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March 22 1895/1995

Uniondale – Some of the boys of our town went to an oyster supper at West Herrick a few nights ago, and must have had a loud time by Truman’s report.

Kingsley – D. I. Tompkins wishes to thank the following persons who so kindly went to his house and cut, split and piled some twenty cords of wood for him; Bert Adams, Warren Elmer Ellsworth, Earl Lewis, Chris Tiffany, Frank Tiffany, Parrish Tiffany, Geo. Tompkins, Otis Baker, Nel. Tiffany, Jack Wright, Frank Steere, Tom Wescott, Doctor Birch, Will Jones, John Sullivan, Henry Allan. He also wishes to thank Mrs. Earl Lewis and Mrs. Parrish Tiffany, who assisted his wife. Such Deeds of kindness sow the seeds of everlasting friendship.

Franklin – It is too bad the roads are in such awful shape, as some of the fellow have to take along their lanterns to see their girls home.

Susquehanna – Susquehanna business men are planning to organize a local telephone company.

Montrose – It is an “ill snow that blows nobody good.” L.B. Pickett realizes this fact. The long spell of sleighing this winter has been a harvest for the cutter business and the farm sled. Mr. Pickett has done a rushing business and his Tubular sleds and cutters have been in great demand, stood the test for durability and comfort with perfect satisfaction to the inventor and the user. To use the words of a well known resident, “They are the best on earth.” AND The phonographic entertainment given in the High School building last Friday evening by Messrs. Pope & Hall, of Susquehanna, was a success. Mr. Pope first described the construction of the photograph after which a program of songs, instrumental selections, speeches, etc., was faithfully re-produced by the instrument. At the close of the entertainment an opportunity was given to examine the machine and was taken advantage of by many. The net proceeds to the school were $11.

Silver Lake – A new driver again on this route, but still the same old cutter and horse. It is time to give the old things a rest.

North Jackson – E.O. Mattison has new designs in wall paper for the spring in side ceilings and borders and is prepared to hang the same in an artistic manner.

Jackson – Col. Telford, of Susquehanna, passed through town last Saturday as funeral director for the late Mrs. Woodward. On his return he stopped and “took in” the G.A.R. meeting at Roberts Hall, The “boys in blue” gave the Col. a hearty greeting.

Union Hill – Mr. and Mrs. H. Abel and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Chamberlin and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelvin Empet, visited at Chas. Empets on the evening of the 14th inst., for a jolly time, and they had it.

Gibson – A ten pound boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Evans on Friday, March 8th. The mother and baby are very smart. And Dave is still smarter, being so overjoyed that he is now able ti step to the tune of ’95.

Harford - U. Sloat had the misfortune to have his grist mill broken so badly that he had to send it away for repairs. He will be out of the use of it two or three weeks.

News Brief – The sun has greatly diminished the bulk of the snow withing the past few days but there is yet plenty of it on our streets, and it is said that in the woods round about it is 18 to 20 inches deep on the level. We have had almost one hundred days of continuous sleighing, but the end is near “we hope” and a few wagons have made their appearance. The Narrow Gauge was seven hours late last Monday due to the filling in of cuts by the snow which fell on Sunday.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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