Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 20 1903/2003
Brooklyn - C. A. Corson's saw and feed mill near Brooklyn, together with the contents, was entirely destroyed by fire yesterday morning at about three o'clock. Sleighs, wagons, lumber, feed, etc., besides valuable machinery, composed the contents. Several small outbuildings were burned at the same time. There was no insurance, and the origin of the fire is a mystery. AND The oldest inhabitants report the month of March so far to be the warmest they ever remember. Mercury stood last Sunday, 64 degrees in the shade.
Montrose - The soda water season opened Tuesday and many were treated to a surprise in having the price per glass advanced from five to ten cents. The dealers claim that they are losing money in the making of this delightful summer drink. Montrose soda water is noted for its excellence and undoubtedly the profits are not large, as it assuredly surpasses that made in the cities. Our sympathy, nevertheless, is with the small boy. AND The thermometer registered over 70 degrees in the shade here yesterday, March 19, 1903. Paste that in your scrapbook.
Kingsley - Kingsley people want eight months of school, instead of seven as heretofore.
Heart Lake - The Cutler Bros., of Binghamton, have bought 8,000 tons of ice at Heart Lake. AND Mr. Cook, of Cook Brothers, of Binghamton, meat dealers, have lumber on the ground to commence a new cottage at Heart Lake, at once.
Forest City - A National Protective Legion has been organized at Forest City. They are successfully working in many neighboring towns and greatly benefiting the citizens in the places located.
Susquehanna - A Susquehanna minister, a few days ago, narrowly escaped being drenched by an irate person who was throwing a pail of water on some noisy youngsters playing marbles. It was a Baptist preacher, too. AND Frederick D. Lyons, Susquehanna county's oldest merchant, on Saturday celebrated his 84th birthday. He has been in business continuously in Susquehanna for 46 years and in Lanesboro ten years proceeding.
Hop Bottom - Canfield Stone will retire from the hotel business the first of April, he having leased his hotel to E. A. Sweet, of Gibson. Mr. Stone began hotel business in Rush twenty years ago. About eleven years ago he purchased the Niver House at Nicholson, which he ran successfully for two years. Nine years ago he bought the Foster House of Charley Kellum. "Can" is a natural hotel man being genial and accommodating. He is also quite a power in county politics. Mr. Stone will continue to reside here, he having rented rooms over the furniture store. He is a lover of outdoor sports and spends a portion of his time on the water and in the woods. One of his trophies is the head of the largest pickerel ever caught in this section.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. - Prof. Elmer Clapper and scholars of the Jersey Hill singing school, will give a concert on Thursday evening, March 19. AND In Auburn Centre the house of Mrs. Caroline Carlin, with its entire contents, was destroyed by fire, Thursday night, March 12. Cause unknown, but supposed to have been of incendiary origin. No insurance.
South Gibson - A shadow social and free entertainment, consisting of vocal and instrumental music by the M.E. choir and band, will be held in the McMacmara [sp?] Hall on Tuesday evening, March 24. Ladies are requested to bring lunch for two. Proceeds for new books for the choir.
Harford - It is with sorrow that we learned of the death of Mrs. P. H. Hawley. She leaves, besides a husband, five children, three of whom are under three years of age. AND Mumps are raging in Harford.
Jackson - Miss Nora Pickering, who was born in Jackson, has been appointed postmaster of Peckville, PA.
Glenwood - Harry Potter will work his father's farm the coming season. As Harry has taken unto himself a life partner, his prospects for the future look bright indeed. AND Daniel Rought, who was hurt by the explosion, is gaining rapidly under the care of Dr. Decker.
Choconut - The stockholders of the Crystal Spring creamery have employed Mr. Rogers to take charge of the creamery for the coming season.
North Branch, Middletown Twp. -Babe Avis and Miss Cora Owens attended the dance at Delbert Camp's, in Middletown Centre.
News Briefs - The ice went out on Heart Lake on Thursday; also on Forest Lake. J. T. Potts, of Lakeside, says ice has not yet disappeared on Lakeside. AND With birds caroling, flowers blooming, and mud and mildness on every hand, the question arises as to what had become of the "terrible month of March." Some of the weather-wise say we will soon see people again riding in sleighs and the mercury only ten degrees above zero. AND Many a boy has made a good impression when he did not even know he was being watched. Business men are continually watching the boys. If they see one boy come out of a saloon with a cigarette between his lips, and another with a clean collar on coming out of a Sunday School, it does not take long for them to decide which one of the boys they want to employ. Many business and professional men do a great many things themselves they don't want their boys to do. The great trouble with the average boy of today is his big head. AND The Wilkes-Barre men who were planning for a railroad from Williamsport to Binghamton, via Wyalusing, Birchardville, St. Joseph, Choconut and Vestal, took out a Pennsylvania charter for a road from Williamsport to the New York state line at Vestal, under the name of the Binghamton and Southern railroad. They also secured a charter covering the 15 miles from Binghamton to Vestal, under the name of the Broome Co. Railroad Co. [They have] capitol [of] $450,000 to hitch onto the line they have already had chartered in Pennsylvania. Hence, it is evident they have no intention of abandoning their project.
Compiled By: Betty Smith