Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 25 1904/2004
Montrose - Last Friday night was one of considerable excitement, it being the night set for a special meeting of Rough & Ready Hose Co. No. 1 [and] at 8:30 o'clock there were only four members in sight. These [men] being quite enthusiastic over the meeting, agreed to ring the bell until more came and they did come in "bunches." A highly esteemed citizen thinking the long continued ringing of the fire bell meant that there was a fire down town, notified the man at the electric light plant to blow the whistle, which he did. This was followed by the L.&M. locomotive whistle and pandemonium reigned and the fire companies turned out ready for business. Some of the members of the companies became somewhat disturbed over the matter, but they must allow that No. 1's had the largest turn-out to a fire meeting ever held in Montrose.
Heart Lake - The people at Heart Lake recently built a pretty little Methodist church and now they are going to have a parsonage. W. A. Brown and wife have given a nice lot.
Great Bend - Harry G. More has accepted the position on the Binghamton Republican, formerly held by City Editor Charles Baldwin, of the Binghamton Press. Mr. More, for the present, retains his interest in the Great Bend Plaindealer.
Glenwood - A drawing for a watch was held at the home of Monroe Rought, Friday evening. The lucky number was held by John Raleigh. After the drawing the company skipped the light fantastic toe and supper was served. AND The prospects for a large crop of legal proceedings is very favorable in this section the coming season.
Brooklyn - Brooklyn has a free library, furnished by the state commission. It is kept at A. S. Waldie's and is open Monday and Friday afternoons.
Clifford - T. J. Wells has taken back the Hotel Gardner property that he contracted to H. Watres a year ago and the said property is to be occupied by Charley Day after April 1, 1904. Charley is a very clever, obliging and industrious fellow; we wish him success.
Uniondale - Miss Nell Clancy narrowly escaped being seriously burned while visiting her sister at Susquehanna last week. Her sister's clothing accidentally taking fire, Miss Clancey hastened to her assistance and succeeded in extinguishing the flames. Both escaped without serious injury, although somewhat burned.
Franklin Forks - Two more of the McGee family have the smallpox. Mrs. McGee is quite seriously ill. The boys had it in much milder form. AND Daniel Webster, who has been taking a course in steam engineering in the Correspondence School, of Scranton, will go to Plainsboro, NJ, the first of April, to take charge of the engine on the Walker Gorden farm, which is superintended by Henry Jeffers, of Harford.
Quaker Lake - A. E. Cole, formerly creameryman at West Lathrop, has moved his goods and family here, where he expects to run a creamery.
Herrick Centre - W. Scott Ogden has bought E. M. Parker's interest in the blacksmith shop.
Hopbottom - The traction engine hauling over six tons of condensed milk from Brooklyn to Hopbottom, broke through the stone bridge that covers the sluice on their way to the station, Monday, causing them to work till about two o'clock Tuesday morning before they could get it out. AND Mrs. Mary Carpenter has moved over on the east side of the railroad track where she is prepared to do dressmaking.
Susquehanna - William Kelly, an old Erie employee, met death suddenly in the roundhouse on Monday afternoon. While in a pit under a car, an engine started the car and Kelly was instantly crushed to death; his age was 73 years; he had no near relatives and boarded at Barnes' hotel. AND A leap year party was held in the parlors of the Oakland Methodist church on Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Society.
Silver Lake - Some welcome signs of spring; the blue birds and robins are again with us, and the roads open and travel resumed in [on] them--instead of through fields, as has been the case for the last four months. AND Arthur Hays, who has conducted a store at Laurel Lake, has left to take charge of a store he has purchased at Castle Creek, NY.
South Gibson - Norton Fancher, of Harford, has opened a barber shop in Hotel Lewis.
Harford - E. M. Watson's store was broken into on Saturday night and the usual amount of clothing and cigars was taken.
Rush - Some of our business men have been busy breaking ice in the creek to form a channel in hopes to avoid flooding the flat and mill-dam. AND David Shadduck is moving his household goods to the Vandyke building.
New Milford - Alonzo Barrett, an old veteran who recently moved from Lakeview to Lakeside will, about April 1, become postmaster at that place. Mr. M. Hayden, who has conducted a store at Lakeside and been the postmaster for several years, will retire and return to New Milford to reside. AND Glenn Dean, the young man who lost his left arm in a railroad [accident] last week, is improving finely. He is able to sit up a short time each day.
News Brief - The winter here has been the severest in 20 years and on a branch of the Lacka-wanna, from Alford to Montrose, it was felt the worst. This is a short road in the mountain region, and it took the crew 4 1/2 hours to run ten miles. Time after time they were stalled in the snow, and it took the combined efforts of the section crews and passengers to shovel out the drifts. When the train reached Montrose orders were issued not to attempt the down trip until the snow plow went over the road. When the snow plow reached Alford late in the evening it was ascertained that the crew did not know the location of the crossings on the L & M division. It was after midnight when the agent at Montrose was told to summon John Casey and his men, and told to take an engine and go to Alford to pilot the crew of the snow plow. Casey told them the engine could not go to Alford. He was told to take his hand-car and go. Casey telegraphed, "Impossible." "Can you get there any way?" was the next query. Casey's reply was that the turnpike was blocked with snow, but that he could drive on the track to Heart Lake, and there was no grade crossing between Alford and Heart Lake. Then were issued these unique "meeting orders:" "Conductor, snow plow, Alford. Proceed to Heart Lake with snow plow. Meet Casey with horse and cutter there. E.M.R." "Casey, Montrose. With horse and cutter proceed to Heart Lake and meet snow plow. E.M.R." Casey reached Heart Lake two hours ahead of the snow plow. So hats off to Casey, his horse and cutter. (John J. Wade in Locomotive Firemen's Magazine)
Compiled By: Betty Smith