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March 28 1924/2024

Birchardville – The county loses one of her oldest and most highly regarded citizens in the death of Levi T. Birchard, which occurred at his home on March 18. He was one of the pioneers settling in Forest Lake township, Birchardville taking its name from the family. He was buried, with services in the Baptist church, on the 90th anniversary of his birth. Survivors are three sons, Selden and D. Fred, of Birchardville, Raymond of Portland, NY and two daughters, Miss Mattie Birchard and Mrs. Fred Dayton.

Ararat – The horse belonging to Maurice Stalker, recently injured in a run-away, is getting well and will fully recover.

New Milford – Fred Harding and George Chamberlin figured in an auto accident on the trail near Alford pond, when the steering gear on Mr. Harding’s car broke and narrowly missed going over a steep embankment and into the water. Neither was seriously injured. Mr. Chamberlin received a few cuts about the face when the sudden stop propelled him through the windshield and Mr. Harding had a few minor bruises. The car was considerably damaged.

East Lynn – Lloyd Bush and Ulysses Johnson are busy making maple syrup.

East Rush – Last Sunday Rev. Young held services at this point, for the first time since the first of January, on account of the neighborhood being quarantined for scarlet fever. There have been thirteen cases here. ALSO The death of John F. Swackhamer, March 11, at his home in Rush, came as a shock to his many friends and family, although he had been in poor health for some time.

South Auburn – P. M. Benninger accompanied his daughter, Mrs. Richard Merritt, to the Packer hospital, Sayre, where she expected to undergo an operation for appendicitis, but the operation was postponed when it was found she was also suffering from peritonitis.

Oakland – Mrs. Ella Sampson, wife of Lester Sampson, died at her home in Oakland on March 18. Before her marriage to Mr. Sampson, she was Miss Ella Harpur, of Harpursville, NY. She was a descendant of one of the leading pioneer families of the town, it being named after her grandfather. She is survived by one son, H. Vaughn Sampson, at home, and daughter, Mrs. Daniel Bonner, of Susquehanna.

Montrose – At a session of the Montrose Boro Council, bricks to complete the paving on Public Avenue were ordered from Bangor, Pa., and are expected to arrive any day. They are of identical size and quality as those for the Lake avenue work, received last week. The bricking of these streets may be started as soon as the snow is off the ground and it is estimated the bricking may be completed in six days. ALSO Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Caterson, of Sanitaria Springs, NY, formerly of this place, were here to see their grandson, Donald Caterson, who has been quite ill. He is the physician in charge of the Cancertorium of Sanitaria Springs, formerly the Dr. Kilmer Cancertorium, of Binghamton. ALSO The Merchants Telephone Co. has purchased the building on Church Street, known as the “Reynolds Egg Building,” which the company will occupy, moving from the Slatter building.

Dimock – J. F. Warnick, our harness maker and shoe repairer, is more than busy in his shop daily, not having time to call on friends for a social chat. ALSO Earl Barnes, of the Cope farm, who was inured by a thug in a hold-up on the trail near Alford, last week, was injured more seriously than was thought at first. He was carried to his home in Brooklyn where he is yet suffering from internal injuries.

Uniondale – Howard Johns, who for a number of years has been a leading [wood] shipper from this point, is about to engage in business at Long Eddy, NY. He has about circled Elk hill in his lumber operations.

Hop Bottom – Henry Lindsey, an aged veteran of the G. A. R. [Civil War] has been very ill for some time.

North Bridgewater – Mr. Bunnell is moving the barn on the farm formerly known as the Pettis farm, but owned now by G. C. Comstock, across the road on the part of the farm now owned by G. P. Sprout & Sons.

Lawton – The residence of John Millard was completely destroyed by fire, March 19. It caught fire from the chimney. Mr. Millard was working in the woods at the time the fire broke out and before they could reach home the flames had spread so that they were unable to save only the few household goods that Mrs. Millard got out. The loss was partly covered by insurance.

Forest City – The Northeastern PA Telephone Co is installing a new trunk line between here and Honesdale. It is a line by which through messages will be sent and will be hailed as an improvement over the present system. ALSO Earl Tourge was at Hallstead and assisted in placing wire for the Northeastern Telephone Co across the Susquehanna River at that point. ALSO Miss Alice Malia, graduate of Madame Sidonia French School of Beauty Culture, is prepared to give scalp and facial treatment in the latest modes. Manicuring and hair bobbing is a specialty. Call 604 for an appointment.

News Briefs – The fight against tuberculosis is to be waged in every county of Pennsylvania. Special efforts are to be directed towards the health of underweight children to detect tuberculosis in early stages. Mothers to be instructed in sanitary and hygienic practices. ALSO Bobbed hair is a sure means for causing baldness and so it will not be many years before the world is full of bald-headed women, said Joseph Byrne, editor of a beauty magazine, addressing the annual convention of the American Hairdressers association in New York recently. The vice-president of the association characterized bobbing the hair as the “greatest misfortune that has befallen women in recent years.” Hat makers, in order to conform to present day hair styles, have been obliged to make head bands exceedingly tight to keep the hats on, resulting in the death of the hair. ALSO If you want to sell your farm and expect quick results, list it with John Maday, the Polish Real Estate and Farm Agency in Scranton.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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