, when Mr. Dean noticed that the workmen were getting well up toward his property. On Friday Mr. Dean’s son was the only one on the property and noticed that soon after his parents’ departure, a gang of workmen came on the premises and began dynamiting and in blowing out stones and some of them fell onto the roof of the house and broke out windows. After several altercations with the company’s attorney, workmen, etc., Mr. Dean was ordered off his property, which he refused to do. A hearing was held on the charges of assault and battery and in default of bail, which Mr. Dean refused to give, remarking, “here is my body, take it,” and was ordered to be committed to Montrose jail to await the action of the grand jury. Later that day he was approached by the company’s officials and asked to go back to the office, which they did, and met the officials who told Mr. Dean they did not want him to go to jail and said they would agree to release him if he would agree to stop interference with the work. Mr. Dean agreed to this if the company’s attorney would come to the premises and talk the matter over, which was agreed to and the date of the conference was fixed for May 17th, at which time it is thought an amicable settlement with all parties will be reached.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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