Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 26 1909/2009
Montrose - Clarence A. Dawley, son of S. A Dawley, has been in Bucyrus, Ohio several weeks working out his ideas of a "newcycle" gas engine and feels at this time that he has accomplished his idea in engine development. The work of erecting the engine has been conducted for the inventor by the Carrol Foundry and Machine Co., under the superintendency of John Schott. The future of the engine bids fair to be very bright and ought to prove a popular one since it is of a popular size and develops reliable power. AND Dr. Wm. Lee Richardson was born at Harford in 1815 and died here on March 19. He graduated from Jefferson College in Philadelphia in 1847 and in his long and successful practice he was highly honored by both County, State and International Medical Societies. He was a faithful and conscientious physician, decided, almost brusque at times, yet kind hearted, a lover of children.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Spring is here. Woodchucks are out.
Susquehanna - Miss Teresa M. Ryan has gone to Scranton, where she will enter Mount St. Mary's Seminary, to become a Sister of the Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Lakeside, New Milford Twp. - Graduating exercises of the Lakeside graded school will be held at Lakeside on Friday evening, April 2. The class is composed of Misses Bernice E. Ace, Pauline Tiffany and Walter R. Mosher.
Rush - R H. Hillis has sold his hotel here to Silas Kintner, a traveling man who has been with Bean & Co., of Binghamton, several years. He takes possession April 1.
Dimock - Fikes Brothers are doing a large business here, sawing lumber, judging by the way that the lumber is drawn away from the mill daily.
Thompson - Owen, the fourteen year old son of Thomas Julley, near Wrighter's Lake, accidentally hurt his knee a couple of weeks ago, not seriously it was thought, but after a few days it began to pain him, the doctor was called, then a counsel of doctors, but he died Friday morning, his suffering being intense.
South Montrose - John Holley's family is cleaning house and preparing to return home. They have been away two weeks, while their house was cleaned after the scarlet fever.
New Milford - The New Milford Home Talent Minstrel company will give two entertainments at the Opera House this week, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Tickets will be on sale at Blair's drug store.
Uniondale - Julius Sheibley has killed eight foxes this season. He and his son, Leon, are quite hunters and trappers but the boys think that Leon will be obliged to bait his trap with something besides a chub to catch a Vanderbilt. Try a duke or count, Leon.
Great Bend - The funeral of Seth B. Munson was held in Grace Episcopal church on Friday. He would have been 88 years of age on the first of April. He was a veteran of the Civil War [Pvt. Co. B, 58th Regt., PA Vols.] and had a shoe shop here for many years. He is survived by his wife and one son, James, and one sister.
North Harford - Sidney F. Osmun has made some fine looking violins, and they sound fine too.
Forest City - Tracy Wescott and Miss Edith Chapman, of Peckville, were married at Lisle, N.Y., March 10th by the bride's brother, the Rev. Albert Chapman, of that place. Mr. Wescott was formerly a Forest City young man.
Brooklyn - Our stage driver, Winn Tiffany, has had a telephone placed in his residence.
Springville - Last Tuesday morning George W. Fletcher was taken suddenly ill and a telephone call came for medical aid, but it proved of no avail, his death coming with the early dawn. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having been a member of Company C, 203d P.V. and his age was 80 years. Five sons survive. Funeral at Strickland Hill Church.
Brandt - The little town of Brandt has secured a hat factory, which is soon to be opened in the building formerly used for a chair factory and will employ at the outset about 100 persons.
Laceyville, Wyoming Co. - When Prof. Clayton Kellar, principal of the Laceyville High School, sat down in a pond of water which had been poured in his chair, was he justified in using a ruler on Edith Russell, a 19 year old pupil, when he found that she had constructed the lake? This is the question now agitating Laceyville. All agree that the professor had good excuse for losing his temper, but many think he acted a little hastily in punishing Miss Russell. At any rate the April grand jury will have to wrestle with the question. The professor was arrested, charged with assault and battery. According to the pupils in Miss Russell's class, the incident happened a few days ago. Prof. Kellar's chair originally was plump and nice, but his generous proportions have depressed it until they lent themselves admirably to the lock canal scheme. He stepped out of the room a moment and in his absence some one filled the leather ditch with water. Prof. Kellar noticed a suppressed titter when he returned, but paid no special heed to it. He finally sat down and hit the water with a splash. Naturally there wasn't room enough for both on that chair. One had to move and it was the water. The titter was now a roar. He rose to the surface and quietly backed out of the room, leaving a damp trail behind him. Several of the favorite boys rushed to his aid with stacks of blotters and after a while he returned with ruler in hand and made direct for Miss Edith. Eye witnesses say what followed was fearful. He didn't say "hold out your hand" as teachers usually do, but helped himself and as a result she is black and blue in several spots. Prof. Kellar is only a few years her senior and they have met in a social way many times.
News Brief - The farmer is beginning to show great advancement in the matter of providing his home with modern conveniences. The long prevalent idea that the farmer provided better for his horses and cattle than he did for his wife and children is being abolished. Today the farmer is adding luxuries and improvements to his well kept and finely furnished home that even the better class of business and professional men can ill afford. Nearly every prosperous farmer has furnace heat and a bathroom in his home, things which were a rarity ten or twenty years ago. The lighting problem is now being considered and many have installed acetylene plants and find them a great convenience. An interesting article on the subject should be read by all who contemplate doing away with the fast disappearing kerosene lamp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith