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March 20 1908/2008

Montrose - The unassuming little trefoil, the shamrock, had its day of special recognition on Tuesday. The little streamers of green fluttering from the coat lapel, the green cravats worn by many, whether sons of Erin or not, or the small silk green flag in the home picturing "the harp that once thro' Tara's halls," told the story of "St. Patrick's Day 08, in Montrose," and there was no other demonstration marking the day. To the Editor's sanctum a few sprays of genuine shamrock, from Ireland, found its way, with the compliments of Miss Mary Gilmartin of this place. Miss Gilmartin received a package from her old home in Ballina, Mayo county, pulled from the old sod by her brother, Thomas, who owns a large estate there. A number of postcards received giving pleasant home-land views, are greatly prized by Miss Gilmartin.

Forest City - The physicians of Forest City have organized a local medical society and [have] underway a number of prosecutions for alleged violations of the law prohibiting the practice of medicine by those not qualified.

Oakley - A large, able-bodied tramp, called at several houses here on Monday, asking for something to eat and after getting dinner twice, evidently made up his mind to ply his trade farther from a telephone line.

Rhiney Creek, Liberty Twp. - Mrs. E. J. Fish attended the Stanfordville Ladies' Aid Society at the Baptist parsonage in Hallstead last Saturday. Owing to the fact that lumber wagons were the carryalls and the road over the hill in a "snowbank then mud hole" condition, the trip was not entirely without adventure. Dinner was served to 62 people.

Lakeside - During the absence of Pearl Barrett Saturday, some unknown persons entered his house and robbed the house of all they could find to eat, including two dozen eggs. They must have had Easter in view.

Lawsville - Thirty-two couples attended the leap year oyster supper at Creamery hall, Mar. 13, and all report a good time.

Great Bend - Francis Kane was severely injured about the head by falling off a train near the Erie station about 6:30 Saturday night, and wandered about in a dazed condition until found about 8 o'clock. He was removed to his home and Dr. A. F. Merrill dressed his injuries. At this writing he is rapidly improving. A number of young men have been injured here by jumping on trains, and all maimed for life.

Rush - The Kinney sale, near the Rush poorhouse on March 12, proved to be a warm day; the crowd was so large it looked like campmeeting. Six fell down in the slush, but when Frank Gray and Will Lowe (with his Sunday go to meeting clothes on, who is up visiting from Pittston) went down in the barnyard slush, along with the baptism of Silas Smith, and Auctioneer Cox's story of the politicians, who were present in great numbers-all of this kept the crowd in an uproar of laughter. It was a large sale, good prices, and everybody thought it would at least take two days, but Auctioneer Cox was there with the mustard, and was through at 5 p.m.

Brooklyn - J. M. Whitman, the contractor, has traded his house and lot at Lindaville for the large building, formerly owned by Mr. Shumard at Mack's Corners, and will take the building down and use it in building several fine cottages on Maple street, if he can secure the land.

South Gibson - Fred Chamberlain has purchased H. D. Pickering's furniture store on Clifford street.

Elk Lake - On Tuesday the house of Sam Carlin was destroyed by fire, with its entire contents. The family was away from home at the time. There was a small insurance. The family moved into M. L. Biesecker's house.

Dimock - Dixie, a Collie owned by the Woodhouse family, near Cope's Lake, is dead. Dixie was in his 19th year and had many friends in adjoining towns as well as here.

New Milford - The Shields Stone Co. has abandoned all its stone quarries in this vicinity and the machinery and derricks are being taken out.

Ararat - During the thunder storm Sunday afternoon, March 15, lightning struck the big stock barn of L. D. Brooks, splintering it from top to bottom, but doing no further damage excepting a good shaking up in general. Mr. Brooks was in the barn, having just closed a door, and the lightning came down a board not more than eight feet away.

Dimock - The woman who sent to Sears-Roebuck for a man on trial, expects him to arrive now in a few days.

Herrick Centre - The removal of the flyer, the early morning train, is universally deplored and causing great inconvenience to the traveling public.

Friendsville - The following item of interest, especially to the early settlers of Friendsville, appeared in the Philadelphia Standard and Times of March 14th: J. M. Donnelly, one of the pioneers of Choconut, Pa., has passed to his reward, in the 88th year of his age. Mr. Donnelly was well known in Scranton, where he spent the greater part of his life, and in almost every town and hamlet of Susquehanna county, his honesty, generosity and true Irish wit are proverbial. His funeral was largely attended from the Church of the Holy Family in Scranton. The remains were then taken to Friendsville and laid to rest in St. Francis Xavier's cemetery that contains the graves of the parents of the poet Griffin. The deceased is survived by three sons, Edward and Joseph of Buffalo, NY, and John of Connellsville, PA; also by two daughters, Miss Mary Donnelly of Scranton and Sister M. William, of the Immaculate Heart Convent, at Centralia, Pa.

News Brief: The small boy with his pockets chock full of marbles is a sure harbinger of spring.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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