Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 2 1894/1994
Harford - On Tuesday evening about 200 people attended the campfire of the S.O.V. [Sons of Veterans], the G.L. Payne Camp, in Odd Fellow's Hall. At 8 o'clock Capt. F.A. Osborne called the house to order and introduced Dr. A.T. Brundage as the speaker of the evening. The Dr. gave an enthusiastic, patriotic address. After which I. Morgan gave us the "Banner Song”. Mr. Morgan is from South Gibson. He sang many songs, both comic and patriotic, and each time was heartily encored. Miss Sibina Morgan also favored us with a song, entitled "All Hail, Columbia." After the following recitations, "Sheridan's Ride,” E.O. Follet; “Snyder's Ride," David Michael; "Deacon Brown's Courtship," E.D. Smith; and a duet, "Starved in Prison," by Misses Lena Payne and Bernice Tallman, all were invited upstairs to partake of hart tack, coffee and baked beans. All had a pleasant time. Proceeds $26.
Franklin Forks - A quilting at Mrs. L.W. Palmer's on Wednesday. The quilt, and another one, is to be sold at auction on the night of the supper at Lindsley's Hall.
Thompson - A man in Ararat has sold 190 carloads of ice for one dollar a load.
Clifford - Owen Greene and M.D. Abets are the champion wood and log sawyers. Get them to saw your wood for the coming season.
Auburn Corners- Master Guy Titman on Saturday while riding his pony was thrown off on his head. He was soon after picked up for dead, but after a short time rallied and is now well with the acceptance of a sore head.
Springville - When you are in town just drop in a Kilt's tin store and look over his stock. Here you can find evaporators, and you will need one when you begin maple sugar making this spring. AND Kills does not write these item either, if his name does appear occasionally. AND Dr. Grattan attended two weddings one day last week and thinks that he feels younger for it. We certainly think that his step is a little more elastic and his eye a little brighter than before.
South Gibson - The oyster supper given in the church rooms the evening of the 22d netted $18. The lecture given at the same time by our pastor, Rev. G.C. Jacobs. "Why we laugh” was highly appreciated.
William’s Pond [Bridgewater Twp] - The mercury registered 24 degrees below zero last Sunday morning, the coldest of the season so far.
New Milford - Canawacta Lodge. I.O.O.F. of New Milford Wednesday evening of last week selected N. Bradley as master of ceremonies. Several vocal selections were rendered. Miss Nay Bradley charmingly rendered two difficult recitations and Miss Dora Plummer caused ripples and merriment and pleasure by her clever whistling. After the entertainment supper was served at the Jay House.
Susquehanna - A large number of wild cats have recently been killed in this vicinity. The Wilson bill has not interfered with the crop this year. AND The Erie has purchased ten more compound locomotives of the Baldwin locomotive works.
Compiled By: Betty Smith