Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
March 24 1905/2005
Springville - Elaborate preparation is being made by the high school graduates for the commencement exercises, which are to be held in the evening of April 5th. The graduates will also have a banquet, April 2d. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. Williams, of Auburn, on the evening of April 5th. Graduates are: Mabelle E. Stark, Charles W. Lee, Addison W. Lyman, C. Audley Stark, Wade A. Brink, Glenn L. Voss, Myra H. Fish, Sadie F. Rogers, C. Leon Thomas, Vannie M. Wilson, Halford Culver, Ernest C. Deubler, Bessie U. Smith, William Turrell.
Clifford - Our tin shop has turned out a lot of sugar-making utensils lately.
Laurel Lake - The ladies of this place met with Mrs. G. C. Hill this week, Thursday. Sewing carpet rags was the order of the day. AND Clarence Hill, of this place, and Fred Gage, of Binghamton, are repairing the cottages at Quaker Lake that they may be ready for occupancy the coming summer.
Wyalusing, Bradford Co. - An ordinance passed by the Wyalusing council makes it cost a man one dollar for spitting on the sidewalk. Two dollars [for the] second offence.
Susquehanna - Jas. Paye's elegant big barn and livery stable, on Church hill, was burned early yesterday morning, caused by an overheated stove. The loss was large. He carries $2000 insurance with Lathrop and Titsworth. It was necessary to remove the furniture from Mr. Paye's residence. Had it not been for the snow on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, the conflagration might have been a very serious one.
Montrose - Harry W. Beach has purchased a fine new White touring car, made in Cleveland, which is of higher horsepower than his present machine. Percy Ballentine also intends buying two new cars this spring--one of which will be of 25 horsepower, while the other will be more ostensibly for short trips and will be less powerful. Attorney W. D. B. Ainey is also considering buying a swifter machine than his present one and with the advent of summer our residents will probably see "Cap" defying all speed regulations on the Grow Avenue boulevard. H. E. Cooley is among the prospective purchasers, too, and would dispose of his neat runabout and purchase a larger and speedier one if the opportunity offered. Mr. Cooley made over 2,000 miles in his auto last summer and the total expense for repairs was covered by a few dollars, which may well be considered a remarkable record as well as a remarkable machine. There are others who have the "craze" and it is quite likely several more new machines will be seen on our streets (or in ditches) the coming season.
Brooklyn - The death of Dr. Chamberlain occurred early Tuesday morning. The doctor was an old resident of Brooklyn and was widely known and esteemed as a physician and citizen. AND In Alford, Sherman Ralph, the Alford blacksmith, will soon move to this place and work for E. E. Lewis.
Harford - Ira Osmun, of this place, who has served as a member of the hospital corps, U.S.A., in the Philippines for three years, was honorably discharged at San Francisco, and is home once more. During his stay on the islands he saw some service, also was sick with typhoid fever. He has a genuine bolo, which he brought back, and a collection of other relics.
Glenwood - Sugar camps are in full operation. It makes good syrup to eat but Oh the trials of the sap-boilers. We can assure you it is no picnic to stand 18 hours out of the 24 to keep the sap boiling.
Middletown - Edward Kelly, one of Middletown's oldest citizens, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Maloney, March 9.
Hallstead - W. H. Austin has traded his fine residence on the West Side with H. J. Deakin for his farm in Franklin, which is one of the finest farms in the township. Mr. Austin will move his family to their new home on April 1st.
Rush - This is a list of some of the families which are moving in or out of [the] neighborhood: Ray Daugherty is moving near LeRaysville, Ed Donlin goes from the poor farm to Meshoppen and a Mr. Brown, of Forest Lake, comes to the A. & R. [Auburn & Rush] poor asylum. Elia Jones to Rush, Mrs. W. A. LaRue to Rush and Mr. Shaner, of Elk Lake, on her farm. John Gardner to Shannon Hill, [the] Will Severcools move to Auburn and James Robinson to the Risley farm, near Springville. James Bishop to the Grow farm near Auburn 4 Corners and M. H. Crisman and family move to Meshoppen. Clarence A. White and wife run the store here and H. R. Bertholf and wife move from the store building to Hallstead where he will take another store.
Forest City - W. F. Yarrington has resumed his duties as mail agent on the Erie Flyer, after nearly a year's absence on account of injuries received in the wreck at Uniondale. AND George Simons, for some months employed in McGrath's barber shop and Thomas Francis, the versatile young gentleman who this winter has been "soapin'em up" for Richard Gray, are negotiating for the purchase of Truman Sprague's barber shop in the Osgood building. Just at present the business has been put "hors de combat" by a landlord's warrant, but Mr. Sprague expects to emerge from his difficulties this week and then the young men will take charge. Here's luck to them.
Ararat - George Burman called on his numerous friends here Thursday, soliciting the ages of the "three score years and ten." AND The Erie yard in this place has resumed operations and a force of men are again employed therein.
South Gibson - John H. Pritchard, candidate for sheriff subject to the Republican nominating convention, was fixing his political fences in Forest City on Monday. Mr. Prichard has many friends who hope he may be successful in capturing the nomination he seeks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith