Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 27 1902/2002
Brookdale - The relatives and friends met with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fish to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, it being a surprise. Mr. Fish was away but returned in time for dinner. Had some grand music on organ and violin.
Auburn Corners - Some friends of J. W. Smith helped him celebrate his 80th birthday March 17th. The surprise was complete. AND Catherine (Beardsley) Whitaker, widow of C. H. Whitaker and one of the oldest residents of Susquehanna county, passed peacefully to her reward March 20. She was born in Middletown [Twp.], PA, Aug. 12, 1804. Her parents were among the pioneers in that locality and in early life she was subject to the toils and privations and dangers of frontier life. She was the last of nine brothers and sisters. She was the mother of seven children, four of them preceding her to the spirit world, and at the time of her death there were thirty-six grandchildren and thirty-one great-grandchildren.
Elk Lake - S. A. Young is building a house for the Scranton sporting club.
Montrose - Anne Wheatley, familiarly known as "Auntie" Wheatley, one of our oldest colored citizens, died this morning at 3 o'clock at her late residence. Death was due to old age. Just what her age was is not known, but it is believed that she was well toward the century mark. Her daughter, Mary, and a grand daughter, Mrs. Slaughter, survive her. AND A new memorial window in the chancel of St. Paul Episcopal Church, the gift of Mrs. Daniel Sayre in memory of her mother, will, it is expected, be installed by Tiffany & Company, NY, by Easter.
Birchardville - Randolph Turrell has one of the best plants for the manufacture of the finest maple sugar and syrup. He has 500 trees tapped, [and] one of the latest, improved evaporators, keeps everything connected with his plant scrupulously neat, and puts up his syrup in a 1 qt. glass cans, thus avoiding the possibility of rust and dirt, so common where tin is used year after year. We are told that the quality of Mr. Turrell's syrup is superior to all other makes, but the printers are expert judges of anything in the maple syrup line, and are awaiting an opportunity to test for themselves the quality of Mr. Turrell's product.
Steven's Point - It is reported that bluestone quarrymen at Steven's Point have discovered traces of coal.
Rush - A fine new organ has been placed in the M.E. church. AND Miss Minnie Woods and Mr. Oscar Hardic, both highly esteemed young people, were united in marriage last Wednesday evening.
Thompson - Lynn Spencer, of the Spencer Steam Heater Company, went to Chautauqua, Monday, to place a heater in a large boarding house.
Susquehanna - There is a rumor that the Binghamton Street Railway will be extended through to Susquehanna and Lanesboro, using water power from the electric plant to be established at Lanesboro.
Welsh Hill - Eber Burns, of Elkdale, was circulating a petition through this place last Monday requesting that a rural free delivery route be established, the proposed route to run from Uniondale to Tresco, thence to Tirzah, thence to Welsh Hill and back to Uniondale by way of Elkdale, covering a distance of about 20 miles and delivering mail once a day to all families on the route. Nearly everyone signed the petition and it is hoped the Postoffice Department will grant the request.
Springville - Ziba Lott, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the hospital at Sayre, came out successfully.
Jackson - Dr. Cole, of Jackson, who has an extensive tract of land in the South, will take a number of Jackson, Starrucca and Susquehanna people south to locate next summer, it is reported.
Glenwood - Mrs. Goss is elevating her chickery above [the] high water mark, as the late floods came near drowning her hens. They were imprisoned for two or three days. AND D. N. Hardy entertained a company on Saturday evening to a warm sugar social. D. N. is [a] genial good fellow, a boy with the boys and a man among men.
Fairdale - H. B. Downer will move to Binghamton about the first of April. Sorry Len is going away. Jessup will miss a good citizen. He has bought a milk route. AND Read Very moved his household goods to Montrose on Monday and shipped them to Pittston where he expects to take up his residence for the present. He is another good boy gone. At that rate how long will it take to clean us out of good fellows?
Brooklyn - Mrs. Isadore McKinney died at her home Feb. 12, 1902, age 53 years. The intimate relation long held by our deceased sister with the members of Lieut. Rogers' Post, No. 143, G.A.R., render it proper that we should place on record our appreciation of her active and zealous work in all matters of interest connected with the Post. Sister McKinney's father, Lemuel Richards, two brothers, Charles and Joseph Richards, and her husband, E. N. McKinney, were all soldiers in the Civil War, and her son, Harry, was a soldier in our late war.
News Briefs - The furniture factory of G. N. Johnson & Son, at LeRaysville, recently destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt. AND "Big Jim," the Ross Park bear, woke up and came out of his hole in Binghamton a few days ago, after enjoying a snooze of 117 days. AND While over in Iowa last week we learned that every farmer who had a wire fence owned his private telephone line. The top wire on the fences are connected by running a wire on the poles across roads and gateways, thereby connecting one farm with another. The expense is inconsequential.It has also been demonstrated that telegraph wires can be used for telephone purpose without any interference or interruption whatever, one with the other. The wire can be used for both purposes at the same time. [Kearney Democrat] AND Gov. Stone has issued a proclamation designating April 4th and 18th as Arbor days. The proclamation stated that the recent floods show the need of forest preservation in Pennsylvania.
Compiled By: Betty Smith