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March 9 1894/1994

Thompson - About noon on Tuesday of last week, fire was seen to Issue from the hotel barn, having caught from a passing locomotive. The hotel was saved with difficulty, the barn and contents being totally destroyed; partially insured. Mr. Smith, the proprietor, has the sympathy of his numerous friends. This was the first test of the waterworks in case of fire. The water worked like a charm, but it would be a good thing to know where the hose and monkey wrench, etc. are on such occasions.

Harford - On passing Fred A. Lindsey's barnyard we discovered his thirteen cows minus their horns. Mr. L. informed us that Andrew Bailey, of Dimock, did the work for 10-cents per cow. With long arm clippers a horn is cut close to the head almost instantly. Very little bleeding; and after a few hours the cow does not seem to mind it. Mr. L. says two cows would eat from a large box out door formerly; now ten eat from the same box and in peace. Mr. Bailey has done this work for several farmers in East Harford. AND On Monday evening, March 12th, there will be a meeting of the citizens of Harford, at George Payne's shop, to ascertain the feasibility of a telephone line from Harford to Kingsley.

Susquehanna - The Erie is now using soft coal exclusively, at this station, for locomotives.

Williams Pond - The Oyster Supper at Fred Hart's was well attended, but the fiddlers did not come.

Jackson - Some sixty years ago the late James Hall made 500 lbs. maple sugar in the month of February. It is not often that much sugar is made as early.

Union Hill - R.H. Tiffany made a trip to Forest City this week. Had to break roads, which had not been traveled for three weeks.

Montrose - It is sometimes still remarked in Montrose that we need a Public Library. If any one will only take the trouble to call on Wednesdays between 10 and 12 A.M., or Saturdays between 2 and 4 P.M., at Searles building (second story, back) they will find a Public Library, kept together by the enterprise of only a few Public-spirited individuals, of several hundred volumes. Lew Wallace's latest, "Prince of India," Mrs. Peary's Arctic Journal, books of travel, history and novels, have been recently added. Only $1.50 entitles you to a year's membership or 25-cents to a month. Will you not aid in this excellent work?

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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