Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 30 1923/2023
Thompson – The most beautiful thing in the form of a quilt is on exhibition at Mrs. Rachel Cory’s, all the work of her own hands. It is the “stars and stripes,” and entitled the “Flag Quilt.” A large star in the center denotes America and twelve stars in each corner representing the states. In and around the rest of the space are the stripes. The work is beautifully done and with great precision. It would pay to go quite a distance to see this quilt.
Franklin Hill – On account of sickness and bad weather, the church has been closed for the past few weeks, but was opened again Sunday.
Brooklyn – The sap season has come once more. Hurrah! For your warm sugar parties. ALSO Misses Helen Gere and Rena Terry, of Mansfield Normal School, are spending their Easter vacation here.
Hallstead – Peter K. Osterhout, aged 69, died March 21, at his home in Mountain Valley. Mr. Osterhout was one of the best-known men in this section. He was a carpenter by trade and his work was always done on honor. Burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.
Harford – A variety shower was given for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tiffany, at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tiffany. Many useful and beautiful gifts were presented to them, including aluminum ware, glassware, china, linen, etc. Appetizing refreshments were served.
Dimock – Eleanor, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Randall, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, has developed appendicitis and was taken to the Sayre hospital, Saturday, on Dr. Preston’s advice, where it is expected she will undergo an operation as soon as her condition permits. Drs. Birchard, Lathrop and Preston have each attended the case since her illness. Mrs. Geo. Gesford, the child’s grandmother, has gone to be with the little one during this critical time, as the mother cannot go on account of the infant baby.
Forest City – Theodore Hird, who left Vandling a few months ago, is now employed by the Lasky Film company at Hollywood, California. He writes that he is pleased with his position.
Uniondale – Automobiles are seen on our streets once more. Shall we call them harbingers of spring?
Susquehanna – John W, DeWitt, one of the oldest Erie telegraphers and train dispatchers, died at his home March 23d. He was born in Lackawaxen in 1852 and in 1869 entered the employ of the Erie and was long located at Port Jervis, coming to Susquehanna in 1907. ALSO Horace Pooler’s poolroom and cigar store was broken into and robbed some time Thursday night. Considerable money, tobacco, cigars and cigarettes were taken Mr. Pooler will be recalled as the man who had a Ford car stolen a few month ago, and for which Burton Follett is in induranceville in the Huntington reformatory.
East Rush – The ladies of the church furnished dinner at the public sale of Mr. Everett, and also at Mr. Barnes’, which helped to finish up our pastor’s salary, and we are very glad to say that he goes to conference fully paid at this point.
Brookdale – Friday evening there was a box social at the schoolhouse. Although it was a dark and stormy night there was a nice crowd and the social was a success.
New Milford Summit – Joe Avery’s saw mill burned to the ground one night last week.
Hop Bottom – Book Club, No. 2, held its annual banquet at the specious and beautiful residence of Dr. and Mrs. Van de Sand. About 40 guests were present. At 8 o’clock the grand march was played by Miss Leiah Phillips and Miss Charlotte Pratt, and the guests were served a delicious menu. Misses Leiah Phillips, Charlotte Pratt, Leora Tanner, Alice Rose and Madeline Murray acted as Waitresses.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Mrs. Jessie Christian is to have charge of the large boarding house at Louden Hill farm the coming year.
Montrose – Charles VanRensselaer, aged 85, died at his home in Binghamton, March 3rd, 1923. Deceased was for many years a resident of Montrose, but for several years had made his home in Jessup township and later in Binghamton. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving in one of the colored regiments and had an honorable war record. His early life was spent in the vicinity of Hudson, N.Y., where he was employed by some of the leading Dutch families. He was an experienced caretaker of horses and for years followed that line of work in Montrose. Interment was made in the Glenwood cemetery in Binghamton. [His war record lists him as Chief Musician.] ALSO The G. A. R. Veterans and Sons are invited to meet with the Daughters of Veterans, April 3rd, to celebrate Appomattox Day.
Birth: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rosendale (nee Miss Mollie Miller) at the Mackey Hospital, Montrose, Sunday, March 25, 1923. The momentous question of a name has not yet been decided, as we go to press, but the last poll of the family favored Allan Miller Rosendale.
News Brief: Radio As a Community Affair: Here’s a new one for the radio bugs. A whole street can listen in on one wireless set, according to Mr. Howard Hess, of Berwick, who recently ran a line from his set in his home across the lot to his father’s home, where he connected it to a headpiece on the horn of a phonograph. Now both families enjoy the concerts, each in its own living room, from one receiving set. Hess’s father and mother liked the radio, but the bad winter nights made them hug their own fireside, so young Hess and his wife decided to hook them up to their own receiving set. ALSO Governor Pinchot has signed the Jones Filled Milk Bill, which was fathered by Senator Edward E. Jones, of Harford. As a result of its enactment into a law, Sec. Frank P. Willits, of the State Department of Agriculture, has issued a warning that the manufacture, sale and exchange of all filled milks must cease before May 20. Retailers and wholesalers of filled milks are given 90 days in which to remove all such products from the market and to clean them from their shelves. [Filled milk is a term that classifies all varieties of milk that have been reconstituted with fats.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith